Chapter 8.
When I wake up, Dante is gone. I yawn and stretch, he most likely went back downstairs to man his shop. I sit up and notice the T.V. is playing static, great. I don't see my crutches anywhere so I just get on all fours and crawl to the T.V. I tap it instead of whacking it to see if that works better, plus I don't want to break Dante's T.V. He said he would never hurt me but he has no problem spanking me like I'm some child. So in fear of that horrid punishment, I only tap the T.V. When it didn't work I check behind the T.V. to see if something is wrong with the cord. I could feel the color drain from my face when I see the cord isn't plugged in. Suddenly the static stops.
I go to sit in front of the T.V. and see a dark blue room with a black wall covering part of it. Suddenly this black figure steps out from behind the wall. I just watch, wondering what the hell is going on. When the figure runs and is in front of the screen in an instant I scream and crawl away. I just watch, nothing is happening, it's silent. Suddenly the guy on the screen said: "Talk to me." I stare at it for a second before opening my mouth to scream. Before I could scream the guy said "No no, don't scream. That won't help you." I was about to ask who he was but suddenly the screen changed to show me sitting in front of the T.V., staring at the screen with wide terrified eyes. The angle, it looks like someone is filming this to my right. I turn my head and tremble when I see nothing.
I look at the screen again and see something glowing underneath the bed. I turn around but don't see any glow. I turn to look at the screen and the glowing is still there. I'm scared, I don't know what to do. I'm scared to come closer and examine the screen but I'm also scared to get up and run or even just scream for Dante. After what felt like hours I decided to get closer and examine the glowing thing under the bed. Before I could move I saw Dante enter the room. Now I can't move. I try to speak but I can't. The only thing I can do is look at the screen and watch as Dante get's closer. Wait, he's holding something in his hand. After a second I'm able to make out what it is. It's a knife. I try to scream, to beg him not to hurt me but I can't utter a sound. He grabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked my head so I was looking away from the screen and at him. He looked angry but something was off, his eyes were red. He raised the knife and jammed it into my left eye.
I scream bloody murder but I don't realize I'm awake until after I stopped. I heard someone running up the stairs. Oh god, no, no! I quickly roll off the bed and hide underneath. I can hear the door to the apartment fly open and someone sprinting through the halls and into the room. I recognize Dante's black boots and cover my mouth, not wanting to make a noise.
"Gardenia! Where are you?!" I heard him call out for me. He throws open the closet door and searches through it. He then comes over to the bed and looks under.
"Gardenia!" He exclaimed and tried to pull me out from under the bed.
"No! No! Don't hurt me!" I cry. With one quick pull, I'm out from under the bed and in his arms. I struggle and scream until Dante shouts at me to stop.
I freeze in fear, tears streaming down my cheeks. He stroked my hair and said "I'm not gonna hurt you, it was just a nightmare, I promised I would never hurt you. Now tell me what has got you so freaked out." I was silent for a second before saying "I had woken up, or, I thought I did. The T.V. was playing static so I went to check if it was broken. I tapped it but it didn't work so I checked the cord and it wasn't plugged in. The static then stopped and I checked the screen. It showed this dark blue room and a black wall. A man appeared from behind the wall and within an instant, he was right in front of the screen. He told me to talk to him but I couldn't. I tried to scream for you but the guy told me not to and that it won't help me. I was gonna ask him who he was but the screen changed to show me sitting in front of the T.V. The angle looked like I was being filmed from my right and when I checked there was nothing. Then..."
I stop and don't continue, something in me doesn't want me to go on. Dante patted my back and said, "Then what?" I was silent for a few more seconds before saying "On the screen, there was this glowing light under the bed, I turned around but there was nothing underneath. I stared at the screen for a long time before deciding to examine the light on the screen. But before I could move I saw you coming into the room. Now I couldn't move or speak, I could only watch the screen. You had a knife in your hand and when you got close to me you grabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked my head so I was looking at you. You looked really angry and your eyes were red. You raised the knife and... and...." I feel tears well up in my eyes and I stop to take a breath before saying "You jammed it in my eye." Dante rubbed my back and said, "It's okay, I would never do that, I would never do anything hurt you." I don't say anything, I just remain silent. Suddenly Dante picks me up and sets me on the bed. He opens the drawer to his nightstand and pulls out a switchblade. I was about to back away and scream but Dante quickly grabbed my hand and put the knife in it.
"You don't believe me, so if I ever do try to hurt you then you can defend yourself from me," Dante said and stood away from me.
I was silent again but only for a second. I dropped the knife and said "No! I do believe you! I do! I'm just still scared from my nightmare!" Dante said, "You believe me?" I grab his hand and put the knife in it, saying "Yes, I do. I know you won't ever hurt me, you're too good to do that. You're a nice guy, you're sweet, you've done more for me than anyone else has since my parents died. If you say you won't hurt me then I believe you." Dante stared at me with a blank expression for a second before smiling and kissing my forehead, saying "It feels nice to know you believe and trust me." I smile and hug him before he says he needs to go back downstairs to his shop. He said he'll close up and be back up here in an hour. I nod and decide to watch a movie, he has lots of channels that play all kinds of movies. I see that Catching Fire is on. I don't know what that is but it sounds interesting.
I don't know how long its been but I haven't taken my eyes off the screen since the movie started. Apparently, this is a sequel, I need to watch the first movie but I don't know the name of it. Dante should be up here by now but for some reason, he isn't here. Whatever, I'll just continue to watch this movie until he comes up. As soon as the movie ends, they started playing a movie called The Hunger Games. After the first ten minutes, I realize this is the first movie. I'm glued to the screen, unable to turn my head away. Just as they're doing the reaping, I hear Dante open the door. I was hoping he wouldn't make me turn the movie off but then I smelt some kind of food and instantly my attention was away from the movie. Dante came over and sat next to me on his bed and sets down a bunch of Chinese takeaway boxes.
"You're seriously watching The Hunger Games?" He said with a smirk. I pout and say "It's a good movie." He just continued to smirk and shook his head.
"Well keep watching then, but you have to eat." He said and handed me one of the boxes with a little container of some kind of orangish sauce. I open the box and see it's chicken fingers so that must mean the sauce must be sweet and sour sauce. I remove the lid and grab a chicken finger, dipping it into the sauce and taking a bite. It was so good. After a finish the first one, Dante said: "You know there are 3 more movies after this?"
"I knew there was a second one because they showed it before this."
"There are also three books, each one based on the movies, though the last book was made into two movies for some reason." I look at him wide eyed and say "There are books of these movies?" He just nodded and said, "Yeah, don't know if they still sell them though, those books came out years ago." I frown and say "Well at least they show the movies." He just smiled lightly and handed me a chicken wing, which I took and thanked him for. I handed him a chicken finger and from that point on we just ate our dinner and watched The Hunger Games.
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