Episode 28: Winning the Queen's Heart
🔔 : The Fate just posted an update!
👄 The Fate
Homecoming's drawing near but a certain circle member is still MIA. Does this mean our Queen L will be dateless? I guess now that she's been with the school's whore tainted her squeaky clean rep. Not to mention that her current bffs have a rather sullied mark in town. A boyfriend stealer, a slut and a cheap imitation of Cersei Lannister.
Careful now, Queen-y. You are a reflection your friends.
xoxo 💋
"What the actual fvck is The Fate's problem?!" Jin blurted out. "I swear if I see find out who this person is I will—"
"You'll what?" Jisoo challenged. "What will the great Kim Seokjin do?"
This made Jin pipe down. "I'll blind her with my worldwide handsome face."
Jennie raised an eyebrow.
"Or write her a strongly worded letter," he retaliated. "Whichever works better is fine."
Jisoo and Jennie both rolled their eyes at the guy. Rosé gently patted his shoulder.
"Are you three not even affected by this? The Fate has no right to call you those names!"
"What do you want us to do, huh Jin?" Jennie asked. "Sulk all day?"
The guy just pouted. "No. But a sassy remark would've been nice to hear. Where Lisa when you need her?"
"I'm right here, dumbass."
Lisa walked towards them and sat beside Jennie. She rested her chin on her shoulder.
"Where've you been all morning, Min?" she asked not minding the weight.
"Just here and there," she mumbled.
"Still looking for my stupid brother?"
"We still don't have any lead. We don't want the cops involved yet."
"Just let him rot wherever he is," Rosé whispered to which Jennie immediately elbowed her. "I mean, it's almost homecoming, Lis. Why not just let Namjoon and Taehyung look for him. You're up for homecoming Queen so you should start looking for your King."
"I am looking for my King, Roseanne," Lisa snapped. "And besides, I really don't care about Homecoming."
"Lis, you're not really a Queen if you don't have a legit crown," Jennie supported Ro. "What better way to start your senior year than with a crown on your head and a more decent arm candy. I bet Jaewon's still available."
This made Lisa roll her eyes. Right. They're at it again with pairing him up with her.
"Jaewon's really nice. He's smart and he's really handsome."
"Plus he doesn't screw all the girls he meet," Rosé added. This made Lisa raise an eyebrow.
"At least he still had taste 'coz he didn't screw you," Lisa fired to which made Jin gasp. "What the fvck is your problem, Ro? Did my brother shove his foot in your ass 'coz you've been bitchin' about Jeon for the past few days."
"You know what my problem is, Lisa? That boyfriend of yours sent the sex video tip to The Fate. How'd you expect me to be all rainbows and unicorns towards him?"
"Well you didn't fuck my boyfriend he wouldn't have any video to send," she countered. "And don't give me that 'I'm-not-good-with-alcohol' excuse. You dug your own fcking grave."
Rosé's mouth flew open.
"Lisa!" Jisoo blurted out.
"What?!" She snapped. "If you're gonna lecture me saying it wasn't her fault then guess what. I don't fucking care."
Lisa marched away making Jennie, Jisoo and Rosé look at each other.
"She's in deep trouble," Rosé said to which Jennie agreed. "She's never like this with Jimin before."
"She loves him," Jisoo worriedly said. "She'll get hurt when the truth comes out."
"Should we do something?" Jin asked. "Our baby girl can't get hurt again. I know she's good at hiding things but..."
Hoseok patted Jin's shoulder.
"Maybe let's just trust that whatever ball is thrown towards Lisa, she'll know how to handle it."
"Hey Lisa."
Lisa rolled her eyes before facing Jung Jaewon. She's beyond annoyed 'coz the pesky demigod won't leave her alone.
He flashed his signature sunny smile at her. "Nothing. I've read in The Fate that you don't have a date for the Homecoming dance?"
He adorably scratched the back of his nape. "I uh... I was wondering if you'd like to be mine?"
Lisa raised an eyebrow.
"I meant my date. Not mine, mine 'coz that would be inappropriate and very straightforward," he immediately corrected. "Would you... uh... would you be my date for the night?"
"I'm not going."
His eyes grew wide. "Why not?"
"I don't like going to events," she half-lied. Everyone knows how Lisa loved parties and social events. She's always been the center of every school event ever since she entered middle school. "Find someone else—"
"Coming through!"
A dumbass football player suddenly walked pass Lisa bumping her. Good thing Jaewon was there to catch her before she completely made a fool out of herself.
Lisa was still in Jaewon's arms as the two's gazes followed the airhead jock. But whenLisa suddenly felt Jaewon's hand on her arm, she immediately stood straight and pushed him towards the lockers.
A loud bang echoed through the halls taking everyone's attention. Lisa didn't care and left Jaewon leaning on the steel lockers—hand on his left shoulder and an angry scowl.
"Plan B."
Beads of sweat continues to fall on Jungkook's face. He couldn't move to wipe it off since his hands were tied tightly. He can feel the sting on his wrist as he tried to wring it off.
He's been trying to escape for weeks. One time we succeeded he tried to call Lisa. But of course, she's still pissed at him that's why she didn't hear him out. If only he memorized Namjoon or Taehyung's number, he'd be free by now.
"Your girl is one tough cookie."
His head turned towards the direction of the same man who kept visiting him. And again, he's updating him with Lisa.
"You were a jerk to her but she still won't let go," the guy said chuckling. "Wow. You got her good, man."
"Well, I did tell her not to talk to weirdos," he replied cockily—earning him a big punch on the stomach. He grunted. "I thought my babygirl well. Tsk tsk. Is that the best you've got?"
