Chapter 6.
I bolt up in bed when I hear an incredibly loud noise. I look around, trying to figure out what it was. Dante stirred and said "Huh... Is something wrong?" I look around, nothing, nothing caused the noise.
"N-No, nothing," I say and lay my head back on his chest. Not even a second later a loud clap of thunder boomed and I jumped up. Dante sat up looked at me with this grin and said in that weird baby talk "Aw, you're scared of thunder." I blush and say "No I'm not." When I heard another loud clap of thunder, I jumped and yelped. Dante laughed and said, "You're adorable." Lightning flashed and the room was lit up for a second by bright white light. It scared me so much I immediately clung to Dante, who laughed more.
Dante turned the light and the T.V. on and said: "Is that better." It is better but I don't want to admit it and sound childish. Instead, I just bury my face in his shoulder and huff. Dante rubbed my back for a second before grabbing the T.V. remote and flicking through channels. Suddenly there was an extremely loud clap of thunder I thought it shook the apartment. Lightning flashed and the power went out, causing me to let out a short, small terrified scream. Dante laughed and said "It's okay, baby girl. It's just a blackout." Baby girl? Interesting nickname. Dante tried to get off the bed but I wouldn't let go. Oh god, I feel so embarrassed, I'm acting like a little kid. Dante must be annoyed now.
"I'm just gonna grab a flashlight, I'll be right back," Dante said in an amused tone. I reluctantly let go of him, scared of being alone in the dark. He must have been able to tell I was scared because he scooped me up in his arms and said: "Okay, you can come with me." The windows provided a little light which was enough for Dante to find his way to the kitchen and open a drawer. He pulled a flashlight out and said: "Okay, let's go back to bed."
Once in bed, Dante set the flashlight on the nightstand and laid down with me laying right next to him and clinging to him. Suddenly Dante grabbed the flashlight and jumped out of bed, running all the way to the other side of the room. He turned on the flashlight and set it on the bureau so it was facing me. He points at the wall and says in a scared tone "Look out!" I turn my head in a frantic twist to see what was going on. What I see is the shadow of my head being eaten by a shadow monster. I burst out laughing, that's funny. Dante laughed too and said, "Feel better?" I nod and smile. He turned off the flashlight and brought it back over. He set it on the nightstand again and got in bed, pulling me close. A loud, long clap of thunder was heard and it made me whimper. Suddenly lightning struck something outside and there was a bright light outside.
I heard Dante mutter something but I couldn't make out what it was. He put on pants and shoes and told me to stay in bed and no matter what to not get out of bed.
"You're scaring me," I say quietly. He kissed my forehead and said, "It's okay, everything is okay, just stay here and don't move. Try and go back to sleep, I'll be up in a bit." I lay down and Dante tucks me in. He promised to be back quickly and sprinted out the door and down the stairs. I cover myself with the blanket and rest my head on my pillow. When I hear gunshots I panic and hide under the covers. I heard a demonic shriek and got out of bed, crawling into the closet. I heard more gunshots and more shrieking, It went on for 5 minutes before it finally stopped. Suddenly the lights came on, I could see the light from under the closet door.
After a bit, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs to the apartment. I shivered and remained in the closet, still and barely breathing so I don't make a sound. When the door opened I heard someone walk into the bedroom.
"Gardenia!" I heard Dante's panicked voice and I immediately crawl out of the closet. He sees me and runs over. He drops down and swats my bottom hard. I yelp and tears formed in my eyes. He hugged me tightly and said, "I told you to stay in bed, you scared the hell out of me." I start crying and say "I heard gunshots and weird shrieking and I got scared."
"You would have been fine if you stayed in bed," Dante said sternly. I whimper and close my eyes. Dante rubbed my back and whispered soothing words to calm me down.
After I had calmed down, I said: "What happened out there?"
"It's nothing, don't worry about it. It's nothing you need to worry about." Dante said and continued to rub my back. I knew Dante was lying, which made me mad, but at the same time, I felt grateful and happy. Dante lied about what happened outside and I can tell by the tone he used when talking to me that he was worried something had happened to me. He won't tell me because he wants to protect me from what happened outside. Though I'm still kind of mad, he swatted my butt like I was a naughty child who misbehaved.
Dante picked me up and carried me back to bed. The closet was right next to the window so I tried to look but Dante said: "I only gave you a swat, but if you try and look outside then I will spank you." I huff and say "You can't do that!"
"If it means to keep you safe physically and mentally than I can and will," Dante said and set me in bed. I huff again and grab the remote, turning the channel to the Travel Channel to watch Ghost Adventures. Once I was comfy, Dante said he needed to take care of something and left the apartment and shop again. As soon as he left I knew now was my chance.
I silently got off the bed and crawled over towards the windows. I saw Dante throwing a bunch of metal scrap into a dumpster. I also saw... Blades?! I cover my mouth and watch in shock. I watched until all the metal was thrown away. Then Dante looked at me through the window. I quickly duck down and crawl over to bed, getting in and laying down, pretending to sleep. Dante quickly walked up the steps and into the apartment. He walked into the room, sat on the bed and said: "Get over my knee, now." I sit up and say "But I didn't do anything."
"You looked out the window when I told you not to. Now come here." Dante said in a stern and angry voice. I whimpered and shook my head. When I did that, Dante grabbed my arm and pulled me across his lap. I immediately start crying and say "I'm sorry! Please don't spank me! I'll listen next time!"
"Your just a young girl, you don't know the true horrors of this world and I'm trying to protect you from them," Dante said and landed the first swat.
I let out a yelp and start crying harder. I haven't been spanked since I was 10, and it was because I stole my mom's chocolate dick. I wanted to show it to my friends but I got caught and was in trouble. Dante landed another smack and then another. He landed 5 in total and started to rub my back, saying "5 more." He said it calmly and hearing his calm voice made me feel better. I grit my teeth and accepted the 5 harsh swats. When it was done I lay crying over his knee while he rubbed my back. After a bit, he made me lay on the bed on my stomach and said that he'll be back.
I bury my face in the pillow and keep crying. My boyfriend is turning into my dad. When Dante returns he sits down next to me and pulls my panties down. I tense up, scared I'll be smacked again. Instead, I felt something cold being massaged onto my burning bottom. I realized it was lotion and that it was supposed to help with the stinging. It wasn't long till I stopped crying and relaxed. I was now sleepy so I closed my eyes and when I opened them I was in bed with Dante. His arm was wrapped around me while he watched T.V. I closed my eyes again and when I opened them the light was off but the T.V. was still on and Dante was now sleeping. I rest my head on his chest and close my eyes, staying asleep this time.
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