Prince Damien had always been a light sleeper- so when he heard the soft shuffling of fabrics, he consciously kept his eyes shut. It took him a moment to recollect that he was in his study and that he had fallen asleep on the revenue reports.
The shuffling intensified but he kept his eyes shut, reaching for the beast inside him- keeping it on the edge.
'I know you're awake, young Princeling.'
It was a strange voice but not an unfamiliar one. Panic brewed inside him as his head shot up, his eyes wildly darting across the study till they landed on a silhouette that was cloaked in the shadows near the vast bookshelf. The face wasn't visible by he could recognize that icy posture anywhere.
If there was anyone he truly feared, it was her.
As the silhouette stepped into the dying sun-light that the window behind him projected, his blood ran cold. All colour drained from his face as his heart thumped violently against his chest. His fear was crippling him.
'You don't recognize me?' The woman held out her arms as a crooked smile painted her face. The heavy fabrics draped on her moved gracelessly. An aura of danger and red surrounded her. Those red gleaming eyes thrust knives into his soul.
His throat was dry and words seemed to have died down in his throat.
Her eyes narrowed at his silence and a moment later she shook her head, 'I might have to refresh your memory.'
Suddenly, his stomach contracted to send a sharp pain throughout his body rendering him numb. Groaning, he fell off his chair with a loud thud. The room around his spun with an intensity that made him want to vomit as violent tremors plagued him. His breathing became shallow. It was so painful that it reminded him of the first time he had shifted.
Through his cloudy vision, he watched as his fingers elongated grotesquely into claws that resembled a demon's. A new wave of fear gripped him as he realized what she was going.
Her cruel face loomed over him when she knelt in front of him, 'Ah! Yes, young princeling, you are right to fear this- since you don't fear me.' Her nails dug into his scalp as she raised his head to hers.
The Prince tried to fight back but his body seemed to be out of his control. It was as if he were suffering from paralysis.
'You know, after all this time-' she started to speak but was cut off when a series of knocks interrupted her. It was followed by a voice he loved, 'Damien! Open the door! I need to tell you something! Hurry!'
She sounded so excited.
Run, Amara! Please! He tried to open his mouth but it was sealed shut. He studied the woman's eyes that screamed her intentions. She leaned closer to him and whispered in his ears, 'How about I behead her and leave you with her headless cadaver?'
Tears filled his eyes as he tried to fight her spell. He wanted to save his love, so desperately. No! He screamed inside his mind, Please! Spare her! Please!
He was crying but it didn't matter to him.
'Damien! I know you're in there, love!'
She'd called him 'love'. It was the first time she'd ever done that. Clenching his fists, he was determined to fight tooth and nail to protect her. He tried to exert his psyche over his body.
'It's cute how much you try,' the woman spoke, grimly but instantly, her face brightened up, 'I have an idea.'
'Damien, what's going on? Why won't you open the door?' Amara's enthusiasm had dimmed.
'I'll let you speak to her, but one wrong word,' the woman dragged her finger across his neck, 'that's what I'll do to her.'
He felt a little of his body slipping back to him but he didn't move- the woman can't be trusted, he knew that.
She rolled her eyes, 'You have my word. I came for you.'
It was fine with him. He had seen it coming but had hoped to never face the consequences. The pain he'd caused her- it was unspeakable and worse than any fate creatures like her deserved.
He nodded in compliance.
No sooner than he did that than he was able to breathe deeply through his mouth.
'Damien? Did I do something wrong?' Amara's voice was devoid was all joy. She sounded vulnerable.
It pained him to do so but in his harshest voice, he barked, 'Leave me alone, Amara. I don't have time for this!'
The dead silence that echoed from the other side of the door, left his heart in pieces.
'Damien, what is this about?' She sounded despondent but he had no other choice. He whimpered as tears rolled down his cheeks- not once did he dare to look at the woman who was no doubt enjoying the pain he was inflicting on himself.
'Oh for God's sake, Amara! I said I don't want to talk to you anymore!' He yelled, 'Go away!'
'We can work this out, Damien. I promise. Whatever this is about, we can work it out.'
No, Alone tear rolled down his cheek, we can't.
'Are you dumb, Amara! I never took you for anyone so desperate!' He couldn't stop the venomous words that spewed out of his mouth, burning his throat. It almost felt like he was gulping down acid.
Silence followed which elicited a smile from the woman, 'It was impressive. Almost believable, except for all that,' she gestured at his tear-stained face.
'Fine! Have it your way, Prince Damien!' Amara barked back and that was it. He could hear her stomping away and it was as if she were stomping on his heart, tearing it apart.
The woman chuckled maliciously, 'Such drama.' It was followed by a deep sigh, 'I forgot what it was like to have lovers.'
He gritted his teeth and kept himself from speaking numerous ill-words that had lined themselves up in his mind. He told himself that once they were out of there, he would give her a piece of his mind.
Her eyes grew darker and she eyed him, 'I'd tell you to prepare yourself but nothing will ever prepare you with what I'm about to do to you.'
The Prince could only watch the woman's eyes light up with glee as his breath materialized in front of him in a spinning orb of air. He felt so close to death.
He withered for air.
The last thing he ever felt was his throat collapsing before the world before him went black.
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