Episode 20: How To Be A Queen
🔔 : The Fate just posted an update!
A quick lesson to those who's desperate to be the Queen of Olympus High: One isn't born with the crown. You have to climb up and earn it—not forgetting to wear the best pair of Louboutin pumps to stab all low-lives who'll get in your way.
Xoxo, The Fate 💋
"You do realize that it's illegal to ship people in boxes, right?" Jungkook said as he watched two guys take a gigantic cardboard box with tons of holes.
"I know. I'm sure they'll let those two out once they wake up," she said as she watched the moving truck leave with the "package".
"They'll come back at us for sure," he said before drinking his signature liquor. "Are you sure you're just gonna let them go? After what they did?"
"Well..." she gently touched her chin before turning towards him. "Chasing Jen away did give her a chance to be safe from Hera..."
That made Jungkook clear his throat.
"And us? They did trick us into fighting each other."
"I don't think there's someone capable of actually succeeding, Jeon." She took the glass of whiskey from his hand and took a quick sip. "Ack! That thing is fvcking gross! I'd rather have champagne."
With that, he chuckled and followed her back to his pent.
"The fvcking bastard hit me so hard I passed out," Jimin began telling how he ended up missing. "And he shoved me inside the trunk of his fvcking car. I swear that dude is a psycho."
"So if we hadn't snooped in his apartment you would've been trapped there for days?" Rosé was appalled.
"Yes. I don't think that guy had any plans of releasing me soon," he explained. "He can change his appearance into someone else's. He planned to make Jungkook jealous by using me to flirt with Lisa."
"But Lisa saw right through him," Jisoo said like she was a proud mother.
"Yeah," he said and smiled. "It actually makes me feel happier knowing she knew me well."
"Sorry to burst your bubble, Jimin, but Jeon was the one who told me about Mingyu and Tzuyu," Lisa said as she walked inside the pent. "He told me about it last night."
Frustrated, Jimin pouted. "You could've just made me believe, Lis. You could've."
"Well, I don't like taking credit." She explained shrugging. "Anyways, thanks for your help, guys. For getting Jimin out of Mingyu's place because this best friend of his is stubborn af."
"I was about to get him, doll," he defended. "Rosé and Jin here just beat me to it."
"Come to think of it, I saw your car parked even before we arrived," Hoseok mentioned.
"You're wrong. It wasn't me."
"You're the only one in this place who owns a Black Lamborghini."
Jimin eyed Jungkook who just shrugged while chugging his drink.
"But seriously," Rosé started as Lisa sat beside her. "How did you two figure it out? I mean, Mingyu changing appearance and his connection with Tzuyu."
"We didn't," Lisa sighed. "We had no idea until..."
"Well..." Lisa glanced at Jungkook then back at Rosé.
"Let's just say I we had to strangle the info out of a certain nymph last night." The side of Jungkook's lip twitched into a smirk before he started to narrate how everything went through.
"You just won't stop, huh?" Jungkook's glare pierced straight at Ji Eun. He's inside his pent, with a whiskey on his hand.
After Lisa's outburst and Mingyu telling him she was with that dwarf, he immediately called his driver and went home. Fvck that auction. He only went there for her. But seeing as she did not want anything to do with her, screw it.
"Please, Kook. I'm begging you... please forgive me."
His patience ran out making his throw the glass towards the wall. It scared Ji Eun. When she met him—while she was a senior, he was that freshman full of innocence that made her like him a lot. But now, he changed. Gravely.
His head turned straight towards her and like a hypnotized beast, he choked her.
"Don't fvcking call me that!"
Ji Eun's tears escaped her eyes as she tried to break free from Jungkook's grasp. He was already pissed and she's just adding up to it. And everybody knows he's not very patient.
"K... ook... p..please..."
Jungkook released her making her fall to the
"Why did you come back?"
"I... I missed you, Kook... I... you know I love you."
"Bullshit!" He roared making Ji Eun flinch. "Just cut the crap, will you? We both know you're not capable of loving anyone but yourself so just tell me what you want. You looking all innocent and helpless is getting on my nerves.
She heaved a sigh before standing up. Lips pursed and her hand propped on her hip. The angelic Ji Eun disappeared and was replaced by the cunning and manipulative one he knew.
"I traded my soul to Loki so I needed to make you like me again to get it back," she outright confessed. "Seems like you crossed Mingyu's girl or something so he wanted revenge."
"You're Greek. Why'd you trade souls with a Norse God?"
