Old and New.
My hand shoots out and stops his head from colliding with the headrest for the fortieth time. "Stop it. You'll get a headache or a concussion and forget to apologise to me for being a massive jerk wad these past few days."
He rubs his head against the palm of my hand, like a dog would, wanting a little more attention. His black hair is surprisingly soft despite all the hair products he must use to keep it in it's style. I'd like to feel it fresh, just washed without any products weighing it down. I'd like to feel if it's fluffy or just ridiculously soft.
I look away from his hair to see his eyes observing me quietly, there is no doubt that he has seen me lost in my own head about his damn hair, but he doesn't say a thing. Giving him a small smile, I pull my hand away and order myself mentally to keep my hands on my lap.
But the second I have myself in my seat, I'm struck with the solid truth that Rachel has set out to cause trouble, not the small kind. Oh no, she has gone big guns and made false allegations on my behalf. The type that could have landed me in a court room, a jail cell even, for slander, defamation of character and God only knows what else. Her lies could have ruined his career and for what? What is her gain from all this?
Zak gives a heavy sigh "Riley, I am-"
"Don't say sorry." I interrupt. "You have no need to apologise to me. You were reacting to something awful. It is understandable."
"But you didn't-"
"I know." I say looking over at him and giving a small smile. "You were protecting yourself, I get it."
He shakes his head in disbelief and looks away "You're making me feel even worse by not letting me apologise."
"Because you don't need to. I don't need to hear it from you. Not for that. Maybe for throwing me out your house though?" I point out before pulling the mints from my pocket and fiddling with the packet.
"I am so sorry for manhandling you like that. I didn't... I didn't hurt you, did I?" He asks looking over at me again.
"So I might have cried a little over your massive U-turn in attitude, but I'm a big girl."
"I'm sorry." He says again, this time I feel the weight of his words and something shifts within my soul at his sincerity.
I lift the packet up. "Mint?"
"No sweetie. I don't want one."
I nod, shoving one in my mouth to keep my brain occupied and not on what just happened.
We fall into a silence, but this time it's not uncomfortable or awkward, this time it's... different. Whilst Zak contemplates whatever is going on in his head, I turn my attention to people watching.
There are workers, still in their uniforms, having just finished work or maybe on their breaks, heading into the grocery store to buy some dinner. There are parents with kids in trolleys, elderly couples walking with frames, kids loitering outside looking to cause trouble and last minute panickers, they are my favourite. Always flustered and checking their phones for recipes to make something for dinner. Whilst they flap, I normally just grab a meal for one and a bottle of wine. It might not be healthy but then stress isn't good for the body either and we all know I've had plenty of that.
"Who in their right mind gives you a Ouija board?" He asks suddenly bringing me back to him.
I look over at him. "What do you mean? I'm a perfectly normal person."
"No, that's not what I meant. I mean it in the context of... You know how dangerous these things are right?" He asks.
I shrug "Pot luck?"
My answer seems to irritate him and I have to retract my statement pretty quick. "I know how serious they are. I wasn't going to use it."
"So it was a ploy to make me stop?" He guesses.
"It has something attached to it." I tell him as he pulls the plastic bag up from the foot well and examines the planchette for any signs of damage.
"Be glad you didn't break it when you swan dived the hood of the car." He says putting it on the dash before taking the board out.
It's the second time I've actually looked at it and before I can make a comment, Zak whistles.
"Woo. No wonder. This board is from 1885." He says pulling it closer to his face.
I have the sudden urge to slap the back of it and knock it into his head, for that reason, I slide my hands under my legs to stop me.
"So it's old."
"Antique. Genuine. Well used. Amazing condition and as far as Ouija boards go, the skull on it is sick." He says checking the corners and back. "You said it has something attached to it?"
"Uh-huh." I nod.
"How do you know?" He asks narrowing his eyes "If you haven't used it..."
"I hate those things. It says online not to mess with them, they are more trouble than they are worth. The person who sold it was eager to get rid of it."
"Reputable seller."
"Exactly!" I say, realising we had both said the same thing.
He puts the board against the steering wheel and picks up his phone, after a few taps, he shakes his head. "It's a genuine 1885 board, from England. Shit, Riley."
"So I guess it's not a friday night party game?" I joke, but he returns my joke with a flat look. "Joking. Jeeze. So uptight."
"I'm having a hard day." He replies. He stares at the board for a few seconds before looking at me. "Have you been having problems? Because of this?"
