Chapter 5.
When I wake up I feel.... bad. I don't know why and I can't explain it. I notice Dante isn't in bed. I don't know where he is or why he left but it makes me feel worse. I curl into a ball under the covers and try to understand the feeling. I feel, dirty. Before I can comprehend the feeling anymore, Dante comes into the room and I can instantly smell pizza. He set it down somewhere but because I'm under the covers I cannot tell where. He gently shook me and said, "Dinner's here."
"I'm not hungry," I say quietly.
"Is something wrong?" Dante asked, I said I was fine but I guess I didn't use a convincing tone because Dante pulled back the blanket to look at me.
I didn't realize he turned the lamp on, so when I was suddenly exposed to bright light I covered my eyes. Dante removed my hands and looked me in the eyes, saying "Be honest, are you okay?" I don't want to lie but I don't want to tell the truth either. I don't know what to do, I really don't want to lie to Dante, he's been great to me. He bought me nice clothes, he's taken me out to eat, Michael didn't even let me eat much less take me out to eat. He's just been so sweet and kind to me and I would feel worse if I lied to him. I take in a small breath and said: "I don't know, I feel... dirty and... ashamed. I was ready and I did want it but now... I don't know."
I was expecting Dante to be mad or something along that line but instead, he sat me up and hugged me, saying "It's okay, it's normal, a lot of women feel that way after sex or masturbation. And there is no shame in what we did, as long as we both care about and love each other then there is no shame in it." I smile lightly, it did make me feel better. I hug him back and rest my head on his shoulder.
"Wanna try and eat?" He asked me, I nodded and said "Yeah." Dante got on the bed with me and set the pizza boxes on there with us. He opened the first one, it was pepperoni, he opened the second one and it was Hawaiian.
"A lot of people like Hawaiian and some don't though, but I got it in case you like it." Dante said, I smiled and said: "Hawaiian is my favorite kind of pizza." I kissed him for a second then broke away.
He grabbed a T.V. remote and turned on the T.V. across the room. I don't know why I didn't notice it before. I don't notice a lot of things. He flipped through the channels and settled on a movie called "The Houses That October Built." He grinned at me and said, "Can you handle a scary movie?" I put on this tough expression and said: "I can handle it easily." Dante smirked and said, "We'll see." He turned up the volume before setting the remote down and grabbing a slice of pizza. I grabbed a slice too and watched the movie. There were little bits in the beginning, all of the haunted houses. One said that they use actual human remain and another said they hire real murderers.
"You know, it's close to Halloween, wanna go to a haunted house?" I look at Dante and said, "If you're trying to scare me then it won't work." He just grinned and said, "We'll see about that." As soon as the movie said this is all found footage, I knew I was in for a scare. Found footage movies are always the scariest.
I was enjoying my pizza, the cheese and ham were hot but the pineapple was cold, it was nice. Until I saw this girl get put in the trunk of a car, then I lost my appetite. It looked like she had blood on her. It was creepy. Though within a few minutes my appetite returned. It's just these guys in a bar, having fun and they are talking about haunted houses. They said they were gonna go on a road trip all across America to find the most extreme haunt. They rented an RV and everyone had to show up on time. At one point, after the bar scene, they were in the RV and one guy said another guy got a pumpkin and tried to stick his dick in it. The another guy said it was American Pie Halloween style. I don't know what American pie is so I didn't find it funny but Dante chuckled.
The first haunted house wasn't that scary. The lady, Brandy, screamed even before she got in the door. At some point, this creepy zombie looking guy appeared and started following Brandy, and when she turned around she screamed. Later in it was dark and this clown was shrieking at them. Then it got to a point where there was this creepy girl who looked like she was wearing a mask. It was like a cracked porcelain doll with only a few strands of hair here and there. It was creepy. She was whispering something then said, "Come play with me." Then she started walking then skipping away. Brandy followed her than some guy screamed "Get the fuck down." and Brandy screamed, then the girl said, "You wanna be a pretty doll like me?" It was creepy but I'm not scared, even if I was scared I wouldn't show it, I'm not gonna let Dante win.
When this guy was going to pee in the forest, this man in a demented gory bunny costume showed up and he had an ax. He whacked a tree and started chasing him, that made me get tense. I looked out of the corner of my eye to see Dante smirking at me. As soon as I saw that smirk I forced myself to relax and I put on a calm expression. I look out of the corner of my eye again and I see Dante trying not snicker. I ignore him and grab another piece of pizza, pepperoni this time. I take a bite despite not being hungry, I'm going to put on the impression that I'm fine and not scared. I won't let him win.
I was able to remain calm through the movie until it came to this part where this unknown random guy was filming them through the window. Then when everyone was sleeping he was inside the RV and watching everyone. He took one of the guy's IDs and he stroked Brandy's face. I was now creeped out and I wasn't sure if I was showing it, I was concentrated on the movie and I didn't care. When the guy went up to a mirror and it showed he was wearing a skull mask I knew I was visibly freaked out now. Earlier they were talking about the blue skulls but I took no mind of it. I mean I thought it was just gonna be another lame haunted house. Now I know I'm wrong.
