I'd read many articles over time regarding brain fogs, from the well thumbed magazines and information leaflets at the doctors. But I had never experienced one, until now.
Waking up on the floor of the twins room, with Zak's thigh under my head whilst he brushed the back of his hand over my cheek was something I could have never predicted. Nor could I have predicted that I would be told that I have a problem, a big ghost dealing problem. Since then, I had been sat against the chest of drawers with my head in my hands trying to recall what happened and how I got from being in the bathroom, to being in the twins room on the floor.
"What the hell is that smell?" I ask, finally lifting my head to see what Zak was doing.
"Sage." He answers with his back to me as he stretches his arm up to wag around some smoking implement in his hand.
"And that does what? Apart from stink."
"It's used in cleansings to clean the house of bad energy." He explains, bringing his arm down and turning to face me. "Now you're awake, we can look at getting you cleansed too."
"I'm fine." I answer, wafting my hand in my face to try and dissipate the stench. "Is that really necessary?"
He looks down at the sage. "How much is it bothering you?"
"It smells."
"Yeah, but it is also going to help, so suck it up and drink your water."
I pull the bottle of water across the floor which he had given me and unscrew the cap. Taking a mouthful, I try to swallow when it feels as if my throat closes over and I'm being choked. The water glugs back and forth until I'm forced to sit forward and empty my mouth into the plastic paper bin.
"Easy.." Zak says as I cough. "It's blessed."
"I- Are you trying to kill me?!" I shout wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.
"Of course not.. But that right there is an indication that whatever happened earlier, is not finished. We need to get you help." He informs me.
"But there's nothing-"
"You just choked on water. You couldn't swallow it. Your body rejected it because there is something else still playing within you. I know what I am talking about Riley. Please do not take me for a fool."
I have no energy to fight with him, hell I have no energy to stand up, so I simply recap the water, put it aside and bury my head back into my hands, waiting for sleep to come.
"Riley.. It's time to wake up."
The voice sounds like Avery's, I'd believe it was until the veil of sleep was broken and the sweet calming voice morphs into one of a mans.
"Riley.. Can you lift your head up for me?" He asks.
With all the effort I can muster, I lift my head up to find a man looking back at me with a pleasant smile. "Hello." He says watching me through his rounded glasses.
"Who are you?" I ask before looking at his clothes. "Are you-"
"My name is Bishop Bryan, I'm a friend of Zak's.."
"Funny sort of friend." I mutter, before I can shut my eyes, I see another person in the room. "Who is that?"
"A colleague of mine. Riley, do you know where we are?" He asks.
"Good, and do you know why we are here?"
I shake my head "For a wedding?"
"Not quiet. I do exorcisms.." He explains.
"Good for you. I guess. Where is Zak?"
"He is watching on the camera, downstairs. I'm Sister Mary." His colleague answers.
"You don't look like a sister." I tell her, causing a smile to pull on her lips.
"I'm a very different kind."
I nod my head slightly before looking at the Bishop. "You here to clean the house again? The sage stinks."
"I am here to do quiet a bit. You're very lucky that we were in the area, otherwise who knows what would have happened."
I lean my head against the drawers, I'm desperate to drop off into sleep again, but also curious to know what they are all up to, as well as why Zak has left me up here.
A laugh escapes me causing them both to stop. "Guess you could say, I'd become Spook-ghetti." The pair exchange a look before I add "Inside joke."
Looking towards the camera, I wonder if Zak is watching or if he has just left me here to deal with whatever there is to come...
Bishop Bryan and Sister... I've forgotten her name, work around the room, setting things up as well as deciding what to deal with first when the door opens and Zak walks in.
"How you doing?" He asks me.
I shrug "I'm fine. Nothing is happening."
He glances over to Bishop Bryan "Do you need me to leave?"
The Bishop looks between us before shaking his head "It won't be necessary, you've been through these before. However what happens throughout cannot be interrupted."
"I understand." Zak answers before looking at me again. "Riley where has the rosary gone?"
Tiredly, I lift my head and wait for him to see it, but when he fails to confirm that it's there, I reach up and pat my neck.. "Gone."
