Tactical approach.
I was too caught up in the moment, watching Hurricane Riley deal with Rachel to actually consider what her leaving the company might mean. She looked good today, as she did the other day too, when we were talking.
Her long brown hair was always reflecting the light, as if she had it dipped in gold each morning. It was one of the things I liked about her. It was also something I played with when reading to her, although through her exhaustion from the exorcism, she didn't know.
So absorbed in watching and admiring her, I didn't realise what she was doing or building up to, until it happened and I was left clutching at moments to get her to stop, so that I could speak with her. Then she was gone, breezing out the way she came, with a weight lifted off her shoulders looking carefree and happy.
"What a bitch! God damn it!" Rachel snaps slamming her hand on the desk before taking a breath. I watch as she closes her eyes to calm down before the façade of bullshit falls back over her, when she opens her eyes. "Sorry Zak. Would you like to take a seat?" She offers.
I look at the seat opposite her desk and the pile of t-shirts that have just been left by Riley. Glancing towards the doors, I wonder if she will come back to give one last screw you. I step forward and stand behind the chair instead.
"How can I help?"
Ever accommodating. It's the first signs that she is creeping, trying to clutch at straws to keep this from blowing up in her face. But little does she know, it already has and I wasn't here for a social visit.
"I've just came to cancel the contract." I tell her, causing the smile to wipe from her face almost instantaneously.
"What? What do you mean?" She asks.
"As I said. I want to cancel the cleaning contract I have with you." I repeat.
"But why?"
Now that was a question, one with many answers. I could say it's because she is a lying manipulative piece of work, or that I've had enough of the trouble that has unfolded. But the real reason, and the main one since I've decided this, was because of Riley...
"I think you know the reason why." I tell her in a quiet tone.
"Because of her? Riley? You're leaving a company that has been cleaning your home all these years, clearing up your mess, because of one woman?!"
This I expected, Rachel to get upset on some kind of level. I, maybe one client, but I paid them a far old whack for cleaning my home and I will probably never get another cleaning company like it. I've never had a build up of allergies since employing them.
The extra day was so that I could see Riley a little more. The woman with the feather duster and kick ass attitude intrigued me. Probably a little more than she should.
"I feel that now is the right time, given everything that has happened." I say in a calm and polite tone.
She glares back at me, if looks could kill, I'd probably be dead right about now. "We have a contract."
So she is going to hang onto that chestnut, huh?
"We do and usually I am one to keep to a contract-"
"Then allow me to assign another cleaner to your home and we can speak no more about this." She insists moving towards her laptop.
"No." I tell her making her hands stop. "As I was saying, I am usually one to keep to a contract, and I have read the terms and conditions of yours.. However under these circumstances, I feel it's appropriate to cut it short."
"You can't. The contracts are set in place for a reason. I have lost potential customers due to people messing me around. If you want to cancel the contract, obviously you can. But expect a letter for the courts as well, for damages and loss of earnings to the company." She answers folding her fingers together.
I almost smile at her move, but she doesn't anticipate mine. "I think we can waiver that, in the form of my silence."
"Silence for what?"
"My silence on your slanderous accusations. I don't know about you, but I imagine a court judge would frown upon your claims and go in favour of me. I mean, there's slander, defamation of character, emotional distress, the list is endless. Plus with my social status, I think they would want to make an example out of you." I finish.
The colour seems to pour from her face hearing my words and I think I have won, until she throws in...
"You have no proof."
"I have Riley." I tell her.
She laughs. "Oh no, honey, you don't. She walked out on her job and you."
Not wanting to admit how true that is, I decide another tactic. Pulling my phone from my pocket, I lift it up. "I also have the recording of you admitting your lies..."
"Of course you do." She scoffs.
I wait, keeping my poker face in place until doubt finally seeps in. She glances at the phone and then to me before doing the double take again.
"What's it going to be?" I ask. "Does our contract end here? Or do I have to drag you and this company through the courts? I can't imagine it will be good for business. Don't you pride yourself on customer privacy? Sheesh. I think Riley did a good move, jumping ships before it goes under..."
"Fine!" She snaps. "Fine... The contract will have to be void."
I smile "Very well. In return, you have my word that I won't be suing."
"But if you cause anymore trouble, for myself or Riley, I'll come after you and this company. Do you understand?"
Rachel straightens her back, her eyes narrow slightly in my direction. "See yourself out of my office. Now."
"Do you understand, Rachel? There was never any 'Us'. It was a fantasy in your head. So to make it crystal clear, you don't contact either of us again, okay?"
She nods.
Happy, I turn and head out the same door I came through. Feeling a little better about clearing up one situation.. Now to deal with another.
The day had not gone the way I had planned.
Originally, after setting out of Clean Approach, I wanted to find Riley and talk to her, make things right because I felt that I at least owed her that.
However, a mix up of delivery dates meant I had to go to the museum and sign off the items as they were unloaded. Of course the shift manager could have done it, even the head of security, but I had paid a rather large sum of money for the items and did insist on being there when they were delivered.
After opening all the boxes, inspecting their conditions, I signed off the forms and let the guys leave. Now I was 14 boxes deep in my office with only a small path to move around in.
