Episode 30: The Fate Still Lives
An hour ago...
"This is all your fault," Jin mumbled as he sad on the cold floor with his hands tied in front of him.
"How is it my fault? You were the one who kept distracting me," Namjoon hissed back.
"Well duh, my beauty is really distracting. What's new?"
Jungkook glared at the two. "Seriously? Tae sent you two? This is hopeless."
"Disrespectful punk."
"I hope you three are comfortable," Jaewon said smiling. "And nice try, by the way. Distracting me with that fake Jungkook. The resemblance was uncanny. Norse, you say?"
"You're not gonna get away with this!" Jin hissed earning him a punch on the face. "Ow! If that leaves a fvcking mark, I'm suing!"
Jaewon laughed like the lunatic that he is.
"Why are you even doing this? We didn't even know you that long. Did Jungkook steal your girlfriend or something?"
He chuckled. "Well, I was only plucking the weeds around my beautiful Lalisa. Starting with the biggest weed that is you."
"How dare you call me a weed!" Jin exclaimed. Making Namjoon and Jungkook roll their eyes at him.
"Lisa just haven't realized it yet but she's a smart girl," he continued. "You circle members are just dragging her down. You're all selfish that you don't even realize how you all hurt her. How you all think you can just get away with everything horrible you just did to her.
"You use her to get away with everything. To straighten up the messes you brought upon yourselves. And what does she get in return? Nothing."
The three guys fell silent. They slowly realize that what he's saying is the truth.
"Anyways, I think I've been gone too long," he stood up from his chair. "My Queen awaits."
Jaewon stood up and made his exit.
"Now what?" Jin muttered. "Seriously tho. Cable ties leave marks. I can't have marks on my wrist."
"That's your concern?" Namjoon heaved a sigh. "Why didn't Lisa think of a better person to help me out?"
"Excuse you, Kim Namjoon, but I'm a great accomplice. I spiked up the visual value by 90%," Jin sassed.
"That's not even a thing—"
"Can you two stop?" Jungkook blurted out frustratedly. "We have to figure out a way to get out of this place. And you two arguing like an old couple."
Then suddenly, Jin lifted his arms and brough them down quickly towards his stomach. The cable tie snapped open.
"How'd you do that?!"
"Mom made me go to this survival training camp in seventh grade," he explained.
"Why didn't you do that before?!"
"And let Jaewon see? Haven't you learn anything from Lisa's schemes?" He rolled his eyes. "Anyways, I think he's already gone so we can run back to the party and make a really iconic grand entrance."
"There's two of them?!" Hoseok blurted out. "Jungkook has a twin?!"
Yoongi hit him. "That's not his twin. That's Mingyu."
The son of mischief then smirked and revealed his true face to everyone. The only difference is this time, his hair was black. He placed the crown on Jungkook's disheveled hair.
"I guess all the guys will be sporting this look next homecoming," Mingyu teased before he hopped down the stage and walked towards Tzuyu.
"Thanks for the rescue team, doll..." Jungkook whispered as his hand cupped her face.
"Don't expect I'll do it again next time," she replied with a smirk.
"I don't intend to," he said then kissed her forehead. "That reminds me."
He turned towards a shocked Jung Jaewon who was frozen on his feet.
Lisa, also turned to him with vengeful eyes. He did this. He kidnapped Jungkook for whatever sick reason he had. He even hurt him.
Jaewon was about to run but four guys stepped forward to block his path not giving him a chance to run away. Behind them were two uniformed men.
"Kidnapping is a crime, you know," Taehyung stated.
"Hurting my beautiful face is too!" Jin added pointing at a small bruise on his cheek. "You'll rot in jail!"
"Hey that's my brother—"
Hoseok felt a hand on his shoulder.
"Hobi, don't," Yoongi stopped him.
"But they're accusing him!"
"We found Jungkook in his basement, Hoseok," Jimin said calmly. "His hands were tied and he had cuts and bruises. Your brother... your brother did this to him."
Hoseok unbelievably turned to Namjoon who spoke.
"Hobi. I'm sorry but, your brother needs to be turned over to the police. What he did was illegal."
Hoseok clenched his fists. "Then they should arrest Jungkook too."
"Hobi—" Jennie moved towards the guy. "Hobi it's not the time—"
"What? Don't you think it's unfair, Jen?" He chuckled. "My brother gets cuffed but he doesn't? Sure Jaewon kidnapped someone but Jungkook did something far worse. He manipulated us—"
Jungkook stepped down the stage and faced Hoseok.
"I'm not pressing charges," he said shocking the four guys. They were about to complain but he stopped them. "You're right. I did far worse than him. And I'm coming clean now. Now that everyone is here."
Jungkook took a deep breath before turning towards Lisa.
The moment he dreaded for the past weeks now rests on him. Which he should've done that could've prevented everything that had happened. Maybe Lisa will hate him for it but maybe she'd listen. If not, he can always just win her back the old fashion way. No more scheming. No more manipulating.
He smiled at her. Whatever happens, he'll face it head on. And he swears he'd win her back.
"I'm The Fate."
Taehyung brushed his hand through his hair as he sat on the couch. After the chaos and the cops taking Jaewon in their custody, the rest of the gang went to Jimin's apartment. With the exception of Hoseok.
