chapter 13
*Ava's point of view*
"Jordan can I ride in the shopping cart?" I ask as soon as we enter Walmart.
"Sure, Carmen hold the side of it so Ava doesn't flip it over on herself like last time"
"Hey, that only happened because you weren't paying attention and started moving the buggy while I was trying to get in".
"Oh yeah I remember that. That was pretty great" Carmen laughed while holding the buggy still while I climbed inside of it. As soon as I sat down Jordan started pushing the buggy towards the food section.
"Okay we need more salt since you guys poured all of our on the floor. We should probably go ahead and get a turkey too" I said while thinking about all the things we needed to buy.
After grabbing 3 containers of salt we went to the frozen Thanksgiving turkeys in the middle of the meat section.
"Okay, which one do we get", Jordan questions while looking at the the turkeys on the shelf.
"Um, since it's just the three of us we should probably get a small one" I replied.
"How about this one?" Carmen asked while holding up a small turkey.
"Yeah that will work. So now what do we need".
"Let's go to the candle section and look at the incense and stuff" Jordan suggests while pushing the buggy forward.
"CAN WE GET A CHRISTMAS TREE, WE STILL HAVEN'T PUT ONE UP" I excitedly screamed one we passed a lady with a big artificial tree in her shopping cart.
"Ava it's not even December yet, can you wait until then" Jordan said.
"Noooo. Jordan you promised we could get one before Thanksgiving"
"Jordan just let her pick out a tree so she doesn't throw a fit in the middle of Walmart. You know she acts like a child when it comes to Christmas stuff" Carmen speaks while looking at Jordan.
"Okay but we probably should get a fake tree this time, you remember what happened last year" Jordan reminds us. Last year we got a really tree, and it died 3 days before Christmas.
As soon as we got to the Christmas section I immediately saw a 6 foot dark green tree that I liked.
"Let's get that one" I say pointing at the tree.
Carmen got one of the boxes beside the display tree and put it beside me in the buggy.
"Okay, so do we need to buy anymore Christmas ornaments or are we good", Jordan asked.
"We have plenty from last year, we have like 3 boxes of them in my closet. Can we get more lights to hang up around the apartment"
"Hey look here's the red Christmas lights you like" Jordan said while walking to the shelves of Christmas decorations.
"Here we'll get 2 boxes of the red lights, 2 boxes of the white lights and 2 boxes of the multi color lights" Carmen says while handing me the lights.
After we were done with Christmas decorations we went to the candle section. On the shelves across the candles were incense and oils.
We got one pack of each scents of incense.
It wasn't until we had checked out that we realized that we bought way to much stuff. So now we have to carry home a turkey, a Christmas tree and all the other stuff we bought.
As soon as we got to the front of the apartment building fear washed over me. The whole way up the elevator and down the hallway I was hoping we wouldn't run into any of the boys. And thankfully we didn't.
We unlocked the door to our apartment and as we were walking inside, I noticed something was off.
"The salt. Where is it? It's not here!" Jordan yelled while looking around at the windows that once was covered in salt.
"You've gotta be kidding me. How the hell did this happen!" Carmen says while pacing around the apartment.
"Okay so I guess salt doesn't work. But we know incense work because of what happened with jin." I replied while taking a lavender incense out of the package and lighting it.
"Yeah but I don't think we can constantly keep incenses burning. So we'll have to figure something more permanent out" Jordan says as she walks to the kitchen to put the turkey in the freezer.
"We can email Mr. Irwin and ask him for help" I suggested. Carmen got her laptop and sent him an email explaining our situation.
"What do you guys wanna do now", Jordan speaks while walking out of the kitchen.
"I know, I'll go get the Christmas stuff from my room. You guys start opening up the tree!" I yell while almost running to my room to get the boxes of Christmas decorations.
AN: I should have planned out the timeline for this story better because here I am in the middle of July writing about Thanksgiving and Christmas. I hope you guys like this chapter!!
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