chapter 10
All things truly wicked, start from an innocence...
*3rd person point of view*
"Son, come here. There's something we must discuss". As the young man hears his father speak, he starts to walk towards where he's currently sitting. You would think ,that after living here all his 22 years of existing he would get used to the smell of the place. But unfortunately he hasn't. As the stench enters his nose, he starts to feel sick.
"What is it father" the boy asks. "The plan, it's going well. But I don't think your trying hard enough. You must remember, this plan does have a time limit". "Yes father, I know. We're trying very hard. But these girls, they're smart. It's very hard trying to go forth with the plan without them getting suspicious. That's why we have been taking baby steps" the young man says.
"I understand that son. But you know what will happen if this doesn't work. If this is what you call trying your best, then work even harder than that. I watch you make mistake after mistake, you need to start really thinking about your actions." The man then stands up and looks out the window while continuing his speech.
"We don't have time for this jimin. This isn't some kind of fairy tale with a prince that steals the heart of a princess. Don't forget what you are, what we are son. You don't have time for that story book stuff anyways. Move to the next step. Do it fast, do it efficiently. I don't wanna see anymore mistakes, do you understand?".
"Yes sir, but you say do it fast. But if you want something to do done right then you must take your time. If I speed through things, I'll mess up. Please understand that I am trying my best. I know how important this is to us, that's why I'm trying so hard not to mess it up". After jimin was done speaking, the only thing that could be heard was the screams coming from outside.
"I will be watching you from now on. If I think you cannot handle the task that has been given to you, I'll do it myself. And if it does come to me doing it myself, it will be my way. I won't care who gets hurt in the process and I won't care about their feelings. Your trying to hard. If you would have done this my way then you would be done by now. When you go back, you must remember what I've said. Goodbye jimin, I hope too see you again soon. Don't come back until the plan is over".
"Goodbye father, I will try my best. I won't fail you, don't worry about me". After the words fall from jimins lips, he returns to his apartment. As he's sitting in his room, he thinks about what to do next.
He had to act fast. He couldn't let the girls get hurt because of him. There is one thing he knows for sure, he will not mess this up. He will finish the final steps of the plan, no matter what he has to do.
AN: This was a very short chapter, I apologise. But what do you guys think is going on in this chapter? Jimins dad is quite odd isn't he? There are a whole lot of clues in this chapter, so I hope you paid attention!
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