Dante laughed and said, "If you're scared then say it and I'll turn the movie off." I regained my composure and scoffed, saying "I'm fine. This movie isn't even that scary." He just laughed again and turned his attention back to the movie. I turned my attention to the movie also and tried to keep calm, more like looking calm. But it was difficult, this movie was seriously freaking me out. I've never seen a horror movie before, not a single one. This is my first one and I'm officially sure I will never watch another one ever.
It wasn't long until I got freaked out again. It was morning, the guys saw the video of themselves online then this big guy, I think his name was Mike. He opened the fridge and quickly closed it and started throwing up in the sink. I thought that maybe something was rotten in there and the smell made him puke. Then when the fridge was opened again it showed a human heart.
"Oh god!" I say and gasp. Dante laughed and said, "Now I know you're scared." I glared at him and said, "I'm not scared, it just took me by surprise." Dante started snickering and started watching the movie again. I glared at him but went back to watching the movie.
I was able to steel myself and keep a calm composure through the movie, even at the creepy bar scene. When they were in the RV and there was banging on it got a bit harder to keep calm, but when the lights went out and when one of the guys started the engine the headlights showed a bunch of creepy clowns in front of them I almost jumped. And when one guy said they were all around them I got scared even more. I also realized I had to pee. I didn't want to get up and go to the bathroom because of two reasons. 1, I don't want to miss any of the movie because for some reason there are no commercials, and 2, Dante will most likely say I'm too scared and I need a break from the movie. I crossed my legs in a way so that it looked like I was trying to get comfy instead of trying to hold back the urge to pee. When the camera showed a creepy skull mask up against the window I got more freaked out and I had to cross my legs tighter. Then suddenly the clowns were gone. I knew it wasn't a good thing but for some reason, I felt a sense of relief.
There was this thing that appeared at the bottom of the screen, it would say how many days left till Halloween. But when it showed them cooking breakfast, it said that it was Halloween. I inwardly sighed, good, the movie is almost over. It has to be. Something was thrown against the RV and I managed not to jump. This guy went outside despite everyone telling him not to and found a pumpkin with a note attached to it. It said 'CARVE ME' I was starting to get freaked out now, thinking something like another human heart is gonna be in the pumpkin. One of the guys cut the top off and removed it. He looked in the pumpkin and said "Oh my god." I was preparing for the worst. He pulled whatever was in the pumpkin out and it was a dirty envelope. In the envelope was an invitation. It said Bourbon Street, 10:00 p.m. They checked the windshield and I almost gasped, on the windshield were blue skull masks.
Now it was nighttime, they're in Louisiana and I think New Orleans, I don't know but the green sign overhead said New Orleans. They were on a crowded street and they were wearing the blue skull masks. This is not good. They saw a guy on a balcony with a blue skull mask and one of the guys held up the mask. When the camera panned back to him he was gone. One of the guys named Bobby went into an alley and one of the guys followed him, though Bobby disappeared behind a corner and the guy following him stopped because he ran out of breath. The creepy doll girl appeared and said: "Wanna come out and play?" Then the guy turned around and saw the demented gory bunny from a few days ago. There was another guy but I couldn't make out who he was. When he turned back to face the girl there was a clown with her. He turned around again and when he faced forward the doll girl stabbed him. The other guys ganged up on him and got him to the ground. I closed my eyes tight and managed to zone out what happened next. When I opened my eyes the camera was lying on the ground in the alley and some guy with a creepy mask walked over. Dante laughed and said, "I can tell you're scared."
"I am not!" I say defensively. Dante just put his hands up and said: "Whatever you say, but I'll turn the movie off whenever you want."
"I can handle it." I insist and went back to watching the movie.
They tried calling the guy but his voicemail said if they wanted to find the blue skulls then they have to go to an intersection and they have to be there by midnight. They drove to the intersection and started arguing while they were waiting, then the camera showed a car driving up to them. Okay, a little freaky. But when it came closer and I saw it was a bus then I got more freaked out. A guy in a skull mask comes out of the bus then one of the guys in the RVs phone started buzzing. He got a text and it said: "60 seconds, come outside or your friend will die." They just stayed in the RV then got another text, all it said was "forty-five seconds."A guy said to go outside and said he wasn't scared and that none of it was real. Then the guy got another text and I was trying not to freak out. "You will be scared. Thirty seconds." One of the guys walked outside and up to the guy. Then a different camera showed, I think Mike? He got a text and it said "Surprise." then there was an explosion and screaming. The lights exploded, now everyone is on the ground and the back of the RV is in darkness. Then the phone started buzzing again.
I gripped the bed sheets while thinking 'Don't read it, don't read it.' It read "Don't look up." Then more guys in skull masks appeared, they were in the RV. I closed my eyes and zoned out again. When I tuned back in, the guys were on the bus with bags over their heads. Now I need to pee really bad and if I didn't go then I was sure I was gonna get the piss scared out of me. After a long bus ride, the guys were led out of the bus but Brandy was still on. A guy held a knife to her and told her to count to thirty, remove her hood and record everything she sees, and he said: "And remember, we'll be watching."