"I have taken it off, it's a temporary measure and after I've blessed it, I shall return it." Bishop Bryan says making Zak nod.
"We're ready.." The sister says making Zak look back to me.
"You're going to be okay."
I frown "What does that mean?"
As the Bishop begins to read from his bible, I look between them all, confused and at a loss as to what was happening. Was I suppose to be spewing green stuff? Turning my head 360 degrees? Because if that is the case? Then it's failing..
I open my mouth to tell them when the Bishop begins to speak louder and the white fog etches itself into my line of vision. Alarmed, I look to Zak who seems to be sitting calmly.
"I- my eyes!" I cry blinking rapidly. "Something is happening to my eyes!"
"Don't fight it." Zak says under the loud tones of the Bishop.
"I'm going blind!" I shout trying to get off the floor only to fall onto my knees. I reach up trying to grab hold of something to help pull me up when the Bishop steps forward and places his stole on top of my head.
The white floods through my eyes entirely as a burning pain sears through my brain. I scream, I struggle, I shove at the hands that are trying to stop me from getting up and then I fall, down the rabbit hole of my mind and into the darkness that awaits.
I don't remember waking up.
I don't remember leaving the house or talking to Aaron as I sat in the van, but apparently I did that.
What I do remember is Zak's grey and blue eyes watching me carefully as I drink from a bottle of water he brought me. There's concern in them, but I am unsure whether it's for me, his team, the Bishop or the house.
Capping the bottle, I set it down and yawn wholeheartedly. "What time is it?"
He checks his watch. "Late. How are you feeling?"
"Tired. Exhausted." I answer rubbing the back of my neck.
"You're going to be, for a few days, at least..."
I nod my head slowly. "Where is the rest of the team?"
Zak looks back towards Avery's house. "Inside, they are just finishing up with the Bishop. Then we are good to go."
"Go where?" I ask confused.
"To go home."
"Oh..." I trail off.
A moment passes between us, where I stare off into the darkness whilst his eyes burn the side of my face, looking for something.
"I think it is best that I drive you home tonight, after what you've been through." Zak says making me look back towards him.
"So this isn't normal?"
His frown takes hold "Absolutely not. Riley when I agreed to help you, I had no idea the level of activity."
"What were they?"
"They?" He asks.
"The twins, what were they?"
"I'm not sure I follow you." Zak says crouching down in front of me.
Sighing, I look down at him "They have been talking to whatever was in the house, they have been for a while. Yet I come in, talk to it once and I end up... Well I don't know what happened."
He reaches out and places a hand on my knee. "I wish I could tell you. But I honestly can't tell you why some people connect better than others, why you managed to connect with the darkness in there where as someone like me, who has been in this field for 10 years didn't."
"What am I suppose to tell Avery?"
"Let's deal with that tomorrow. Just concentrate on drinking that water and eating. You need energy."
"I need a warm bath and a cosy bed."
He smiles slightly "I know that feeling. Hang tight."
It takes another two hours before the Bishop emerges from the house with Sister... Sister Mary? I'm annoyed that I can't remember her name but give my thanks when they come over and tell me that the house is clear as well as protected.
"How are you feeling now, Riley?" The Bishop asks standing in front of me.
"Tired. Drained of energy."
He nods in understanding. "You will feel like that for a couple of days, what ever had taken hold of you had no interest in leaving the house."
"But it has now?"
"Absolutely, Sister Mary and myself ensure every room, corner and point of the home has been cleansed. It has also been protected from any further activity. Can you see that small patch of grass that has been dug up?"
I look to where he is pointing and nod.
"There is a crucifix there, one on every corner of the garden, followed by another inside the house. You will get no further problems." He smiles.
"Thank you.."
He turns to speak with Zak whilst I wander off in my mind again, wondering about the twins when it strikes me.
"Bishop, what about my nieces?" I ask causing his conversation with Zak to stop. "Will they need... I... Will they need what I had done?"
His smile is comforting, it sets my nerves at ease as he places his hands onto mine. "You are giving it power by not telling yourself what happened." He explains "Admitting that you had an exorcism isn't a bad omen. You have been cleansed by God, protected and have the best aftercare team any person could ask for."
