Chapter 2
Welcome to chapter two or whatever you want to call it but let's begin shall we
Rin: 'What the hell is with this day first these demons come out of no where which should be impossible due to the barriers around the school that block demons from entering. Then we have this guy who kills these things in one shot with guns that don't feel right and on that point one of them makes me scared to even touch it.'
Yukio: So Mephisto you mind telling me how his guns don't have a scratch but mine 'as he holds his guns up with the indent of a blade.'
Mephisto: I actually have no idea on how that's possible. Well good luck and if you're wondering what I mean you might want to look at the class room.
And with that Mephisto left the room and disappeared around the corner as the class looked back into the room to see the mystery student punch the demons into a wall and then exploded into black dust. As he finished with the last demon Yukio then asked him what his name was.
Silver: "kicks a chair up and then half of a desk and sits down then puts his feet up" The names Silver Sparda or SS if you want but I prefer Silver in all honesty.
Rin: 'This guy had just killed these demons like their nothing but flys to him. Something also off about him but I can't place my finger on it.'
Yukio: 'I can already tell this year just got more troublesome. I wonder if Mephisto will let me do the X-wire exams early so I don't have to deal with them as much.'
Silver:Hey you with the sword what's on your mind
Rin: HEY MY NAMES RIN FIRST OF ALL! Secondly how the hell did you kill them when even Yukio couldn't also how in hell did you know something was on my mind. Thirdly why didn't your guns break from them getting hit
We then see Rin holding his head in pain
Yukio: I told you to call me Sensei when I'm class but I am curious about the guns
Rin: Yeah but you don't have to be so mean about it
Silver: To answer your questions in order; I kill things like these for a living but my caretaker decided that I should go here to learn about the other types of demons out there and to teach you something about the ones I hunt. The mind thing is just my thing I guess as I don't even know myself as that's just something I've learned to get use to. And my guns are made from demon skin and angel feathers which are harder to melt and mold then you think by the way.
Everyone other than Silver stood there trying to process what just happened
Rin: wait did you just say angel feathers as in the ones that are supposed to protect us.
Silver: yep.
Rin: my man I think we're going to get along especially seeing as you killed those deserting bastards.
Everyone(except Rin and silver): how in the hell do you know this.
Rin: manga has some useful stuff in it, you only need to know what's fact from fiction.
Everyone(except Silver and Rin): Damn that's the smartest thing we've heard you say.
Silver: are you serious?
Everyone(except Silver and Rin): As serious as a heart attack
Silver: damn that's something
Yukio: Yes while it's interesting to see this odd introduction could everyone not already seated get in a seat please.
Everyone(except Silver): yes sensei * A little note is that saying yes teacher doesn't sound right anymore now that I've watched subtitled anime and read manga.*
Silver: 'So I've got the son of Satan who has daddy issues and his human brother who hunts his daddy's servants in the same room as a part demon, demon hunter who hunts Mundus's servants and said demon has an issue with my family. What an odd way of saying that somethings going to happen.'
Then a fist sized hole appeared and the rest of the screen shattered and fell down spelling out
Mission 01 Complete
Well I hope everyone enjoyed it no matter the grammatical errors I made and don't point them out because I write for the fun of it, not to have people talk about how I write and if I ask for input about it then you can give but otherwise keep your opinion to your selves about how I write but other than that say what you want though I can't really stop you but if you don't like it then stop reading because I really don't care. If you're wonder "Well seeing as he doesn't care then I can do it." I'm only addressing it now because I'm tired of reading about it all the time in the comments and for your information I do read them but please do point out my plot holes and other stuff as that's nice but remember there's a difference between constructive criticism and being a dick about it.
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