On the Run Pt 2
Selever POV
I noticed Geno getting distant. I start poking her to try to get her back to reality, but it just seemed to make her grow more distant. I turned to Rasazy. "Hey, do you know what's going on with Gen?" I asked. She looked over to our youngest sibling and shook her head. I was getting worried.
Geno POV
Itch. That's all I can feel. Itchiness spreading across my scales as my wings fall from their place around my older siblings. My breath grew ragged as I unconsciously and aggressively dragged my talons across my neck to try to calm the itch, unknowingly drawing blood. I didn't register my sibling's frantic grabbing at my talons as they tried to stop me from hurting myself.
Rasazy POV
I watched as Selever picked up Geno and ran out of the alley. We desperately asked for help, no one bothering to help us. We were about to give up hope when a green-haired male noticed us and approached. "私はあなたが助けを必要としていることに気づきました." (Translation: I noticed you guys need help.) He said. Selever, knowing Japanese from our time in isolation in the Nothing World, replied frantically with worry. "はい、お願いします. 私たちの妹は助けが必要です." (Translation: Yes, please. Our sister needs help.) He looked at Geno and knew what was happening. He took Geno and ran to a small pond near a school named UA, placing Geno in the still water.
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