I just found out that James Potter II (Harry's son) is portrayed by Will Dunn in the movie. He must have been made fun of a lot. Like, Well done Will Dunn
HARRY'S POV (Finally not Leo's)
☆☆ DADA ☆☆
I sat next to Ron on the wooden floor. To our surprise, it wasn't Jackson Jerk and Annabeth who went to the front of the class. It was Jason and Piper. I pointed this out to Ron, who muttered, "Piper's hotter."
"No, Annabeth is—"
"No, Piper—"
"Shut up you idiots!" Hermione hissed.
"Ahem," Jason cleared his throat.
Everyone looked up front.
"Right, so, Annabeth and Percy aren't here because they're, um, visiting America. At a meeting and stuff. They left us in charge. We can still give detentions and take off points though. So be good."
Piper nodded, "We're going to teach you a bit more about fighting someone with a wand."
"Without a wand yourself," Jason added.
"Yes, I was going to say that," Piper rolled her eyes. "Okay, so I have my wand at your throat, you don't have a wand, and nobody else is around. What do you do?"
"Surrender?" someone yelled.
"Stay still?" someone else shouted.
"Flash them your good looks and hope they melt?" someone suggested.
"Um no," Piper said. "They would all work if you don't want to get hexed, but you'd still get captured or have your money taken or whatever. You have to try to fight back, especially if that person if trying to kidnap you."
"But they have a wand at your throat," someone pointed out.
Piper put her hands on her hips, "What is the shortest incantation you can think of?"
That stumped everyone. Hermione raised her hand and said, "The shortest spell that would hurt anyone would be two syllables. I only know one spell with only one. It's Nox, but that's not even a hex or anything."
"Right," Piper said. "If you move the wand away before the person can even speak, you won't even get jinxed. And another thing, if you're going to try it, you should take the wand, not only move it. Their grip won't be very hard, because they won't expect it."
Everyone looked stunned, like they had never thought of that. I had to admit I've never thought about it. I thought if a person had their wand up your throat you'd be dead meat.
"It's different with a knife though," Piper said, "it only takes one little movement to slit someone's throat, and you'd have to grab the handle of the person's hand to do it without hurting yourself. But if you're going to try it with a wand, I'd say only try it if you know you're going to be killed otherwise."
"So now long distance," Jason said. "Most of the time it's both easier and faster to dodge a spell than to say a countercurse or whatever. Because you'd have to know what curse is coming at you, pry your brain open for the countercurse, then fire the spell before it hits you. Spells travel fast. So it's an important skill to be able to dodge it."
Piper nodded, "We're going to have you—"
Leo had thrown up all over the floor, and he kept vomiting. Smaller than the first, but still barfing.
Thalia and Nico jumped away from him.
Thalia shrieked, "You could have given me a warning!"
"Gross!" Nico yelled.
Every student in the room scooted a whole metre away from where they were, in the direction away from Leo.
Piper winced like this reminded her of bad memories, "Go to the Hospital Wing Leo."
Leo grinned through some coughing and staggered out the door.
Hermione took out her wand to clean it up, since nobody else seemed to want to do the task.
"Ahem," Jason said. "As Piper was saying, we're going to have you shoot beams of light at each other. In case you don't know, the incantation is lucem trabem. Your partner is going to try dodging every one. AND," he said, since everyone started moving around, "go slow the first time. Say the incantation slower, so your partner has time to react. Then gradually speed up."
I paired with Ron, obviously, and Ron tried hitting me first. I managed to dodge the second and third one, and Ron was about to shoot again when someone yelled in pain.
Nico was clutching his stomach, while Thalia looked triumphant.
"Didn't...need...to do it...that hard," Nico gasped.
"Go to Madam Pomfrey," Jason sighed, rubbing his brows.
Nico went out the door, then immediately Thalia got a bloody nose. She began wiping it with her sleeve, but it kept running, "I'm going to the Hospital Wing!" She pranced out the door.
"Um, continue please," Piper said to the class.
We went on what we were doing, and got better each time.
After class, Ron muttered, "That was strange. Leo, Thalia, and Nico all went to the Hospital Wing. And, they're still not back!"
At lunch, they weren't there either. It was just Jason and Piper, calmly chewing on their food.
"Where are your friends?" I asked Piper. "Besides Annabeth and..." I decided she probably wouldn't tell me anything if I insulted Jackson, so I just said, "the other guy."
"Stop thinking about it, you've got better things to worry about," Piper said.
I nodded, "Okay."
In Divination, the next class, I braced myself for Professor Trelawney's crazy predictions. The first class I got off lucky, she had suddenly started sprouting random prophecies.
"Maybe that prophecy wasn't even real," Ron said. "I bet she just made it up. Seems like something she'd do right?"
"Right," I said uncertainly.
"The exchange students aren't here yet," I realized, glancing around. "How sick can they be?"
"They're just skipping class I'll bet."
"Today," Professor Trelawney said, "we are going to be reading each other's palms. They could tell us so many secrets!"
"Like there's supposed to be words on it?" Ron asked. "What's written on your hand is probably your speech for today."
Professor Trelawney glared at him, "Let me see your palms then."
