14:The Exwires VS. The Naberius
Everyone was looking up at a three-headed Naberius. It had a disgusting stench like sulphur and it was drooling acid.
Shura noticed the acid then yelled "everyone! Get out of the way!"
Everyone moved and avoided the acid that dripped to the ground. But right after, the Naberius jumped from the tree and landed Infront of the exwires.
"Nii! Please help us!" Sheimi exclaimed to her little Greenman
"Nii!" He replied and created tree branches that surrounded the Naberius; locking it on the spot.
"Nice one Sheimi!" Rin exclaimed
"Just like last time" Bon happily added
But not long after, the Naberius roared and started to break the branches.
Everyone's smile turned into a frown.
Then Izumo exclaimed "Suguro! Miwa! Shima! Hurry and recite its Fatal Verse!"
"Right!" the three said in unison, then they started the passage.
Yukio was shooting at it while Izumo's familiars attacked as well. Shura stayed to the side and decided to only help out if things got out of hand. When the trio finished the passage, the Naberius roared in pain.
"Okumura! Now!" Bon exclaimed
"Yeah!" Rin replied while unsheathing his sword then being engulfed in blue flames. He jumped and sliced the Naberius in half.
The demon wasn't done yet though. The centre head Rin sliced was already starting to regenerate.
"Huh? Why's it still moving? We recited it's Fatal Verse!" Miwa asked
"Looks like the demon is more powerful then we thought." Yukio said.
"Well, I'm bringing you down! You hurt innocent people, and that's unforgivable!" Rin yelled at the demon, then stabbed it right through its centre; causing it to get engulfed in blue flames and disintegrating.
"Yes! We did it!" Shima exclaimed
Everyone relaxed and smiled at each other. Then Miwa said.
"Umm guys? Didn't the Naberius have three heads? I only saw two."
A bit after he said this, everyone heard a feminine voice yell
"Look out!"
Everyone turned around and coming straight at Bon was the Naberius, but with only one head. Bon didn't have time to move. It was coming too fast. But within a second, a black figure appeared in front of Bon and the Naberius stabbed the figure straight through the gut with its claw; making their feet slide back in the moist soil, but still keeping their ground.
Once everyone got a better look, their faces were filled with shock.
It was Ayana.
She stood there with the Naberius claw still piercing her stomach. Her tail drooped down as she coughed up some blood, but most the time her face was filled with anger towards the Naberius.
Ayana's purple eyes glowed as she grabbed the claw that was through her stomach and glared at the demon in front of her. Then she said
"Get...OUT OF MY FACE!!!!!" Right after saying this, from her palms that was still holding the Naberius came purple flames that engulfed the demon.
It cried in pain, then disintegrated. The claw through Ayana's stomach disappeared as well.
Ayana stood there while her back was facing the rest of the exwires who all just gazed at her with shocked faces.
Ayana wiped the blood that was on the side of her mouth with her hand. As she looked at the blood now on her hand. She slightly turned around, but didn't bother looking at the shocked group. Then Ayana looked at her stomach and pouted to herself
"Aww my shirt!" She looked at her black shirt which now had a hole from the Naberius stabbing her. "I liked this shirt..."
"A-are you kidding?!" Ayana looked at Bon who said this. "You literally have a hole through your stomach, and you're worried about you shirt?!
Ayana looked at the hole through her stomach and the blood around it. Then she blankly said
"Well. my stomach can heal. My shirt cannot."
Everyone sweat dropped.
"Hmm yep yep. That's true!" Rin said while nodding to himself and everyone except for Ayana,now looked at Rin and gave him a 'really?' Look. Then they sighed.
"Well. This should probably heal in a few hours" Ayana said referring to her stomach, and everyone looked back at her.
"but this probably isn't a very nice thing to look at, so maybe I'll put some Aloe on it.(A/N: if you didn't know; Aloe is a kind of leaf that helps with the acid the Naberius spits out. In the bathroom scene from the anime, when Paku got burnt, Sheimi used this. She calls it Mr.Sancho) if only I actually had some..."
Ayana started to walk around, and looked near the trees if Aloe was to be seen.
Nii started floating over to Ayana, then Sheimi whispered, but a little louder than a whisper.