I shake my head. "No, I got it today."
"You got it today? From where? Who?" He asks, his tone changing from questioning to demanding. I can see he is pissed off about it, but I don't know why. It's not like I'm stupid enough to play around with it.
"These things are some serious shit. You should never be given one. Especially as heavy as this." He frowns putting it away along with the planchette which he wraps up in the scarf I had haphazardly thrown it in.
"It doesn't matter from where or from whom. The thing is, I don't know what to do with it. I don't want it, it's haunted and I kind of thought of a museum that could maybe keep it?" I ask only realising it now.
He scoffs "You're asking me if I will have this?"
I nod.
"Riley, I'm taking it. I don't care what you were going to say. I wasn't handing this back to you. It's dark. I don't want anything hurting you."
I place my hand on my chest "I'm touched that you care." I joke.
"I do when it comes to this. Why do you think I gave you a rosary?"
"The one you broke?" I throw back.
"Yeah well I was wrong for that. I'm sorry about that too. God I've been an asshole." He sighs.
"You've had a couple hard days. But for future reference, I've only ever said good things about you.... I think?"
"You think?" He asks looking at me with his blue eyes that are becoming a favourite of mine.
"Well I might have moaned about you to my sister but nothing as horrible as that." I reply.
"What did you say?"
"That you play this mysterious and confusing façade which is annoying. I've told you that already."
"Think you actually screamed it at me."
"Whatever." I comment resting my head against the seat and looking over at him.
"So.. What now?" He asks.
"Well I need to get some food." I tell him.
"Then I need your help."
Pulling up outside my apartment, I can see all the lights on and shadows moving behind the curtains. Glancing in the rear view mirror, I see the car and smile before grabbing the shopping bags from the passenger seat and getting out.
"I'll park." He says looking around my area.
"There is a solid lean to at the side, the camera covers that and the door." I point to it, having left it free for him to use.
I watch as he moves the car with precision into the space before getting out and locking it with a click. He looks at the security camera and then to me. "Where do you normally park? Not over there." He nods to the darkened area of the street.
"No." I lie.
"You're lying." He says. "I have a bullshit meter. Park under this from now on. For your own safety."
"It's not a bad neighbour hood." I tell him as I make my way to the front door.
"I can smell the pot from here."
I laugh "You've met Mavis, it's medicinal. Apparently."
"Your neighbour is a pot head? The granny?" He asks taking the bags from me.
"It seems so. Although she will come at you with a broom if you call her old. So make sure you use youthful terms in front of her." I tell him climbing the stairs.
I barely have the spare keys from my bag when Mavis' door swings open. "Hello there." She smiles.
"Evening Mavis, how are you?" I ask.
Her eyes move to Zak. "Even better now."
Zak plays right into her mood by laughing wickedly with her. "Nice to see you again."
"You too lover. You too."
She is giving him a good look as he waits for me to open the door, seemingly enjoying the attention he is getting from this gangster granny.
"Mavis, I have my sister and her twins here for a couple days. I hope you don't mind." I say realising that the noise in my apartment has probably racked up a few decibels.
"Oh, I seen them earlier. I had just made brownies when I heard Avery." She smiles.
"I hope they weren't herbal ones." Zak mumbles under his breath making me bite the inside of my mouth.
"Sorry I didn't give you some notice, something has come up."
"It's fine. You guys have a good night and Zak.."
"Yes Ma'am?" He asks looking over to her.
"Don't be a stranger."
"I won't, you take care now."
"Oh I will, Good night my earth children." She winks before closing her door.
I'm stood speechless whilst Zak chuckles "If I had neighbours like that? I'd never move house. She is awesome."
I'm about to attempt the lock again when Avery yanks open the door. "Thank fuck you are home, I'm starvi- hi."
"Evening." Zak says as she stares at him in shock. For someone who searched him up online, she is as quiet as a mouse now!
"We um.. We have a guest for dinner." I tell her as she steps back and allows us in.
I understand her reaction, he is something to look at all right, with his dark hair, light eyes, facial hair, wide shoulders, long legs and big arms. He also dresses good and smells amazing. He is the ultimate war weapon.
"Come in." She manages despite us already being in the apartment, she does remember to shut the door before hurrying off into the lounge whilst I take us to the kitchen.
Zak sets the bags on the table before wandering towards the fridge where several photos sit in magnetic frames. The ones of myself and Joel have been removed and replaced with me, Avery and the twins.
"You look cute." He says taking the frame off the fridge to look at it.
