Water-make comrades
(Your point of view)
I opened my dreary eyes. That dream was weird... but it couldn't hurt to be a little softer. "I'm going to join a guild father," I called as I left my house. In my dream, I had joined the Fairy Tail guild. That's what I planned to make a reality. I felt like it was necessary. Dreams are not pointless; they all happen for a reason. Some reasons may consist of reading a magazine the previous night, but still. I opened the doors of the famous guild. I walked over to bar and was greeted by a familiar, white-haired girl.
"Hello, how can I help you?" She greeted politely. I believe she was in the magazine. "I'd like to join your guild," I replied. She nodded and said, "I'll go get the master." She returned with a short man. "You want to join, as I've been told. I would love to let you in, but your heart is not in the right place. You must defeat one of our stronger guild members to join, " the master explained. Why is life so difficult?
A pink haired boy came running up. He looked very familiar, yet I'm positive he wasn't in the magazine. "Hey, Gramps! Let me fight her! I'm all fired up!" He said excitedly. He looked at me and asked, "Do I know you? You look familiar..." I shook my head. "I don't believe so," I replied. The master cleared his throat. "I was going to have Erza do it, but as you wish." the old man stated. "Erza would kill her," the pink haired boy joked. We went somewhere away from the guild hall and town's people. I guess he's strong. Really strong. And destructive. "You're opponent shall be Natsu. Begin," the old man said. Natsu lunged at me. "Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" He yelled. A Dragon slayer? Of course! "This shall be interesting," I said as I evaded the attack. He kept throwing punches.
"Water-make snakes," I murmured. Water snakes formed and attacked Natsu. He got a few scratches on his arm. Deja vu. "Hey! That's not fair!" He whined. I rolled my eyes. "I'm not the one fighting a skilled wizard," I joked. Natsu let out a laugh and then shook his head, knowing that he couldn't win that argument. "Fire Dragon wing attack!" He shouted. The boy was in close proximity to me, so I got hit on my arms and legs. I should be more careful. "Awwww," I whined. The boy kept going at me with different attacks. "Fire Dragon roar!" He yelled. I didn't manage to avoid it, it had a large range, and I got cuts all over me.
"Water-make Dragon," I said. A dragon made out of water was formed. It was my most powerful aimed for it to attack Natsu. Briefly, I looked over at the Master. He seemed impressed, which filled me with ecstasy. Funny... I don't usually feel anything. I moved my body in sync with the dragon. Eventually, the dragon's foot on Natsu's chest. I looked over to the Master once again, hoping for a single to stop. I wanted to end this quickly and join the guild. There was none. My head snapped back to Natsu and I noticed my dragon was no longer there. I immediately created distance between us, to avoid damage. "Water-make army," panted. Ten knights made out of water formed. I made them charge at Natsu.
"Fire dragon roar!" Natsu roared. He knocked them all out at once! A smirk form on the old man's face. He knew... I did notice the dragon slayer with a blonde and unclothed man. Maybe I should use the attack. After he attempted to hit me a few more times, I decided to perform the attack. A sympathetic smile appeared on my face. "Water-make comrades," I whispered. Two people started to form. The near naked one and the girl. They went from blue water to being full of colour. He wouldn't want to hurt his friends, after all. This is horrible. I made them walk towards them. "Lucy? Gray?" Natsu murmured with a shocked expression. "Help," I made the girl say with a messed up voice.
Natsu took a step back. "I'm sorry," I told him. I made them get closer to the boy. I got the girl to hold his arms behind his back and the man to attack him ferociously. Eventually, he attacked back. He knew they weren't his real friends. After that, he fell to the ground. I looked towards the master. This was wrong. This was wrong. Why did I do this? When did I start caring about people? I guess I'm only human, after all. The master wore a shocked expression on his face. "I'm sorry," I said. I lifted the pink pyro up and draped one of his arms around me. "Very well, you may join the guild." The master told me, still trying to process what just happened.
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