Stranger in my home.
Author note: Big shout out to all you readers. I've been suffering with health problems lately and all your kind words on the previous chapter has warmed my soul and made me feel good about myself at a time that I feel pretty cruddy.
Love to you all!
Now enjoy this curveball ;-)
Review days were always long and hectic. There was always something to check, double check, decipher, add, enhance and finally review before we could move onto the next piece of evidence we may or may not have found.
"So this bit here is when I received a response on the puck." Billy says looking over to me. We both stare up at the television screen as it plays the footage, once we have watched it, I sit forward in front of the microphone, preparing for my voice over.
I'd made notes throughout our first viewing of the evidence, whilst Billy wrote down times that we needed to look into further.
With a confirming nod from Billy, I begin my voice over. "As Billy begins to set up the paranormal puck two. He instantly receives a message, without even typing a question..."
Once he nods again, I know that he has caught it and we can move onto the next piece of evidence.
They say team work is dream work and we have found it easier to review the evidence with just us both, rather than have Aaron here too. Although he is part of the team, like Jay, Aaron tends to get bored quickly whilst reviewing and has spent reviewing session upside down on the couch making raspberry noises at Gracie. We had too much reviewing to do that day and after his antics alongside high stress levels, it resulted in an argument. Now it is just me and Billy who reviews it all and Aaron is more than happy to miss out.
"Okay and here is another." Billy says.
"Based on this sho-" I pause as the doorbell chimes through my home, resulting in Billy hitting the pause button.
"I'll get it bro. Ready to record again?" He asks handing the laptop over to me. I accept it and delete the audio file before setting up another as he leaves to get the door.
"Based on this shocking instant response, it's no surprise that it connects with the two faint girl voices we documented earlier." I speak into the microphone before hitting pause.
I look up from the laptop as Billy re-enters with a woman following behind. My mind lapses from the work mode I set myself in and within a second I remember her name.
"Rachel, hi." I smile getting up.
"Hi." She smiles looking around my home. "I know I am here unannounced but I was hoping to have a chat with you?" She asks looking between myself and Billy.
"Um sure." I answer getting ready to leave Billy in the lounge and guide Rachel to the kitchen.
"It's okay bro. I'm gonna shoot off and get some coffee from Starbucks. I won't be long." Billy says shooting me a smirk.
I know what he is thinking and it takes all my strength not to correct him that this isn't a booty call. This is my cleaners boss...
My cleaner..
Is she here about Riley?
"See you in a minute." I reply to Billy, giving him a look I hope he understands.
As he leaves, I gesture for Rachel to the couch and through curtesy, I offer her a drink.
"Oh yes please." She smiles flipping some hair over her shoulder.
"I have, water, milk, coconut water, I don't have soda in the house-"
"Do you still have that big extensive collection of wine?" She asks rising out of her seat and heading towards cool room.
I'm not surprised that she remembers, I recall that she was very interested in my wine collection last time she came here.. Which was only to view the home as we talked cleaning contracts and disclosure forms.
For a non-drinker to have a cool room just for wine seems weird, but it has always been a hobby of mine, to find the oldest and most designed bottles. I never drink them, just keep them chilled and arranged neatly.
"There it is." She says pausing at the marble bar area to look at the glass doors.
"Or you can have some wine?" I offer with a slight laugh.
"I thought you'd never ask." She giggles sitting herself up on the stool.
Her short dress rises as she folds her legs, before gazing at me through her lashes. I'm not sure why she is here, but I have my suspicions by the way she is looking at me.
"Red, Rose or White?" I question opening the door and stepping into the cool air.
"You chill the red wine?" She asks.
"I know, it's a major taboo, but when I don't drink it, why shouldn't it be kept with all the others." I answer.
"I guess, when you put it like that. I fancy something fruity, let's go with the Rose."
