Episode 24: Friend or Foe?
🔔 : The Fate just posted an update!
Another party, another bomb.
Everyone knows how I enjoy surrounding myself with drama but I guess the circle's starting to bore me.
So here's a little something that'll take the boredom away. xoxo 💋
Jeon Jungkook with a new flavor of the month. Who says leopards can change skin over night? Poor L.
Fooled once, shame on him.
Fooled twice, shame on you.
"Lisa. Wait. Maybe there's a perfect explanation why he did that. Lis—"
"What?" Lisa snapped at her best friend. "How else do you explain why Jeon fvcking Jungkook has his fvcking mouth on some fvcking tramp?!"
"Wow, that's a lot of fvcking..." Jin whispered to Jisoo earning him a slap on the arm. "Ouch!"
Lisa rolled her eyes before turning her back against them and marching out of the venue. Her ride—a red Audi R8, parked right in front of the hotel.
Lisa felt her body freeze for a second. But instincts kicked in and she walked straight towards the car.
"Lisa!" Jeon Jungkook ran and blocked the car door before she could even grab on to it. "Let me explain."
"What is there to explain? Oh right. That my boyfriend had his lips on that good for nothing tramp?!"
Jungkook's lips formed a smile. "Your what?"
Lisa's breathing hitched when she realized what she just said—out loud and in front of everyone watching them.
"Don't make me ask twice, doll," Jeon fvcking Jungkook said with an amused smirk plastered on his face.
She was cornered. And she hated that. So she did what she does best. Fight. With all her might, Lisa stomped her foot on Jungkook's making him wince in pain. Who wouldn't? The girl was wearing dagger stilettos.
With that, Lisa pushed him and entered the car's backseat. But of course, Jeon Jungkook wouldn't let her escape. Especially now. He too went in the car immediately ignoring his now swollen foot.
"So my girlfriend really likes to play rough, huh?"
"In your fvcking dreams, Jeon."
Lisa expertly maneuvered herself to get off the car and slammed it shut. She signalled the driver to leave immediately.
With her arms crossed she scoffed before turning back towards the event. She silently cursed when she realized that her friends saw and heard everything.
"So... Boyfriend." Rosé teased. "So you're officially together now. Not just dating. Sweet."
Lisa rolled her eyes. "Fvck you."
"What you obsession with the word fvck?!" Jin scowled. "But seriously though. I've always thought they were together. Not dating but seriously together. I mean, Bonnie Clyde who? I only know Lisa and Jungkook. Liskook wins btches—"
"Ugh!" She turned around only to see Jungkook limping towards her. She immediately pivoted and ran for her life. Of course, Jungkook ran after her.
"Wow. I'm amazed and appalled at the same time," Jin commented watching the two chase each other. Jisoo chuckled a little before slightly leaning on his chest. "Should we leave them?"
"I don't think—"
🔔 : The Fate just posted an update!
Well that's not the only thing up under my sleeve. Wonder why Park Jimin was fashionably late during the Gala?
Sources tell me he's been busy lately. And by busy, I mean under the sheets with a certain someone. Can you tell whether it's a she or a he?
xoxo 💋
Jimin suddenly felt like he was claustrophobic. All eyes darted towards him as another The Fate blast spread like wildfire. His hand started to shake. Good thing Taehyung was there to hold it.
"We should get going," the guy said smiling—his usual boxy one. "The others are outside so we should go with them."
Hoseok seconded. Jennie and Namjoon also stood up.
"Hey dwarfie. Let's go," she said clinging on to his arm. "This party's starting to plummet anyways."
To his surprise, they didn't ask him anyhing until they reach Rosé, Jin and Jisoo sitting on the grand steps of the palace like hotel's entrance.
Jungkook—who carried Lisa on his shoulder effortlessly like a bag of rice, walked towards the group as well.
"Jimin? You look pale," Rosé commented. "Are you alright?"
Jennie spoke for him. "The Fate posted a fvcking update about dwarfie here."
"She's insinuating that he's—"
Jimin took a deep breath before cutting Namjoon.