"So that happened..." Rosé said softly. "Should we check if Lisa's okay? I mean she ran off after Jungkook revealed to everyone he's The Fate."
"We should give her space," Yoongi answered. "If I know my sister, she needs to be alone for a while. We can check up on her tomorrow."
Silence. There was that deafening silence again.
"Rescuing Jungkook... how did you guys find out?" Jisoo asked then turned to Jin. "And you were a part of this?"
"When Lisa said he's going with Jaewon, I knew there was something up," he answered. "We all know Lisa would rather go alone than have someone she doesn't like as her date. So yeah, I asked what was up and she told me. And of course, I wouldn't pass up an opportunity like this."
"How did Lisa know Jaewon kidnapped Jungkook?" Jennie asked.
"She didn't." It was Taehyung who explained. "We were actually at a dead end until The Fate did something stupid."
"Posting that Bahamas trip tip," Namjoon continued. "Jungkook despised the Bahamas. The picture uploaded was actually an edited photo Tae sent to him as a prank."
"I think Jaewon was desperate," Jimin said. "Seeing as Lisa wouldn't even bat an eye at him, he wanted to make Jungkook look like he was having the time of his life without her. But it backfired. Lisa became skeptical and called Tae. He confirmed that it was an edited photo and that was when she decided to trap whoever it was in his own scheme."
"Lisa's hunch was Jaewon. She said something anout him was shady so she asked him to the dance," Jin continued. "She then contacted Mingyu and Tzuyu. How she managed to convince them to this con, I don't know but it worked. Jaewon was spooked when he suddenly saw Jungkook so Losa was almost certain it was him. So when he went back to the place where he's hiding him to check, Namjoon and I followed him to confirm where he hid Jungkook so we could rescue him but sadly, we got caught."
"Which was Jin's fault," Namjoon supplied making the former roll his eyes.
"But we managed to escape when he made the dumbest idea of using cable ties to tie us up."
"Wait, if he was that desperate, why didn't he just reveal Jungkook's real identity?" Jisoo suddenly asked. "Revealing he's The Fate would not only damage his rep but it would probably make Lisa hate him. why not use that instead of this stupid kidnapping thing?"
"I thought of that too," Taehyung responded. "But here's the thing. I didn't track the location from the post. I tracked it from the photo. And the timestamp photo was an hour before the photo was posted on The Fate. So that means Jaewon sent the tip, not posted it."
"Then that means..."
"Jaewon isn't the new Fate."
Lisa head was all over the place. He's The Fate? He's behind that blog who constantly terrorized her? Who hurt her friends? Why? Why did he do that? Was it just a game to him?
Lisa immediately wiped off the stray tear that fell on her cheek.
"What are you doing here?"
"I..." She heard him sigh. "I don't know."
Silence. He dreaded it.
"Congrats, by the way," Lisa said. "You finally won."
She stood up and faced him. Her eyes locked on his. But they were blank.
"The Fate finally won. You finally broke me." She continued and scoffed. "We played, Jeon. Well played."
She brushed pass him but he held her arm. "Doll please."
"Please what?" She turned with an eyebrow raised. "What else do you want, Jeon? You already won. What more do you want from me?"
"I love you," he said—pleaded.
"Wow. You didn't even flinch—"
Jungkook pulled her towards him and her hand landed on his chest. His arms caged her small body and his eyes... his eyes looked as though he's lost everything. This made Lisa soften. He hid his head on the crook of her neck and tightened his embrace. Her knees felt weak but she stood tall.
"Please listen to me... Lisa..." he said—almost a whisper. "It was the only way... I... I was a coward... I wanted—"
She broke free from his arms—harshly pushing him away.
"What? What more do you want from me?!" She yelled and pushed him. "What?! I admitted defeat! I already told you, you've won! Jeon Jungkook made a complete fool put of Lalisa Min. I'm the biggest idiot to have existed! Me! I lost! I lost—"
Jungkook's lips crushed on to hers. Furious she tried to push him away but even with injuries, he was far stronger. To stop her, his body pushed her towards the wall 'til she felt a cold surface on her back.
Caged in the arms of Jeon Jungkook, Lisa felt helpless. Not because he forced it but to the fact that even if he made a fool out of her, she still loved him. Madly. And that in a single snap, she'd forgive him.
But before she could even give in, he stopped. He rested his forehead on hers.
"I know I can never be worthy. But I love you..." he whispered. Then he let her go.
As she watched him walk away, she fell on to the ground at the same time her tears did.
The feeling of betrayal is the most painful. And he had been betrayed so many times. Why hasn't she become numb?
Why can't she have a normal relationship? Why can't she even enjoy a normal highschool romance? Why does it always have to be this painful? Why does it have to be this hard to just be with someone she loved?
But the real question is, is she ready to not have him in her life?
Gunshots. Two.
This made Lisa bolt up and run down the stairs as fast as she could. Her chest tightened and her breathing hitched. Her heart was beating so fast she felt dizzy.
A few people frantically ran towards a stranger drowning on a pool of blood. She shoved those people as she squeezed through only to see the thing she feared the most.
🔔 : The Fate just posted an update!
👄 The Fate
You think you might be rid of me but sorry to burst your bubbles, darlings, I'm here to stay. Jeon Jungkook may be the creator but consider him officially retired.
x's and o's 💋
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