Chapter 3
Dedicated to my wonderful co-author ughhxx, thanks for all the help love♡♡
After my last class, I decided to go back to the apartment. Jordan and Carmen were back in the art room working on a project, so I walked back by myself today. As I was getting close to the apartment I noticed a dark blue car driving behind me.
I didn't think much of it until the car started driving right beside me very slow. As I turned my head to see who was in the car. Sitting in the drivers seat was a man with bleach blonde hair wearing all black. As I made eye contact with him, I felt as if I was going to be sick.
Thankfully, I was now almost at my apartment so I decided to pick up my pace. The faster I walked, the faster the blue car drove. With a very uneasy feeling, I finally get to the door to my apartment building. As I turn my head to look behind me one last time, I see the man in the car give me one last glance before speeding off down the pavement.
*two hours later*
"So he watched you walk home then sped off once you went in the apartment" Jordan asked while pacing around the apartment. As soon as her and Carmen got home I told them about what happened. "Yes. And now I'm scared because whoever he is knows where we live because he watched me walk to the apartment" I sigh while looking at the tv which was currently playing some cartoon Carmen turned on.
"Listen Ava I know your scared but nothing is going to happen to you. We're going to keep all doors and windows locked at all times. And your not going to be walking back to the apartment by yourself, we're all walking together from now on." Although Jordan's words were reassuring, there was still one thing on my mind. "But what about when I go to work. Normally I'm the only one in the gas station other than the occasional customers. What if something happens".
"Text one of us every half hour or whenever you're feeling uneasy. Don't worry too much about it" Carmen said while looking up from the TV. "Come on, I'll walk you to work. Text me when you're shift is over so I can walk you home". Agreeing with Jordan, I grabbed my phone and made my way to work.
~Anonymous point of view~
She can't see me but I'm here. Watching. I have been for what seems like minutes in my time, but in her time, it's been hours. She can't see me but she knows I'm here. She can feel it, I smell it. It's almost time, soon everything will come together. There's no stopping what's already in motion. The best part is that they have no idea of what's going on.
They're smart, they know something is wrong but they don't know what exactly it is. Soon enough, they'll know. As I stand outside of the gas station watching my beautiful Ava, I can't help but feel excited about how well the plan is working. As she turns her head to look out of the window, I disappear into the alley while thinking about the next stage of the plan.
AN: I hope you guys liked this chapter, don't forget to vote and comment! Who do you think the anonymous person in the chapter is?P.s. who's listened to the new 5sos album, it's so amazing
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