"I'm not gay," he started. Should he tell them? Or maybe... well... They're his friends—partly. But since it's already out... "But I am Bi."
Jin, Jisoo, Rosé and Jennie gasped. But what Jimin did not anticipate was what Hoseok said.
"We know," he said. "Well, Lisa and Jungkook knows because of the hard drive. I know because I saw you with..."
Jimin felt a lump on his throat as Hoseok turned towards Taehyung.
"S-So how did The Fate know?" He managed to say. "We've been really careful—"
"But not careful enough," Namjoon said showing them a picture sent to him by The Fate herself.
Jennie rolled her eyes.
"Who the fvck cares?" She blurted out startling Jimin and the others. "I mean, sure, you like girls and guys. Big deal. At least you don't have a human being inside you ruining your body and taking away your effin' youth."
"Jen..." Namjoon said in a warning tone.
"What? Being bi or gay doesn't make you any less of a human being," she argued surprising everyone especially Jimin.
For as long as he remembered, they were on each other's throats. Not once did they agree on anything. But for some reason, he felt lighter. He was relieved that his fear of being shunned was pushed out of the way just like that. And what makes it ironic was tha Jennie Kim was the one who did the pushing.
"Anyways," Jennie turned to Lisa. "Since this event of yours is a total disaster—for us, at the very least, can we just continue our party elsewhere—"
🔔 : The Fate just posted an update!
I'm not done yet darlings. Everyone knows Jennie Kim and Roseanne Park are the class sluts. But surprise, surprise. The quiet one is ten times more.
📎 20 Attached Photos
So, Jung Hoseok. Aside from the circle members, who else haven't you screwed?
I think you should see a therapist.
You can't hear the word addict without a D.
xoxo 💋
Hoseok dropped his phone. He was pale as a sheet as he read the message. All eyes were on him.
"Hobi..." Jisoo was about to approach him when he suddenly took a step back. "Whoever is this sick blogger I'm gonna give her a piece of my min—"
Lisa, who was already standing straight since a couple minutes ago, caught everyone's attention.
"So what if you like having sex? It's not like Jeon here hasn't screwed the whole school already. Plus, no one in this group's a saint."
"True," Jungkook agreed and so did everyone else. "But I'm still a step ahead 'coz there's this one girl I've been with at the back of my limo you'll never scre—aw!"
"Irrelevant, much?" Lisa barked rolling her eyes then turning towards Hoseok. "You don't need to be ashamed, Hobi. As if we're ones to judge, right? We all have our own screw ups to worry about so we got no time judging yours."
Hoseok managed to smile. He wasn't necessarily hiding it. He was just not confident to tell other people his problem.
"Still..." Jisoo managed to utter. "Aren't you all furious that our secrets are being exposed? I mean, whoever this blogger is, she's one sick psycho."
"I kinda feel relieved, actually," Jimin managed to say. "I... I've been really wanting to tell you guys—at least. But I didn't know how. So The Fate revealing it for me's kinda easier..."
"Yeah. Same here..." Hoseok said smiling. "Weirdly enough, I feel like a huge boulder has been lifted off my chest."
"Getting revealed pregnant kinda became an excuse for my mom to be closer to me," Jennie said catching everyone's attention. "She was upset but what I originally thought wasn't the reason she's furious. She said I should've told her first. She said she was my mother and she should've known about it before anyone else did. So yeah... because of that reveal, I don't need to pretend anymore."
"The Fate did expose my mom," Jin chuckled. "Now we can finally be together with no one interfering and asking me whether I'm actually gay or not."
"I didn't know how to tell Lisa the truth either," Rosé started. "It ruined my reputation but I couldn't care less about that. I only cared about what Lisa would think. I was afraid she'd leave me. I know I screwed up. And no excuse is enough. But I wanted to come clean. Jimin knows how much I wanted to tell her the truth when she got back. The Fate just beat me to it. And now we're here. Still together."
Lisa gently squeezed Rosé's hand.
"If not for The Fate, I wouldn't have come back," she said turning to Rosé and Jimin. "I actually came back for revenge. But that didn't go as planned. Nevertheless, I like this outcome even better."
