Battle Time
Third person:
Each team got into their cornors. Waiting for the teacher to blow the whistle." ALRIGHT LISTEN UP EACH TEAM NEEDS A NAME I WILL GIVE YOU ONE MINUTE TO FIGURE ONE OUT STARTING, NOW" The Teams huddled together figuring out a name." ALRIGHT WHEN I CALL A PERSON FROM YOUR GROUP THEY WILL TELL YOUR TEAM NAME." every one nodded." Okay then Sasha." She stepped infromt of her group which was made of:
and Zane
," We are called the shadow knights."
," Okay now laruance."
Laruance was already in front of his team which consisted of:
," We are the Drop beats."
," Okay uhh Lucinda." ,lucinda walked infront of her group which had:
," We are Girl power." She did a Cute Pose at the end.," Okay and Aphmau."
Aphmau walked fowrad her group had:
," We are the Demon Squad."
," Okay okay now get ready." everyone got in a Fighting position,"Set,GO!!!" Everyone ran to the middle. Everyone had a ball so they were waiting for someone to throw. Death squad started with Sky and Max throwing balls at the girls team Getting kawaii~Chan, Kiki, and emmayln out. With only two balls. Katylen got mad and threw her ball only for ross to catch it and throw it at Michi. Shadow knights where circling the girls team But nicole and cadenze threw their balls getting Zane and Sasha. Eventually The Shadow knights were out. Now only Demon squad, Dead beat, and Girl power were left. The Drop beats Seprated which was a bad choice cause Travis and Dante got conered and out. Girl power stuck to gether and Demon squad broke into teams of two. Sky and barney, Ross and shelby, Aphmau and max. Red was all alone even when they insisted he join with one of their tag teams he said that he got it and sped off. But he was the first person on their team to get out. Aphmau was throwing balls at girl power when the Garroth took the opportunity to throw a ball at her. Max saw and ran and blocked the ball from her. She turned around and saw that max did this and got angry at garroth. She was alone and grabbed three balls throwing one at garroth and another at laurance. Both got out. As war waged on The only people left were Sky, Aphmau, lucinda, vlyad, and jeffory. Sky and Aphmau quickly got Lucinda out. Vlyad and Jeffory were scared and tried not to show it but for.magic users they could sense their fear. Filled aura. Sky and Aphmau took advantage getting them out and having taken down team Drop beat. Lucinda was not as scared but still was. ," you wanna?" Aphmau asked sky he nodded grabbed two balls one in case he missed. Threw it at Lucinda only for her to cheat and use magic. Thule teacher blew this whistle," LUCINDA YOUF OUT FOFLR CHEATING, TEAM DEMON SQUAD WINS." The other groups pouted. Team Demon Squad didn't care at all really about winning. DING DING. All kids left to go to their next class. Lunch!
Aphmau pov: ( it will mainly be her pov )
I entered the lunchroom and whispers grew. I ignored them and got my food. While I was walking to a empty table except for my friends I noticed a faint sound of steps. I kept walking until they where right behind me. I heard them lift something, Food I presume. I wait until I hear the slosh of it advancing to the end of the plate I move out of the way and pushed the tray on her shirt returning to my position as before. I hear Sasha gasp and I turn around and smirk," guess the world grants you misfortune." Still smirking I stop in between Barney and Shelby laughing and high fiving the group. We ate and talked." Well what class do you have next Ross." Just heard Shelby say," magic how about you." She replied," same anyone else have magic next." Shelby said excitement showing on the last word. I raised my hand and so did sky. Shelby sounded super.excited said," cool well let's get their early so we get good spots." She squeaked cause of how excited she got. We nodded threw our food away waved at max, red, and barney before leaving.
We had decided on a table in the back corner. Kids started to enter find a seat and sit down." Hello students.because it is the first day in a long summer we will show our power. Every kid went until it was my turn." Teacher can I do this with my siblings Ross and Shelby." The teacher nodded and we went to the front.everyone.know what we are doing? Yeah Jess how about you Shelby Yes how can I forget.
We each stood side by side to each other we.closed.our eyes opened them to reveal a dim eye that looked.demonic and scarey.I had a light blue eyes, Ross had red eyes, and Shelby had purple. They then things from their.hands pour it in a cup and drank it.
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