Two weeks had passed. The children were warming up to Amara. They were taking time but she wasn't in a hurry. The Tristar and his wife were very nice to her. The Shalore visited her sometimes, whenever she was teaching the three children. The younger girls who were identical twins were very mischievous. It took Amara sometime to figure out the differences between them.
She had met everyone in the Royal family. She sat with them while dining. It felt a little weird at first. She could not understand why they would tolerate a commoner at the table. Eventually, she had gotten used to it. She had met the King himself; the Wizionr, the Third in Command and his wife, the Queen's niece, Frisier ; She had met the Queen's blind brother who was also the Frisier's father.
She had met everyone except the Crown Prince Damien. She had heard so much about him from the girls in the orphanage. They used to talk about how strong and enchanting he was, and how hoarse and velvety his voice was. She, of course, never asked them how they knew about him because she never believed them. There was no way anyone could look the way they described him. But all of it would be clear soon because he was expected to arrive the day after. The castle was bursting into life. The servants were scurrying here and there preparing the castle for the feast the King had announced to honour the victory of his son.
It was around four in the evening when Amara dispersed the children as per the schedule. She collected her books and walked toward the Garden, but stopped short when she saw that the Garden was being groomed as well.
She walked to the library. Thankfully, the castle had a huge library. A man had told her that there was a bigger one in the Western Wing but that was strictly only for the Royal Family. No commoner had ever entered that library.
It was an average day. She wasn't tired but felt alone in the castle. At first, she thought it was a dream come true. A girl like her living in a castle! But it felt shallow. No one was every mean to her but there wasn't anyone she could talk without being so formal. It was suffocating.
She stopped walking when a familiar voice called to her. She turned to see the Frisier.
She frowned when she saw the pregnant woman walking alone. She bowed slightly, 'Frisier, you shouldn't be walking alone.'
The beautiful woman just smiled, 'Walk with me, please, Amara.'
Amara complied wondering why she would want a commoner's company.
'You were going to the library?'
'Yes, Frisier. '
'Please call me Felicia. My title is only for war times.'
Felicia was really beautiful. Some would even mistake her for a siren. Her eyes resembled the Queen's. She was taller than her. Her stride was precise and she was fast for a pregnant lady. Amara had heard stories about Felicia too; how she was the first female warrior to ride into battle and had a battalion of female warriors under her command. They were supposed to be the best warriors, after those of Prince Damien's.
'You're being awfully quiet, Amara. What are you thinking?'
'How did you learn how to fight, Felicia?'
Felicia gave a small laugh, 'Out of all the things you could ask me.' She ran her hand through her jet black hair, 'I found it fascinating and I used to watch my brothers fight secretly, until the day my father caught me. I was scared. He told me if I told him the truth, he would let me off easy. I told him I wanted to fight. I thought he would be angry but he dismissed me. The next day, he woke me up early in the morning and took me to the training grounds. That's where my journey started.'
'And now you're here. The First Warrior.'
'Yes, here I am.'
There was a long pause which was broken by the Royal, 'The Crown Prince is coming home tomorrow, have you got anything to wear for the party?'
Amara had thought that she wouldn't attend it as she couldn't afford any fancy dress for the party. She did not know how to reply. She thought if she told her what she was thinking, it would offend the Royal.
'You don't.'
She gave a small nod, unsure. To her, it seemed like a trick question.
Felicia smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder, 'I know the castle doesn't seem like home but you have a family here. We trust you with our future.'
It warmed Amara's heart. A huge smile graced her face, 'Thank you, Felicia.'
'About the dress, Phoebe and I had one made for you.'
'You didn't have to, Frisir. '
'It wouldn't be nice if you missed out on your first-party here. They are a bit crowded but you will enjoy them.'
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