I know he means Zak in that moment, but I can't tear my mind off the moments inside the house. The fog.
"Will they need an exorcism too?" I ask taking a breath.
The Bishop looks at me with smile "Well done. The answer is no. They will not."
"But- But they have had more contact with this spirit than me, how come..."
"I will leave Zak to explain. For now, you just rest." He says before taking the rosary from his pocket and looping it over my neck.
I take the silver chain within my hand and hold on to it, never realising how grateful I was of having some sort of protection, after having none for so long.
We say our goodbyes, as Bishop Bryan and Sister Mary hop into the SUV with Billy to be taken to wherever they were off to next, leaving me with the crew.
"House is locked." Aaron says walking down the drive, spinning keys on his finger.
"Okay, we will collect all equipment tomorrow, let's just get ourselves home tonight. It's been a hard lockdown." Zak says making them all nod. "Aaron take the SUV, Dakota you too. I'm going to take Riley home."
I thank them all for helping and move into the passenger seat, allowing Zak to slide himself behind the wheel of the van. "Rachel is gonna throw a fit when she realises I've been using this for personal use."
Zak looks over "Let me handle her."
We are ten minutes away from my house, when a wave of emotion hits me. It comes out of nowhere, rendering me useless as Zak drives along.
"Hey, hey, hey. You're okay." He says quietly.
The idea of not being able to see haunts me, as my mind replays the things I would have missed, from the twins birthday, to Christmas, the bright lights of Vegas, the green leaves of a tree, the thunder and lightening in the skies, my sister when she pulls a face, the first signs of Autumn, fireworks, the grey eyes I've become so fond of, Gracie's fluffy tail, Chinese lanterns that float along in the skies, the twins faces full of joy as they have fun...
I don't realise Zak has pulled over until he is tugging me into his chest. I'm inconsolable for a few minutes, until I wear myself down. A shuddering breath is all that is left when Zak loosens his arms from around me.
"Hang on in there, sweetie." He whispers pressing a kiss on top of my head before starting the van again.
My eyes stay connected to the cross tattoo on his index finger, wondering if that holds any protection at all, or if like me, he still has to take extra precautions. Which would make sense with his rosaries.
When the van stops, my heart sinks into the pit of my stomach, in anxiety as to what is going to happen when I go in. Will Avery be awake? Will she ask me questions? Will I have to tell her what happened? How do I explain what happened? How can I tell her, a sceptic has had one hell of a wake up call? How do I admit that I was wrong? How the hell do I tell her about the twins interactions with whatever was in her home?
Turning my head, I'm dumbfounded.
I have to blink a few times before I can turn to look at Zak who has got out the van and come to open my door.
"I don't... I don't understand." I say as he holds my door open.
"Warm bath, cosy bed." He replies giving me a smile and extending his hand out. I look past him, hoping that the fresh tears that have began brewing from his considerate nature won't spill out.
"Riley, sweetie.. I've already spoken to Avery. She knows where you are. She knows you are with me and I can tell you now, there won't be a more peaceful place after a hard night, than this place right here." He says.
I'm in agreement there and place my hand in his before getting out. "Zak,-"
"Don't thank me. Please.. It's the least I can do. It's not every day that you're thrust into the paranormal world at it's most ugliest." He says unlocking the iron gates. We slip through and wait for the clunk before continuing onto the front door. "Stay with me, for one night.. Or for however long you need."
I stop him as he goes to unlock the front door to his home. "I know it's been a rocky few days, but I am grateful to have someone like you in my life."
The touched look on his face seems to help my soul. The first thing I do, is remove my shoes at the front door and stand in his large foyer, letting the peace settle into my bones.
"Use my bathroom, run a hot bath and get in. I'll sort you some clothes and make you some food." He says pocketing his keys.
"You don't have to-"
"Riley. I want to." He tells me before nodding in the direction of his room.
Taking two steps forward, I kiss his cheek before heading off in the direction of his room. It's one thing cleaning his home, but completely different when I'm being invited to stay over. No matter what his faults have been over the past few days, there is kindness in his heart and no matter how dark his job gets, there is purity in his soul...
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