The guy smirked. "On the contrary..."
He fished out a very familiar laptop from his bag.
"What the fu—"
"I may or may have visited your pent for this," he explained grinning widely. "With you out of the way, maybe Lisa would finally wake up and realize she's too good for you. That she doesn't deserve a coward like you."
"And who does she deserve, huh? A psycho like you?" He scoffed. "It took me years to win her heart. She's not just some girl who you can sweep off her feet like some damsel in distress. She's far more complicated than a ticking bomb. So if I were you, I'd give up now. Even if you get rid of me, it would never guarantee you a spot next to her. You're not worthy enough."
"And you?" He countered. "What made you think you're even worthy of her? You, who toys with your so-called friends' feelings? Ruin someone just so you can matchmake? Please. If I'm not worthy of Lisa, what makes you think you are?"
Jungkook couldn't answer. Simply because he's right. He isn't worthy. A coward like him doesn't deserve a fearless, amazing woman like Min Lalisa. But maybe. Just maybe. He has the right reason to fight and be that guy who is worthy.
He flashed him a tainting smirk.
"I'm Jeon fvcking Jungkook."
"What's going on here?"
Taehyung's forehead was all scrunched up as he entered Namjoon's pent. It wasn't like him to leave his place all messy and dumpster-looking all day long.
"Namjoon. When was the last time you cleaned?"
"Just leave it," he said as he chugged another glass of his drink.
Kim Namjoon was a wreck. He didn't go to school for the whole week. You could assume he didn't even leave his couch by the way he looks.
"So she found out..." Taehyung said as he sat next to Namjoon on the couch. "Then why not win her back? Even if we're demigods, we're not necessarily perfect. We make stupid decisions here and there but it's normal."
Namjoon heaved a sigh.
"I appreciate the pep talk, Tae, but I'm not in the mood right now," he mumbled—attention still on the screen.
"Aren't we all in a foul mood today?" He chuckled getting Namjoon's attention. "Jimin's pissed at me too."
"Jen told Ro... Ro told Jimin. So he got pissed at me."
"Did he break up with you?"
He nodded. "We're on a break."
"Looks like the new fate destroyed what Jungkook tried to do with the old fate."
Namjoon's forehead creased. "What do you mean? Lisa's clearly still in love with Jungkook—"
"Do you honestly believe he did all that just to get inside Lisa's pants?" Taehyung chuckled. "My, for being the son of Athena, you're pretty dense. Jungkook didn't make The Fate to just be with Lisa. He wanted the Circle back. Like when we were kids. Don't you remember?"
Namjoon froze. He's right. Lisa, Jennie and Rosé were really close when we were kids. And so was me, Jimin, Hoseok, Yoongi, Taehyung and Jungkook.
"But Jisoo and Jin?"
"The two kids we thought were twins."
Namjoon snapped his fingers at the realization. "You're right! The kids who were just visiting for the summer. That's why Jin looked oddly familiar."
"It was fun back then but most of us don't even remember it." Taehyung sighed. "Jungkook was so obsessed with Iron Man back then he'd always run around with that shirt and mask on."
"Yeah. But Lisa would tackle him and he'd fall crying on the ground. Who knew they'd end up together?" Namjoon chuckled at the irony. Back then, it was Lisa who'd run around chasing that boy in an iron man shirt. But Jungkook liked Ji Eun back then.
Then a sudden memory flashed in Namjoon's mind.
"Hey Tae. Who was that other kid who Lisa saved from the bullies? That kid who followed us all around?"
"Yeah. That one. Do you know his name or something?"
Taehyung shook his head. "No. Come to think of it, I haven't seen him ever since. He didn't go to the same elementary school as us."
And on cue, their phones buzzed.
🔔 : The Fate just posted an update!
👄 The Fate
Looks like Jeon Jungkook wasn't MIA after all. He's out in the Bahamas for an extended vacation, as sources say. And here's the correspondence to prove it.
📎 Attached Picture
There, there, Queen L. There are still many fishes in the sea. Only question is, do you even know how to fish?
x's and o's 💋
"Bahamas? He hates that place. Why would he go there—"
Taehyung grinned. "Checkmate."
"I see. Thanks for the heads up. I'll call you later."
Lisa heaved a sigh as she placed her phone on top of the table. Shits about to get messier than ever. But that's the thing about her. She loved tidying things up.
"Here's one order of chocolate milk—Lisa?"
"Oh great, you again," she mumbled as he placed the drink on the table. "Are you a stalker or something?"
"Uh... I work here?" Jaewon explained pointing at his name tag.
Taken aback, she sighed. "Sorry. I'm just having a bad day."
Jaewon turned to his left then right before sitting down.
"Does this have anything to do about those posts? The ones posted online? About your boyfriend?"
"Ex-boyfriend," she corrected. "And please. It would take more than a guy like Jeon Jungkook to ruin my day."
"Are you sure?"
Lisa rolled her eyes. "Yes. Don't you have more tables to serve? I'd like to enjoy my alone time now."
"Oh...kay." Jaewon stood up and smiled. "Enjoy your milkshake Lisa."
Jaewon pivoted away from her. She let out a sigh.
"Hmm?" He turned back towards her.
"I'll take your offer."
"Uhh... what offer?"
"Be my date to the Homecoming dance."
It takes an army to conquer a nation but one beauty to take down one. Looks like Queen L won another heart. Will she break it or will she feed it to the hungry wolves? Brace yourself, newbie. You just entered the Black Widow's web.
xoxo The Fate 💋
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