Chapter 4.
When I wake up I'm in a freezing hospital room. When I open my eyes there is no one in the room, I can't even hear anyone in the hall. I sit up and look at my ankle, it's fine, no damage. I swing my feet over the edge of the bed and stand up, no pain at all.
"Dante," I call out for him but hear nothing. I walk out into the hall and see nobody. I call out for a nurse or doctor but no one responds and I hear no footsteps to indicate someone was in here with me. This can't be right, a hospital always has plenty of nurses and doctors around, but how come there is no one here? I look out my window and see that it's nighttime. It's completely dark out, I can't see anything.
I walk through the halls and corridors, hoping to find Dante or anyone. I pass by vending machines and realize how thirsty I am. I don't have any money and I can't remember the trick to get a free drink so I just keep walking. Every hall and corridor I walk down are empty and so are the rooms I pass. I don't like this, I'm scared. I gotta find Dante and get out of here. I make it to a door that says operating theater. Through the clouded glass in the doors, I can see bright lights. I know I shouldn't just walk in there but I need to find out what is going on and why there is no one here. I let out a tentative sigh and push open the doors, stepping inside.
As soon as I'm in the room I gag, there is a strong smell of antiseptics and... blood. I look forward and see on the operating table there is a body covered with a bloody sheet. I slowly step forward, scared out of my mind. The tools on the table are covered in blood and there is this bowl with blood in it. It's filled to the brim. I don't know why but something is telling me to stick my hand in the bowl of blood, that something is in it. I don't want to but I feel like I have to, for some stupid reason I feel like the answer to everything is at the bottom of the bowl. So, with shaky hands, I reach in and grasp something firm yet squishy. When I pull it out I scream bloody murder.
In my hand was a heart, a human heart. I drop it and wipe the blood off Dante's shirt that I'm still wearing. Dante... Oh god! I rip the sheet off the body what I see terrifies me. Dante's dead body was laying on the operating table, he had been cut open and his rib cage broken, and soon I realize that the heart I pulled out of the bowl of blood and dropped on the floor was his heart. I fall to my knees and start pulling at my hair while screaming bloody murder. Then I'm awake.
I open my eyes and look to see Dante staring down at me, he had shaken me awake.
"Are you okay? You were screaming." As soon as I hear him speak I start crying, he got on the bed with me and pulled me onto his lap. He rubbed my back and said, "Shh, it's okay, I'm right here, what's wrong?" I try to speak but I can't, I'm crying too hard. Dante cups my face gently and says "Gardenia, look at me." He said it softly but also firmly. When I looked at him he said "I'm right here, your okay, I haven't left your side since you fell asleep. You're okay. Now tell me what's wrong." I explain to him my dream, about waking up in an empty hospital and finding him laying dead on the operating table and me pulling his heart out of a bowl of blood. He was silent at first as if he was contemplating on how to handle it.
After awhile he rubs my back and says "Don't worry, nothing like that would ever happen. It'd take an army to even get me on the table, no way in hell am I gonna let someone cut my heart out. And no way would I ever leave you alone in this world." I rest my head on his shoulder and manage to calm down. A nurse comes in and asks if I'm okay. When I nod she hands me a bottle of pills and said: "This should help with the pain. Just call whatever pharmacy you use to get it refilled." When she left, Dante picked me up bridal style and said: "Let's get you out of here, I'm sure you want to get out of here as much as I do." I nod quickly and Dante laughs. A doctor suddenly comes and gives me crutches so I can walk. Even though I have the crutches Dante doesn't set me down.
"How come you're still carrying me?"
"Maybe I like carrying you." At hearing that I start giggling and can't stop.
"You have the cutest giggle." When I hear that I blush and stop.
"Aw, did I embarrass you?" Dante said in the baby talk couples always use with each other. I can feel my face heat up as my blush intensifies. I bury my face in his shoulder and he laughs.
As soon as Dante leaves the hospital, he growls and says "Damn that bastard." I look and see Michael, but he doesn't notice us, he's just walking down the street with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. Dante sets me on his motorcycle and gets on.