It showed the bus, it was dark inside and there was only Brandy inside. She grabbed the camera and left the bus, seeing a run down shack and going inside. It looked better inside but still creepy. All the way across the room there was a T.V. and it was playing static. It then switched to one of the guys. He picked up a glow stick and then I think it switched to another guy. It was dark but then he opened the door into a lit room and quietly called out for his friends. He explores the room and says how he's done with it. Then Jazz music randomly starts playing and he quickly turns around to face a small record player. It switched to another guy, now I'm just annoyed because of all the switching. This guy had a flashlight and it only showed him going through a hall for a few seconds then it switched to Brandy, I could tell because when she said Zack's name I recognized her voice. There was someone sitting in front of a T.V. but when Brandy got closer it turned out to be just a mannequin.
It switched to another guy and I said: "How many damn times are they gonna switch?" Dante just smirked and said, "Keep watching, it gets better." I huff and turn my attention back to the movie. The guy said he was done and wanted to get the fuck out of here. Then I heard some crazy guy and the sound of a chainsaw revving up. It switched a few more time and when it got to Brandy I was about to say the movie was stupid, but then one of the guys in the skull masks appeared and ran at Brandy, now I'm scared again. Then it switched again. I paid no attention to this but when it switched to another guy and he stood at the doorway to a room lit with a red light, there was a creepy guy with some mask, standing there with his hands behind his back. It then went black and I think it switched 'cause the lights went on and this guy was standing in front of this pane of glass looking into a room with a chair and some weird lights. Suddenly a hand hit the glass and someone stood up, it was Michael!
He left a bloody hand print on the glass. They both started screaming but they couldn't hear each other, then the lights went out and it switched again. I was letting my fear show, I don't care anymore. I could see Dante grinning like the Cheshire cat out of the corner of my eye. This guy turned a light on and then a chainsaw could be heard again. This guy was cutting down the door. When there was a hole in the door the guy looked in, then the guy with the chainsaw put his face into the hole and screamed: "I'm going to fuck your world!" It then switched again. It looked like there were walls covered with black trash bags. The guy kept looking around until he saw someone wearing a thick coat and a blue skull mask. He talked to them and when he said it wasn't a haunt a siren started blaring and one of the skulls appeared and said: "You having fun Bobby?" He then got him to the ground but the camera was facing away. There was the sound of thudding and grunting and I screeched, saying "Turn it off! Turn it off!"
"There's only a few more- Turn it off!" I screech, interrupting Dante. He turned it off and laughed, saying "You lasted a lot longer than I thought you would." I glare at him and he gets up, saying he was gonna use the bathroom. Damn it.
I sat in Dante's room for 5 minutes, waiting for him to come back. He better get out of the bathroom soon, that movie scared the hell out of me and I need to pee. After 5 more minutes, I get worried so I grab my crutches and go check on him. The hall to the bathroom was dark and I don't know where the light switch is. As I try to find it, Dante jumps from around the corner, grabbing me and screaming. I scream bloody murder and try to get away. Then I feel warmth running down my legs. I look down at shock as I'm standing in a puddle. Now I feel anger and embarrassment. Dante looks shocked too. I start crying and repeatedly hitting him and screaming "You bastard! I hate you!" I run off on my broken ankle to another room. I slam the door shut and lock it. I look around the room, it's completely empty.
Dante starts banging on the door and saying "Gardenia, I'm sorry, please, open the door." I don't say anything. I just sit against the door and cry. I ignore the banging and apologies, I'm not opening the door. But when I hear soft crying, I don't know why but I feel bad. I can't stand up anymore but I unlock the door. Dante heard the click of the lock and threw open the door, He picked me up and said "I'm sorry, I was just trying to have fun. I'll never do it again." I'm so mad at him, well, I was, but now I'm starting to calm down. I hug him tightly and say "I didn't mean it, I don't hate you." Dante smiled lightly and held me tighter, cradling me in his arms.
After a little bit, Dante carries me to the bathroom and sets me down on the edge of the tub. he told me to stay there while he cleans the mess. Once the mess was cleaned up, Dante came back in the room with a clean pair of panties and set them next to me, saying "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you wet yourself." I just blush and put my head down, feeling embarrassed all over again. Dante grabs a washcloth and wets it. He removes my panties and spreads my legs, starting to clean the urine from between my legs. He helps me into a new pair of panties and said: "Let's go to bed." He takes care of the pizza boxes and handed me another one of his shirts, I smile and put it on.
"I love your smile." I blush at hearing that but smile more, it's so sweet. He turned the lights off and set me in bed, getting in next to me. I tried to get comfy but for some reason couldn't, so Dante said he had a solution to the problem. He laid on his back and pulled me so I was laying on top of him and my head was using his chest as a pillow.
"Good." Dante turned the TV off and started stroking my hair, he kept at it until I had fallen asleep.
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