Loud justification
In the cafeteria Lincoln new group was sitting and talking when someone called his name
The group turned around and saw the others coming towards them
Lincoln: oh hey guys wassup
Clyde: dude why aren't you hanging out with us at our normal table ?
Before he could answer Winnie spoke up for him
Winnie: because he is helping us with a big project after school
Rusty:maybe we can help you guys
Phanty: sorry carrot top but it's just me the girls and Lincoln no one else
Liam: well golly if you say so
Stella: wait just a minute why don't we ask the teacher can we joined
Sabrina sense this and started to get a little annoyed
Sabrina: look we already discussed this in the hallway and after school so leave it at that
Zack:yeah come on guys let's not get crazy here
Stella wanted to replied but the bell rang and everyone left
Phanty: come guys let's get to work
A few minutes later Lincoln and the girls was in their way to the principal office
Huggins:come in
The group enter
Huggins: what can I do for you kids
Winnie: we need to talk
A few moments later
Lynn sr and Rita enters
Huggins:thank you for joining us mr and ms loud
Rita:Lincoln what's going on here
Phanty: actually ms.loud we called this meeting
Lynn sr: for what exactly
Winnie: for how the two of you have been unfair to Lincoln
Rita: we haven't been unfair to Lincoln
Sabrina:you haven't so how come you two almost never listen to him when you're daughters are the ones causing the damage
Lynn sr: that's not true
Phanty: if it's not then why haven't you're daughters confess to you (point to Rita) that they're the ones damaging the store and he wasn't
Lynn sr: what honey is this true
Rita: well I thought he was making excuses and-
Lincoln: didn't listen to my side off the story
Sabrina: mr and ms loud you two really need put you're foot all the down and Discipline you're daughters
Phanty: and I'm going to talk to my mom about having his room soundproof and getting his door reinforced so his sisters will stop barging in his room without knocking
Winnie:yeah supposed he was studying for a big test or quiz or whatever he doing and they just barged in without knocking and supposed he failed you would blame him and ground him when it wasn't his fault
Sabrina: plus he told us about the bad luck incident
The moment those words left her mouth the parents grow pale and started shiver
Rita: h-he did
Phanty:yeah he did how could you do that to him cause you're daughter last one game and called him bad luck you and you're daughters have the nerves to put him through that
Winnie: let's do it like this you go home and talk to you're daughters
Phanty: and Lincoln will be spending the night at my house with me and the girls and during school the people will make his room soundproof
Sabrina: do we have a deal
Lynn sr: yes we do
Phanty: good now let's go everyone
The following day
Lincoln: let's see clothes check
Toothpaste check phone check
Sabrina: that's should do it come on let's go
Later that night
Lincoln:so what are we doing first
Phanty:let's go to the woods
Sabrina: why would we do that ?
Winnie: you'll see
A few moments later
Lincoln:okay so now what
Sabrina: yeah why did you two bring us out here
Winnie: because of this
Winnie and phanty transform into their natural state
Phanty:so how do we look
Lincoln was drooling but had to stay firm
Phanty:now it's your turn
Winnie: embrace you're TRANSFORMATION !!!!
To be continued...
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