The troublesome two
Asher woke up yawning. He then stretched before hearing someone call his name. "Ashyyyyy!" a familiar voice to all demons called. "Ugh. Sean, it's too early for this." Asher complained while still somewhat asleep.
"I know! But we have some trouble to cause remember?" Sean said quickly. "Alright." Asher said while nodding slightly. He stands up and turns towards his friend He punches Sean, too quickly for him to react. "Ow! What the hell!" Sean said while rubbing his cheek.
"You woke me up. It's fair." Asher said and walked off to get ready.
The two boys were commonly known as 'The Troublesome Two'. Mainly due to the fact that they love causing trouble for other devils in Hell. Sure that may seem stereotypical, but, it's all you can really do as a teen in Hell.
Hell is divided, weirdly. There are different sections in Hell for different people. There is a waiting area, kind of like where you get checked in and stuff at Disney. Except, you're going to Hell instead of a theme park. There is a jail for Hell. I know, weird right? There is different food places like on Earth when you're alive. Just a little different.
Something that should be known is that once you die and show up in Hell, you are wearing the same clothes you died in. Even know most people still wear the clothes they died in. There isn't any blood stains or anything like that. The clothes are also altered to fit with the wings that Devils have along with an occasional tail.
Most people look the same when they died. Like skin tone, weight, height, hair colour, eye colour, etc. Some devils get new clothes to wear, but most aren't bothered enough to care. Some demons will get their hair dyed or something like that. You can also ,surprisingly at any age, get tattoos.
Did I mention that not even all the gays and lgbt folks go to Hell? So suck my dick you homophobe!
Anyways, the two teens made their way down a small street leading over towards a common target to their 'mischief'.
They boys walked in, only to be met with an, Angel? That rarely happens. They made their way towards the Angel, only to be pushed back by some random guy in the shop. Clearly trying to protect the two boys from the possible threat.
"I'm looking for Sean Tyler and Asher Ward. God would like to speak to them." the Angel said. "Oh! Are we not good enough for 'God'?" Someone said mockingly. "Like we'd send the basic Princes of Hell to be turned into a jerk like you Angels? No way!" Another shouted.
"Boys, boys. Let's all be nice to our visitor here!" Sean said while stepping onto a table. "Yeah! Let's give this Angel a warm welcome!" Asher said while standing up with Sean. Asher quickly moved his hands and clicked his tongue. It was something known by all Demons. It basically says, 'Go get Satan'.
Someone ran off while everyone began chanting Satan. "Satan! Satan! Satan!"
"Stop!" the Angel shrieked.
Suddenly, speak of the devil, Satan burst through the front door. Let me tell you, boy was he pissed!
"I've told that fool so many times! He can't just send some stupid minion to try and turn some of my kids! This is my territory!" Satan shouted which quieted the chanting. The Angel scoffed before speaking up saying, "Your kids? Really? The two kids that i'm looking for, God wants to speak to them.
"Oh! So he thinks he can chuck us people into Hell! And then just waltzed on in trying to take us? No way bitch!" Asher shouted furious. "Do not speak of God as that! He is nothing but loving!" the Angel argued. "Sure." Sean mumbled.
"Either way, you can tell him to forget it! They are staying here. That's where they were sent since 'God' apparently doesn't love us enough!" Satan argues back, clearly not trying to hide who is more dominant. The Angel, or Satan. You tell me.
"Ugh! You ungrateful beings! You have a chance to redeem yourselves! And you want to throw it away?" the Angel shouted before heading outside and flying off.
Asher and Sean aren't really 'princes'. But ever since they got to Hell, they have been unstoppable. When they met up, they would constantly stir up trouble with others out of pure boredom. After a while, a lot of Demons had started to respect them. The gays being first of course.
"I'm sorry you two boys had to see that." Satan apologized before heading over to the bar area and grabbing a strong drink. The two boys got down and decided to not cause anymore trouble today.
Whether they try or not, trouble always somehow finds them.
They decided to head to a private spot that no Demons (or angels) ever go. The borderline.
They wanted to be far away from others. Have some peace and quiet. And just be away from crowds.
They made their way over to the borderline. Technically, Demons aren't supposed to be here, but there isn't a rule saying they can't. However, there is a rule for Angels. If you get caught at the border and interacting with a Demon without permission, serious punishment.
So you could say they were surprised to hear two angels at the border. What surprised them even more is what was happening to them.
word count: 915
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