I have a spending problem, that much is evident.
I consider leaving it all on the floor and setting out to do what was originally planned. Which was find Riley. But something makes me stop at the office door. Like a small voice telling me to stay.. Which is how I find myself spending the whole day opening boxes, parcels, putting the new items on display and getting rid of the rubbish I had accumulated.
Once that was done, I put the vacuum robot on and closed the office door behind me, letting it do it's job. I said my goodbyes for the day and passed by the gift shop to see my mom before handing her the office keys. I didn't trust many people with them, I had too much in there to get damaged by someone being careless.
I drive myself across Vegas and to Riley's apartment. Hoping that she will be in. If not, then my plan will be set back another day and I didn't plan on letting this drag out anymore.
How can you make someone trust and believe you? It's impossible.
It's fighting a losing battle. I know what I said, I know how it can be interpreted, but I really was only saying it for Rachel's benefit. I had no idea Riley would hear it. The thought of her hearing it and fleeing my home without an explanation still hurts, even now. But it wasn't about me, that I was well aware of. This was about her.
I park under the street light and look around the neighbourhood in a hope that nobody will vandalise my car when I leave it. That's not me being overly judgemental, it's just an observation of the area.
Getting out, I head into the apartment block and climb the stairs, still wracking my brain of what I am to say, when I hear a whistle. Glancing up, I find Mavis stood at her door, watching me.
"Hey Mavis. How are you?" I ask with a smile.
"Wonderful... Have you got a minute?"
I glance towards Riley's door before nodding my head and crossing the hallway to her front door. She steps aside and let's me enter before closing the door behind her.
"Right through and to the left." She says directing me forward.
When I do, I'm brought to an open lounge and kitchen area. Mavis walks around me and gestures to an armchair, which I take and wait as she turns off the TV to join me.
"It's about time me and you had a chat young man." She says giving me the grandmotherly look.
It hits deep within me, it touches a part of my soul that's been lost for years, a part of me that faded when my gran passed away.
"I really screwed up, Mavis." I tell her. Within seconds, I am laying myself out bare, much like I would if this was my gran sat opposite. I'm telling her my problems, hoping that her age and wisdom can guide me right.
"Darling, you cannot make someone trust you." She says.
"I know..."
"But you can make it easier for them to try." She answers.
"How do you mean?" I ask, slightly confused.
"Well for a start, you need to own up to what you have done. I know you have apologised for Riley hearing it, but have you acknowledged the hurt you have caused her? Despite her attitude and sass, she is a sensitive soul."
"I have tried. I think."
She gives me a smile "When you have owned up to your mistake, you can then move on to apologising. Apologies without meaning is as useful as a chocolate tea pot. You know how to apologise, people do it all the time, but to truly say sorry, you have to mean it. After that, you ask for a time to talk. You don't demand it. Riley is in a state of... Well I am not sure. But she is questioning herself at the moment."
"How do you mean?"
"She doesn't think she is good enough because of her looks. It's something I will not tolerate. She is the most kindest and caring person I've known and to hear her talk down about herself is truly heart breaking."
I sit there and allow another wound to be cut within me. I've yet again caused her pain without even knowing it...
"You be sincere with your apology, you have to listen, after that, it's a care of acting on the words that has been said and finally, being patient. As you might have already guessed, you can't make someone trust you. It's about aiding them until they can." She says.
"I've really messed this up... Things were going so well and -"
"Were they? If that was the case, Riley wouldn't have been hurt." Mavis says making my shoulders slump.
"I haven't been entirely honest about the Rachel situation, I know. But everything I felt when I was with her, that was true." I tell her.
"Then you need to explain that to her. Telling her that you're wasting your time isn't the way to go about it." She says in a scolding tone.
"I didn't mean that."
"Perhaps not, but she didn't know that. Hence why the shield went up and all conversation was cut off. Riley is a tough cookie now, she has been since Joel cheated on her. The scoundrel."
"He hasn't helped.." I mutter.
"For her, not at all. He has caused a self esteem issue within her. However, using him to apologise is one sure way of her shutting you down again. So use the time you have to talk wisely, Zak."
I nod my head.
"Now... Before you go anywhere, what is the one thing you are missing?" She asks.
I look over myself, seeing that I am clean and not covered in dust or dirt, I shrug. "I don't know."
"Apologies work well with flowers. It's a sure way to get her defences lowered."
Flowers.. I need flowers.
"I have to go and get them. Like yesterday. Why didn't I think of that?" I ask standing up.
"Because your heart is in the right place, your head is not." Mavis says before standing up and taking my hand in hers. "Please, look after her. She is special to me."
I give her hands a gentle squeeze "I promise, I am going to do everything in my power to make her happy again."
Mavis gives me a gentle pat before letting me go. Once I leave her apartment, I fly past Riley's door and down the stairs with one thing on my mind. Flowers.
Which is how I end up on her doorstep almost 2 hours later, with dirty jeans and a handful of mix matched flowers of all lengths and variety. If you think I have spent the past 120 minutes running all round Vegas finding flowers.. You'd be absolutely correct.
And no. I am never telling the crew about this.
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