Chapter 4
Birds sang and the sound of trees met my ears. I flicked my tail in a nervous way. The scent of grass and wildflowers hit my nose. Warm sunlight filtered onto my skin, I could hear laughter. I blinked open my eyes. I was stood in a field of flowers and tress. Other demons were sat there, some had wings others didn't. I looked to my left and saw Dieth. Large feathery black wings rested on the back of her cropped hoodie and a long black tail swayed behind her. She took an extravagant step forwards.
"Welcome to Demonica!" She said throwing her arms into the air and flapping a few feet from the ground.
I blinked. "It's not what I expected" I said quietly, blinking in the bright afternoon sun.
"Well what did you expect? Wait! I know! Fire and brimstone and death." She flapped closer to my face as she stared into my on show eye.
I nodded shyly and she just let out a wail of laughter.
"Oh my Death! You idiot, why would we try and rub it in that you are dead!" She gasped, chocking for air. "Well come on, you do have a place get to" She dropped to the ground and walked toward a large bright looking castle.
Time skip brought to you by "How do I sleep?"
The doors of the castle swung open. We walked into a large, bright throne room. Unlike the throne rooms of the living this one had little security. At the other end of the long room there was a puffy arm-chair. Sat on the chair was a tall man, he had black hair with white mixed in. He wore a large t-shirt and had a bored expression on his face. His face looked approachable. Ram horns curled about his head like a crown, above those were two smaller and more pointed horns. As he saw us he beamed and waved at us to come over. As we approached I saw that his eyes were different colours, one amber one blue.
Dieth smiled and walked over to him, sitting on his lap. The man chuckled before turning his attention to me, for a moment her looked stunned before he regained his composure. He pushed Dieth from his lap and she sat on the soft carpeted floor, looking confused for a moment before standing. The man walked towards me. I backed away, my hands close to my face. He frowned. I blinked and continued to back away, my tail curled about my leg.
"Astell?" He asked, his voice had a slightly melodic hum to it. I nodded and he smiled wider, revealing his own pointed fangs. "It's been so long!" He cried out, loosing the little dignity that he had. I frowned and tilted my head in a cat-like manner.
"What do you mean?" I asked, looking at my feet.
"Oh, well y'see" He began looking nervous. "For every three angels there is a demon, I hand pick them!" He said a little too quickly.
I nodded. "Why split me an my sister though?" I asked quietly, not wanting to anger the tall demon.
"uh well....thing is... I don't know" He said honestly. I nodded. "Well, Dieth, daughter, could you show Astell her room?"
Dieth nodded, but looked shocked, I had seen houses outside of the castle why was I getting a room in it?
We walked for a while, there were more male demons here, all seemed to know Dieth. A demon wearing a t-shirt appeared before us, the t-shirt read "i'm an illegal alien" with a little cartoon alien on it.
"Dee, please move out of my way" Dieth said, gazing up at the taller demon.
Dee chuckled. "and who's the newbie Die-die?"
Dieth bristled. "Never call me Die-die" She snapped, raising in the air, small fire on her body.
Dee sighed. "Testy" He observed. "Now what's your name?" He asked me.
"A-astell" I stammered. He nodded.
"Dieth calm yourself" He said to the short demon. "I'm just leaving anyways."
Dieth nodded. "Well we're almost at your room Astell"
I nodded. Dieth lead me to a door, it was red with black stripes. She pushed the door open.
Ok that's this chapter, thanks to Dieth and Holly as always, they kept pestering me to write this, so hope this gets you off my tail for a bit. I had writers block. Also thanks to LastDeeStanding for letting me use them!
Songs: I'll just list my playlist instead. There it is.
More when I feel like it or somethin'
Give me OCs to use and I will.
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