Will You Look At That....Another Tag!
thepurpledragongirl tagged me....
It's a long one guys....
Real name: not telling sry not sry
Nickname: My main one is Evie
Gender: Female
Race: Um, human, like you! *sweats nervously* *walks away* The humans are getting suspicious. Begin plan E.
I'm Mexican-American but mainly Mexican!
Fave Color: It's on my profile...blue, purple, orange, black, silver, and white
Elementary School: Um, in Cali but I'm not saying the name....
Middle School: look at Elementary
High School: Not there yet but look up
College: I don't know yet...it's too early
Hair: Wavy, long, light brown on top but becomes darker as it goes down
Tall or vertically challenged: I'm pretty tall for my age
Jeans or Sweatpants: Jeans: outdoors Sweatpants: indoors there's no in between
Phone or Camera: Well my phone has a camera soooo.....trick question!
Health Freak: Only during Winter
Oranges or apples: Apples because:
*throws apple into hospital* *doctors hiss and scurry away*
Any crushes?: Yeah, but he's kinda moving away
Guy friends or Girl friends?: I have both so both, I like both, I choose both
Piercings: Only single ones on my ears
Pepsi or Coke: Ohhhh, um.....Mountain Dew or Dr. Pepper!
Been on airplanes?: Yes
Been in a relationship?: Nope
Been in a car accident?: Yes but not a huge one
Been in a fist fight?: Yes, and I won. *John Cena music plays in background*
Best Friend?: Hmmmmm......*looks at list of best friends from both schools*
First Award?: I don't remember
First Word?: Mama
Talents?: Is being creative, a good writer, and sarcasm a talent?
Last person I talked to?: My cousin(wanted to use my phone, told her no and didn't die)
Last person I texted?: DAB3STARCH3R
Last person I watched a movie with?: 3 of my cousins, we were watching that one scary movie with the closet portal that tries to suck in that little girl....what's it called?
Last thing I ate?: A donut
Last movie I watched?: Look up
Last song I listened to?: I Think I'm In Love by Kat Dahlia (song's in the media but it's the Nightcore version)
Last thing I bought?: Food
Last person I hugged?: My friend Wendy so she wouldn't kill someone XD
Food?: I have no idea rn
Drink?: Milkshakes
Bottoms?: Jeans
Flower?: Tulips and the black roses from Turkey
Both are equally beautiful!
Animal?: Real: Dinosaurs(no Jurassic Park 1,2,3 or World for me thank you!) Mythological: I have no idea
Movie?: Fifty Shades of Grey
Song?: I have no idea
Fallen in love?: With a real person no but fictional people and books yes
Celebrated Halloween?: Every year! I wanna go as a Demigod or Creepypasta this year!
Gone over texts?: Like, reread them? Yeah
Had someone like me?: Once but I didn't like him, he was a jerk
Hated how someone changed?: *looks at celebrities* Yes...
Done something I regretted?: Yes...
Broken a promise?: Once, but in my defense, she wanted me to give her chips that didn't exist
Kept a secret?: Yes! *Secret by The Pierces plays* (if you watch Pretty Little Liars, you know this song)
Pretended to be happy?: Yes...
Met someone who changed my life?: Yeah, shout out to all my friends in the real world and Wattpad
Pretended I was sick?: Yes but my mom saw through my lie
Cried over something silly?: Do fanfics count?
Ran a mile?: I have to in PE
Gone to the beach?: Yes
Fought with a friend?: Yes, once, but we're cool now
Disliked someone?: Yup, look up, and people who are just plain rude
Stayed single?: As in turned someone down? Or do you mean stayed single my whole 14 years of life? Because it's the lateral.
Lost my glasses?: Misplaced them but never lost them
Snuck out of the house?: Yes and worth it!
Held a knife/gun in defense?: In a dream, I was being robbed but I protected myself with a knife. But really, I don't get into many fights
Killed someone?: Do fictional characters count? Because if they do, yes, many times, MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Broken someone's heart?: Not that I can remember of, no
Broken a bone?: I fractured it and still can't do PE because of it
Cried about someone's death?: A few times already...
Eating: A donut (again because it's breakfast time and it's the last one)
Drinking: Milk
Sitting or lying down?: Sitting down
Listening to: I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz
Plans for today: Make it through the day
Waiting for: Time to fly by so I can sleep
Wanting kids?: Sure I guess
Want to get married?: Yeah one day
Want to travel?: Yes!!! (Hetalia did this to me...)
I'm describing my dream guy I guess...
Lips: Well I want him to have some lips!
Eyes: He can have any color, but I'm really attracted to green for some reason
Tall or vertically challenged: Slightly taller than me
Older/Younger: My age or slightly older
Romantic/Spontaneous: A bit of both
Troublemaker/Hesitant: I want him to be kinda mischievous, but careful when he has to be
Short/Long Term: Long
Looks: One word: Anything
Personality: Smart, funny, nice, cool, caring, will not be a jerk when I'm on my woman stuff and actually help me out(you know how it is ladies), we have lots in common, he'll just be a plain angel with devil horns!
Myself: Yeah
Miracles: God creates miracles
Love at first sight: If it can happen to someone, then yes
Heaven: Yes
Aliens: I guess, I know the government is hiding stuff so aliens could be real
Angels: God has Angels
Demons: Everyone has a demon
Ghosts: Yes, sometimes, you just go with the flow on the unexplainable
Is there someone you want to be with now?: 13 words, 15 or so syllables: Real. Life. Fanboys. That. Are. In. My. Fandoms. And. My. Friends. For. Life.
Do I know who my friends are: Yes
Do I believe in God?: Yes, I'm Catholic
DONE DONE DONE DONE DONE!!!! Now, to choose my victims!
GOOD LUCK GUYS!!! (you're gonna need it)
Gods this took so long to do
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