I pick a bottle and pull out a glass before rounding the bar to serve her. I set the bottle down after filling her glass and go back to the cool room to grab the only bottle of water I have in there. It's put in there for this kind of moment.
"And here I thought you'd have a drink with me." She says batting her lashes once more.
"I don't drink.. So what do I owe the pleasure?" I ask.
I try to put it subtly, but I really want to know why she is here, disturbing me and when the hell it became appropriate to do unannounced house calls.
Maybe I should have made it clear that we were a one night only thing? Maybe I should have taken my own advice that business and pleasure do not always mix.
For the next 20 minutes, I listen to Rachel waffle on about how much fun we had when we went out together.. For one night.
How she really wished the night hadn't ended so soon and that she would love to do it again some time...
"What's going on Rachel?" I ask her out right, capping my water.
She wets her lipstick painted lips and sits up a little straighter. "You done your hair different?" She asks reaching out to touch it when I stop her hand.
"What's going on?" I repeat.
With a heavy sigh, she sits back. "I feel so awful about this."
"About what? What has happened? Is it Riley?"
She glances at me with an unsure face before reaching out and placing her hand on mine. "I'm so sorry, hon."
"What for?" I ask confused. Was something wrong with Riley? Was she sick? Has there been some kind of accid-
"I'm coming to you because of... Well because of our past history, you know? And I know you. I know that it has to be lies but I need to give you the heads up."
"On what?"
"Riley has made a complaint..." She says making me frown instantly.
She takes a breath and chews her lip unsure.
"About what, Rachel?"
"It's ridiculous and I know it's a lie. But... She says that you've been sexually harassing her."
The words hit me like a tsunami. The air seems to have been zapped out of my lungs by a blow to my gut as I sit there in complete shock.
I'm speechless.
"I am so sorry hon. I know it's awful isn't it?" Rachel says squeezing my hand in support. "But I want you to know that I do not believe a word that she has said and I think I have talked her out of reporting it to the police."
"Police? What?" I ask as my brain restarts.
"No, no, no! It's okay. I've talked her out of it. I swear, I've sorted it."
I blink a few times, utterly confused. "But I don't understand." I say looking at Rachel.
"I don't know what has gone on. She said that you made advances and she turned them down but you got a little handsy-"
"No! No I never!" I exclaim.
"I know! I have warned her about the lies. Don't get upset. I've sorted it."
"But there is nothing to sort!" I argue. "Because nothing happened!"
Rachel continues to rabbit on as I go over all the interacts I've had with Riley since meeting her. I've never manhandled her, I've never made any kind of advances! Sure I've took my clothes off, at her demand and I ran straight to my room after!
"I'm not a sexual predator."
"I know you're not. But I am just here to tell you that she won't be coming back into your home. I know you were trustworthy of her, but I can't let her come back in and risk your reputation.."
"I don't understand..." I trail off.
"I don't either hon. Maybe it is because she doesn't get much attention from men, I mean she isn't the prettiest and skinniest of women.. But that is not the point. The point is, I've caught her in her lie."
"Have you sacked her?"
"No.." Rachel says with a small sigh. "I haven't because I don't want to give her any ammo."
I nod.
"I'm so sorry sweetheart." She says before launching herself into my arms to give me a hug.
My arms wrap around her out of instinct as she whispers words that aren't sinking into my head. My whole head is in turmoil. I don't understand where this has come from. Why would she say that? We were getting on great? Weren't we? Maybe Rachel is right? Maybe it is because she doesn't get much attention? But I don't see why not, she is- she was..
I don't know what Riley is like or was like because from where I am sitting right now, I barely knew the woman, who was coming into my house.
My mind is in pieces, at the trouble these lies could put me in. I could be taken off air, what if someone believes them? What if I'm taken to court? You hear about innocent people being jailed! There is Netflix documentaries on it! What if she sells her lies and makes money from it? She will ruin my career, my life, the show!
I let a complete stranger into my home and now she has the power to destory me...
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