"Hold on tightly." I wrap my arms around his waist and watch as Dante speeds towards Michael. He turns and drives into a puddle and completely soaks Michael. I laugh as he then starts driving back home.
When we got home, Dante grabbed my crutches and carried me upstairs. When we entered the apartment, he set the crutches next to the bed and said: "I wanna see something." He shifts me so he's holding me with one arm.
"Wow, you must be pretty strong if you can hold me with only one arm," I said in amazement. Dante grins and says "I'm a lot stronger than you give me credit for."
"How strong are you?" I ask. Dante set me on the floor and then laid on the floor himself. He got ready as if to do pushups. He told me to get on his back and so I did. This wasn't going to impress me much. I don't weigh much, to be honest.
When I felt myself rising and dropping quickly I looked and saw he was doing it with one arm. I smiled and said, "Now that is impressive!" He lays down flat on the floor and I crawl off. I was gonna crawl to the window but Dante grabbed my leg and tried to drag me towards him. I smirk and say "Let's see if you're strong enough to pull me back." I immediately start crawling forward and Dante tried to pull me back again. I got a bit ahead before Dante said: "You're not getting away from me that easily." In one quick pull, I was laying on the floor next to him. I start laughing and so does he.
For a moment I just look at him, he's so cute, so perfect. I love him. I reach over and kiss him sweetly, it took him a moment but he started kissing back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. He pulled me so we were sitting up, he pulled away and looked into my eyes with a smile that melts my heart. The next thing I knew we were on Dante's bed, I was only in my bra and panties and Dante was in his boxers. I was so excited but I was also scared, scared if we were gonna have sex. The girls at Love Planet say it's great and some say it's awful. The ones who say it's great say the first time always hurts but it gets better. I was still scared. I've dealt with lots of abuse so I should be used to pain but I'm not. Dante could see the fear in my eyes and said: "We're not gonna do that, you're not ready and I'm not gonna make you do it." My heart melted even more.
He knew I wasn't ready and he's not gonna make me do it. Most guys don't care whether their lady is ready or not, they want it so they get, not caring of the other. But Dante actually cares if I'm ready or not. I wrap my arms around his neck and say "I love you so much."
"I love you so much too." He said and grinned at me. He started kissing my neck, a different spot every few second. One spot got me to gasp and tense, I couldn't describe the feeling but it was a good feeling.
"Looks like I found your sweet spot," Dante said with a smirk, he trailed his hand down to my panties.
"You ready for this?" He asked, I was a little bit scared but I wanted it, I could feel a sensation growing, I wanted this. When I nodded he asked, "Are you sure?" I nodded and said, "I'm sure." With that said, he slipped his hand into my panties and started to massage and rub my clit. I gasp loudly and tense up, oh god it felt so good.
He kept massaging my clit and I couldn't help but writhe with the pleasure, I made small, whiny moans that Dante seemed to like. Though as the pleasure built up they started becoming louder. Soon it got so much that when the pleasure builds up more I suddenly felt the pleasure surge through my body and I screamed. He started to rub my clit faster and I screamed louder. As soon as I came down from my high, Dante took his hands out of my panties and pulled me close.
"Wha-what... d-did I..." I was trying to talk but I was out of breath and I was still feeling such a wave of bliss I couldn't speak. Dante smirked and said, "You just came, and it seemed like you really enjoyed it." I reached my hand towards his groin but he quickly grabbed my hand and brought it to his chest, shaking his head.
"D-Don't you.."
"I don't expect this of you." He said and rested his head, still looking at me. I smiled and kissed him before resting my head on his chest and closing my eyes.
Dante pulled the blanket up to cover us, the air conditioner was still running and it was cold in the room. but neither of us wanted to get up so we just laid in bed together, curled up in each other's arm. The blanket was providing a nice heat but we provided each other with a better heat. Dante was like a human heater, which I enjoyed. I snuggled close to him and allowed the sleepy feeling to wash over me. Dante kissed my head and said, "I love you." I quietly responded "I love you too." then fell asleep.
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