Dark meeting
Lincoln: hello ? any one here
Lincoln is that you?
Lincoln:Sabrina? Is that's you
Sabrina: yeah it's me
They ran to each other and hugged
Sabrina: where are we
Demonic Voice: you're in the void
Lincoln: who said that !?
Demonic Voice:we did
The turned around and saw two figures one was a hooded figure with white eyes
And the other one was dark female figure with red eyes
Sabrina:w-who a-are y-you
Sabrina said nervously while Lincoln was Surprisingly calm
Demonic voice :I'm am sukuna
Demonic female voice:and I am medulla
Lincoln and Sabrina was shocked to learned that the dark spirits were the lovers from the story
Lincoln: but how you guys died century's ago how is this even possible
Sukuna: you speak the truth child how our spirits didn't for you see me and my love have infused our souls into these gems the true couple was chosen
Sabrina:what do you mean true couple?
Medulla: you see eons ago in our world the humans and the demons were at war each other
Lincoln: why what was it that they were fighting over
Sukuna: it was over this black diamond called konini
Sabrina:but what does this have to do with the war
Medulla:the humans believe the diamond will destroy the demons forever
Sukuna: and the demons believe that it will transform the humans into demons but what they didn't know was that the diamond it self was evil and was powered by hate and greed but there was one couple that was Immune to it
Lincoln: it was you two wasn't
Sabrina: and how was you immune to it
Meanwhile outside of the void we see Lincoln and Sabrina in hospital beds
Nurse1:doctor both patients families are here and demanding that see them
Doctor: give me a moment
The nurse nod her head then a few minutes later the doctor came out and instantly swarmed by the families
Mr.loud/Mr.blackfire:girls enough!/boys stop it right now
Doctor: okay thank you now who is the family of Lincoln loud ? and who is the family of Sabrina black-fire?
Rita: that's us we are for here Lincoln how's my little boy doing
Monique: and we are here for Sabrina please tell us how's my little bat doing
The doctor looks down gravely
Doctor:we did everything we could I'm sorry everyone but both of them are in a deep coma and have Internal injuries and we don't know if they'll ever wake up
Both families were devastated especially the moms than everyone broke down
Back with the group
Sukuna: okay once again how was you immune to the diamond but still died
Medulla: in time you're question will be answer later so until then you two must rest for now and when you're fully healed you both will have one part of our powers that is the healing mantra and super strength
The spirits blasted them with a dark blue beam and both started to wake up from the void
Lincoln: Sabrina?
Sabrina: Lincoln?
Both: was it a dream
Just then a nurse came in and saw both of them sitting up
Oh man what adventure will Lincoln and Sabrina get into now and will we see Sabricoln in this story stay tune.
To be continued...
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