It was a younger photo of me, when Avery was going through the snap happy faze. It was a colourful photo of me stood in front of a wall of flowers and for once, I felt good. So it made it to the fridge of fame.
I hear the photo snap back onto the fridge before another one is taken off. I leave him to look at them whilst I unpack bags and put the groceries away, as well as set out food for dinner. After Zak has finished, he starts looking all around my small kitchen.
"It's not as big as your kitchen huh?" I ask.
"No, but I kinda like it." He says watching as I spin from one counter to another preparing food.
"Really? Your house is a mansion, this must feel like a shoe box."
He shakes his head when I look over to him. "It's homey."
It takes Avery a few minutes before she sheepishly enters the kitchen. "I'm Avery."
"Zak." He smiles shaking her hand that she shoved out, I make a mental note to tease her about it later.
"Is Spaghetti Bolognese okay?" I ask Avery.
"Yeah, the girls love it."
"Good." I smile before looking at Zak. "Staying for dinner?"
His smile only increases "Absolutely."
Two small hurricanes enter the kitchen and practically tackle me into the counter before realising there is a stranger in the apartment. Both girls look at each other before Grace, the Brave speaks up.
"Who are you?"
"Grace." Avery frowns. "Don't be rude."
"I'm Zak. A friend of your Auntie Riley." He says with ease.
You couldn't have put us as friends a couple of hours ago as I threw myself on his car...
Grace folds her small arms. "Do you know Joel too?"
Zak looks up to me as my face goes red. "Um no. I haven't met him yet." He says looking back at her.
I don't miss how he used the word, yet. But hopefully him and Joel will never cross paths. Ever.
"Good. I don't like him. He smells funny."
"Oh." Zak says before asking "Do I smell funny?"
She shrugs "We will see. Right Livvy?"
Olivia stays silent beside her only making it obvious who the ruler of the house is.
"Well I hope I don't smell. I'd like to be your friend too."
Grace looks at him with a face I know all too well, I glance to Avery who is looking at me with a face that says it all... So she might take after me in some ways.
"Why don't you girls go back to watching TV? I'll be there in a second." Avery smiles guiding them out and mouthing an apology to Zak.
Once she leaves and closes the door, he laughs "She's going to be a feisty one."
"I know."
"Reminds me of you. She has that flare about her.."
"You haven't seen anything yet. Are you allergic to any of these ingredients?" I ask gesturing to the beef, spaghetti, onion, peppers, garlic, tomatoes, zucchini and carrots.
"Nope. I'm good."
"Good." I answer before turning around and grabbing the chopping board. My hand goes for the knife when Zak picks it up and budges me along the work top.
"Let me help.. Then you can tell me who drew that photo." He says, making me glance up at him, unsure. "I'm not as stupid as I seem, Riley. I also have a good memory. You need my help. Don't you?"
I nod slightly "I can't really explain-"
How can you tell someone that the imaginary friend could be a ghost or spirit or demon or something else? How can I tell him that I saw a car move on its own, when I told him I don't believe?
"After dinner." He decides. "First we eat, then we can all talk. Okay?"
I see the out he is giving me and I take it gladly, knowing it will be easier with Avery here. We work as a team, preparing dinner whilst a strange sense of domestication fills my body. Joel never cooked or even helped me cook. He would sit in the lounge and wait for me to call him, even then he would take the plate from the table and eat off his lap in there.
Remembering my hospitality, I get Zak a drink as well as myself before going back to the chopping, when he laughs.
"What?" I ask, pulling my mind out of a little fantasy of him cooking me breakfast, without a top.
What? I have to get my kicks some how, and seeing him in my kitchen does that...
"N-Nothing." He chuckles.
I laugh "Tell me."
"No, it's stupid. I have bad humour." He answers.
"Okay." He laughs again. "What is a ghost's favourite pasta?"
Pausing for effect, I answer "I don't know."
"Boo- Catini."
I laugh, he laughs, I snort and then he laughs even more, as I die of embarrassment.
"I thought it was going to be Fettuccine Afraid-o." I joke making him choke on his drink as he laughs. I end up having to slap him on the back until he stops choking.
"I got another." He croaks.
"No stop. You almost choked to death." I answer.
"Then we would be having Spook-ghetti then."
I know it's dumb, it's bad jokes and stupid humour, but I end up laughing with him and deciding that my new favourite thing in the world is his smile and laugh.
Author Note...
I regret none of this poor humour. :D
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