"Nii! Wait!"
Nii didn't listen though. He continued to happily float to Ayana. Soon after, he landed on her shoulder.
"Hm? Oh hello there!" Ayana said to Nii.
"Nii!" Nii jumped up, and from his stomach came out Aloe.
"Oh! Aloe! Thank you!" Ayana thanked then Nii smiled at her.
Ayana took the Aloe, then skillfully wrapped it around the wound. Sheimi was the most shocked of her medical skills. Well... Everyone was shocked. And Nii happily went back to Sheimi.
Ayana suddenly remembered that she told Yukio she would leave them alone. But what could she do? She was just minding her own business, but came across the exwire group. And she knew someone was going to get hurt; and knowing that... You just have to do something!
So Ayana then said "umm well I should get going then."
Rin then called and said "wait! Are you going to be okay? You still have a hole through your stomach."
Then Ayana giggled a bit "like you haven't had a hole through you... I bet you have."
Rin blushed and looked away because what she said was true. And Seeing this reaction, Ayana knew she was right. So she gave a small smile and said
"That's just like you." Then, Ayana jumped up a tree and disappeared.
It was silent for a while until Shura spoke "well uhh... That was interesting."
"Yes... It was..." Yukio mumbled. Then he pushed that aside and said "well! We should get back since the jobs done!"
Everyone hesitatingly turned around and followed Yukio and Shura out of the forest.
As everyone made their way back to True Cross, no one spoke about what had just happened during their mission.
Shima was really tense about this. He was starting to lose it. Then he cracked and put his hands on his head.
"Uwaaa! Is no one gonna talk about what just happened back there?!"
"I know..." Izumo said "why did she do that though? She barely even knows us. And she's the one who was murdering the exorcist too..."
Then Rin said"she's a nice person! That's why she helped! And she never wanted to kill them... Her dad made her! But she's not going to do that anymore!"
"And how do you know that?" Izumo asked
"Well uhh" Rin scratched the back of his neck and glanced at Yukio. He nodded to him. "About a week ago... She came to our dorm and she told me..."
It was silent, then everyone except for Yukio and Rin of course yelled "what?!"
"Wait wait wait. That demon came to your dorm, and you didn't tell me or the Vatican?!" Shura questioned.
Yukio then said "we are sorry Shura-San, but there wasn't really anything to say. She came to visit Rin and when I came, Ayana-San said she'd leave us alone until we could fully trust that she means no harm."
"'There wasn't anything to say?!' That is a very big thing! Geez" Shura closed her eyes and furrowed her eyebrows. "I think I'm gonna have to report this..."
"Wait! But she really isn't going to do anything! Didn't you just see what she did?! She saved us! Especially Bon!" Rin said
"And how do you know she didn't just do that to gain our trust?" Shura asked.
Then Sheimi said "I believe Rin."
Everyone looked at Sheimi with confused looks. And Sheimi continued to look at Nii, who was happily sitting on the palm of her hands.
"Nii wouldn't have helped her if she didn't have a kind heart. So... I believe that she is a good person!" She gave the group a determined look.
Then Bon said"That's true... Greenmen normally only help the pure hearted. And she did save my life.... So... I believe you guys too!"
"Yeah, I do too. She saved Bon's life after all!" Shima said
"Yeah!" Miwa agreed.
"I don't really care what happens but... I guess I believe you too." Izumo said.
Shura watched as the Exwires United together. Then Yukio walked beside her and said "so? You okay with this? Shura-San?"
Shura stayed silent then smiled to herself. Then she said
"Yeah. I guess so."
A smile grew on Rin's face. Everyone had now accepted Ayana to be a good person!
But she wasn't even here to see it.
"But I would like to ask Ayana those questions still" Shura said
"Hmm that will be hard since we have no way of contacting her." Yukio said as he put his hand on his chin.
"Umm... Oh I know! How about we try this?" Rin turned around and everyone looked at him with confused faces
"What is he going to do?" Yukio murmured
Well there you go! What's Rin going to do??? Find out in the next chapter! ;) and the pic above is of course a picture of the Naberius! Just imagine it with 3 heads instead of 2. Well anyway!
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