"So the only unproblematic people here is Namjoon and Taehyung," Jin commented.
"I'm gay," Taehyung said like it was a normal thing. "And I'm with Jimin."
"What?!" Rosé blurted out. "I thought you like Lisa? You said you like someone."
"Yeah. Jimin." He said pointind towards the guy. "I never said it was a her. Jimin still liked Lisa so I knew I had no chance. And I thought he was straight."
"You said you liked me."
"Yeah I did," he smiled. "I used to like you. I thought liking a girl might straighten me up. But it didn't."
"That's why you didn't pursue me?" He nodded. "And that's why Jungkook explained 'Coz he's Taehyung'?"
"Yup," Jungkook said. "I knew about him being gay since middle school."
"So that leaves Namjoo—"
🔔 : The Fate just posted an update!
You think he's a knight in shinning armor? Think again. Kim Namjoon isn't the saint everyone thinks he is. I'd rather say he's much more of a game player.
The ultimate one.
Be careful who you trust J. You'll never know who's the real enemy here.
xoxo 💋
Namjoon's forehead creased. Jennie just rolled her eyes before grabbing his phone and throwing it away. She did the same with hers.
"Give me more credit, Joon. I don't believe those sh!t that easily."
Jin grinned and threw his too. Same with Jisoo, Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung. Lisa hid hers and same with Jungkook.
"What? Phones are expensive. Plus I need to check on my brother."
Rosé put her phone on silent and hid it inside her bag.
"So, who's ready to get wasted tonight? Except for Jennie 'coz she's pregnant."
"You can't drink and that's final. It's bad for the baby."
"Fine. I'm gonna go home and sleep instead," she mumbled making the three girls chuckle.
Lisa clung on to her right arm and Rosé on the other. Jisoo held on to Lisa's arm.
"But nobody said a pregnant woman can't have fun, right?"
"Now you're talking."
Everyone else grinned before following the four girls walk on the streets arms linked together.
📥 Private Chat
Who are you?
I am you
But better
You're an arrogant coward
hiding behind a computer
Aww. Is that the best you've got?
Then I know who you are too
You're a scared little kid
hiding behind a pseudo
to get the girl of your dreams
At least I don't have
to steal a site
just to gain a following
Aw don't be ridiculous, darling
I'm just doing what you
don't have the balls to do
Anyways, GTG.
I have another reputation to wreck
And you know 100% who's next.
This user is now offline.
Slamming the laptop shut, he cursed. It was all going well. But that fvcking hacker just had to interfere. But nevertheless, he already got what he wanted. He got back at Jimin and Rosé for cheating on Lisa. He managed to get Namjoon what he wanted. Helped Jisoo and Jin with their dilemma. And of course, she is finally happy.
Lisa. The girl who had walls as high as the sky. Min Lalisa. One could only dream of having her. Call him obsessed but there's a better term for that. He fell in love with her the moment he saw her in that one party. She looked like a doll but she wasn't like one. Nobody can tell her what to do and if deemed unworthy? She wouldn't even spare you a glance.
The idea of being The Fate was first thought of as a joke. Just to be noticed by the Queen herself. But eventually, he used the platform to help her keep her title because ruling demigods meant you'd have a lot of competition. But he wasn't having it. Min Lalisa will be the one and only Queen of Olympus High.
But it looks like someone took over.
He looked up at the owner of the voice. His muse. His one and only Queen.
"Why are you up?"
He stood up and walked towards her—automatically wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her neck.
"Is there something wrong? You look pissed."
"It's nothing, doll. I just checked some emails." He continued to trail kissed on her neck. "You? Why'd you get up?"
"Mmm..." she replied as his kissed all over. "I'm not fond of sleeping alone in a big bed..."
"Well, I don't think you'll be sleeping at all tonight, doll."
Whoever the new fate is ain't his fvcking problem anymore.
Some say I've seen it all. But believe me when I tell you I haven't seen everything. So sleep tight my darling demigods.
That was just the appetizer.
The main entree will be served soon.
See you next time, darlings.
I'm not going anywhere.
x's and o's
The Fate 💋
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