Ron didn't seem eager to hand over his hand, but she grabbed them and ran her ring-covered fingers over them.
(I'm making this up, so don't take this seriously). "Long line," she said in her dramatic voice, tracing a line coming from between his thumb and forefinger, "you will live long!"
"Great," Ron snapped. "I was so hoping to die as soon as possible."
"As for you Harry dear," I braced myself, here it comes.
Professor Trelawney examined my right palm, tracing the lines on it, "Not as long as your friend," she said gravely. "You will die before he does!"
She went to the front of the room again, explaining what all the lines meant. I compared my palm to Ron, "Pretty much the same length."
"Yeah, only a milimetre different. Only she can make that a big deal."
Suddenly someone let out a scream.
Lavender was crying uncontrollably, and Pavarti was trying to calm her down but panicking at the same time.
"What's going on?" Ron asked, looking a tiny bit concerned.
"Professor Trelawney!" Lavender sobbed. "Look at it!" She thrust her hand at Profesor Trelawney's face.
Professor Trelawney grasped it and stared, "The length...the length! Less than half of what everyone else has got!"
As half the class got up to take a look, she wailed, "Ohh, what am I going to do?!"
"Half the length," Ron repeated. "So if I live to 80, she'll live to 40?"
"No, much sooner," Professor Trelawney said gravely. "The halfway point is around your age."
Lavender howled.
"Do not fret dear," Professor Trelawney said nervously. "Sometimes palm-reading is inaccurate."
It was the first time she had said anything she did in this classroom could be inaccurate. She probably just didn't want to lose one of her favorite students.
"Ohh I'm going to die!" she screamed.
"You never reacted this way when Professor Trelawney predicted your death," Ron said.
Lavender continued to bawl.
Next was Double Potions, I wasn't exactly eager to go down to the dungeons to have class with Snape, but I had to.
I sat in my usual seat with Ron, but then noticed Hermione wasn't sitting at our table anymore, but with Malfoy.
"Ahem," Ron said, copying what Jason kept doing in DADA class.
Hermione glanced back, "Yes?"
"What are you doing with him?" he gestured to the ferret.
Hermione sighed, "Because he's better company than you two."
I nearly dropped the cauldron I was holding onto my foot, "WHAT?!"
Ron had yelled the exact same thing at the same time, but with much more unflattering insults.
"That will be twenty points from Gryffindor, Mr. Weasley," Snape said from the front of the room.
We were making a potion called the Draught of Insanity. Snape seemed all to eager to have one of us accidentally swallow one, without Jackson to stop him. Jason and Piper had to teach another class, so they weren't here either.
The Draught of Pain we made last week was already hard enough, but this one was even harder!
"There is really up with those students," Ron muttered. "What's so special about them? Besides that they're the best at their school."
"How would I know?" I said grumpily, carefully squashing a few ladybugs. I put them on the scale and carefully put the right amount into the cauldron. I set the heat to medium and waited for it to bubble.
Hermione was telling Malfoy that he had skipped a step, and was helping him restart his potion.
"What's his problem?" Ron scowled. "They hated each other, didn't they? Why are they suddenly talking like best buddies? He looked horrified, "You don't think..." he looked at Hermione and Malfoy nervously, "that they fancy each other?"
"I-I-I hope not," I stared at them, wanting to catch them blushing or anything. They didn't.
Then Ron nudged me, pointing out that my potion was bubbling. "Thanks," I stirred it anticlockwise three times, then clockwise four times.
Snape had started going around, inspecting people's potions. He nodded at Drew's potion, told Neville to do his again, and then he got to me.
Under his glaring eyes, I cut some roots of asphodel, and put them on the scale.
Snape glanced around, eyes scouring everything for a mistake. When he found none, he moved away to criticize a Gryffindor girl's potion.
"The Draught of Pain and Insanity together makes a poison," I heard Malfoy whisper to Hermione.
"I know that, but how did you know?"
"You know...6th year. I had to look for the best poison to use."
"To poison Dumbledore!" I exploded. "He tried to assasinate Dumbledore! Why are you talking to Ferret Face?"
Hermione ignored us and went back to helping Malfoy.
Near the end of Potions, Leo suddenly burst into the room, "SEVY!! DUMBLEDORE WANTS YOU!!"
"Dumbledore wants Snape?" Ron asked, looking green.
"Wants to see him. I think that's what he meant."
"Oh. Right."
"Be more quiet will you?" Snape snapped at Leo. "And why?" Leo whispered something in his ear. Snape nodded and said to the class, "Everyone has the instructions written down?" He didn't wait for a reply and said, "Good. Class dismissed. Get out. Go to your next class."
"But it's ten minutes until class ends, sir!" Hermione cried.
"Doesn't matter. Just go." He glared when nobody moved, "NOW!"
Everyone jumped and began packing their things.
"Blimey, what do you reckon Leo said to him?"
"No idea."
In Charms, none of the Americans had turned up. Piper and Jason were probably teaching, but we had seen Leo earlier!
I told Ron this, and he agreed that the Americans were hiding something.
"Did you hear?" Seamus Finnigan hissed at us.
"Hear what?" Ron asked, turning to him curiously.
"What happened to Lavender."
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