"Because he is Norse!"
Jungkook's forehead knotted. Real tears... that's what came out of Ji Eun's eyes.
"Junki... I love him with all my heart. When I graduates and felt invisible, he saw me."
"Junki? Who the hell is Junki?"
"Junki is one of Tyr's demigod son, the Norse God of War," she explained. "But he was killed and Tyr did not do anything about it. So I begged Loki and he told me everything had a price. And it meant my soul in exchange for Junki's. I agreed so he ordered Hel to release his soul from Hel."
"So you two lived happily ever after?"
She scoffed. "Happily ever after my as$. That ungrateful bastard married someone else after everything I did for him. Maybe it was my karma but what else can I do? I traded my soul for that guy and now I have to do things for his kid."
She wiped off her tears and looked straight into his eyes.
"Kill me, if you want to," she challenged him. "But that won't do anything. I'm already dead."
"You've been tricked."
Both heads turn towards the now open bedroom door.
"Loki doesn't have your soul," she said with conviction. "All souls have rightful owners. Greeks and Romans' souls belong to the underworld my father rules. And since you're Greek, Hades has your soul, not Loki."
"But he released Junki—"
"To trick you into doing his bidding." This took Ji Eun by surprise. "I will ask my father to release you from that deal only if you tell us everything."
Ji Eun turned to Jungkook who had his arm crossed.
"She is his daughter," he said. "Favorite daughter to be precise."
"They plan on pitting you against each other."
"They thought that if Jungkook and I turn our backs against each other, Tzuyu can come back like nothing happened," Lisa continued the story. "That we'd be too distracted on scheming against each other to even notice her comeback. Or one of us gets chased out—which she wished was me, giving her the power to permanently return and be queen of Olympus High."
"So you just happen to find out because of that Nymph Ji Eun?" Jin said. "For a moment there I thought you had some sort of ESPN or something."
"It's ESP, Jin."
"But what were you doing in Jungkook's pent?" Rosé asked. "I mean, you two did say you got into a fight."
"I was trashing his stuff," she said nonchalantly. "I was pissed off, you see."
Rosé wasn't buying it.
"Fine. I was taking some of my belongings."
"But Lis, why'd you just let those two go?" Hoseok said worriedly. "What if they comeback and scheme against you again?"
"Then let them," she said confidently. "I don't think I'd be that bothered having Tzuyu or Mingyu around thanks to you guys."
On her hand was Tzuyu's hard drive. Rosé immediately stood up and hugged her best friend. Jisoo followed and three girls shared a hug.
"I refuse to accept that I'm not part of this hug!" Jin rose up and hugged the three girls which made them chuckle. Hoseok—who loves the idea of hugging, joined them as well.
Jimin turned to Jungkook who was busy drinking his favorite liquor before turning back towards the five.
"So I guess I should be going then," Jimin suddenly said as Rosé, Jisoo, Lisa, Jin and Hoseok broke their hug. "I'm dying for a long shower. And some food. Those two didn't even bother feeding me."
"I'll come with," Rosé said smiling. "I'm kinda famished too."
"What if I cook for you guys?" Jin suggested. "I make the best kimchi rice and I'm not even exaggerating."
The others turned to Jisoo asking for some confirmation.
"As much as I hate to admit it... he does cook like a master chef."
"Then it's settled!" He said grinning. "Hoseok will come with me and Jisoo to buy some groceries, Rosie, go with Jimin and give him a bath... maybe two or three will suffice. Also, clean his place up since that's where we'll hang out and eat."
Jisoo turned to Lisa. "Do you wanna come with us to the grocery?"
"I... I'll follow you guys—"
"We," Jungkook interjected. "We'll follow you guys. Phones were invented for something."
She nodded and followed Jin and Hoseok who clung into each other's arms like they were a couple.
Jimin and Rosé went out as well—with the latter not forgetting to give Lisa a hug.
When everybody left, Lisa turned towards her purse sitting casually on the sofa. As she was about to grab it and go, Jungkook pulled her.
"Not so fast, Doll."
Hand on her arm, she froze. She was never the confrontational type. She never liked being pushed on a corner and forced to spill out her inner feelings. She never did that with anyone. Even when she found out about Jimin and Rosé's relationship, she never talked about it with her brother. Even after their scandal broke, she did not say anything about how broken she felt. She ran away from it. And up until now—even with a different problem at hand, she wants to stick to the best escape route.
"I-I have a mani-pedi appointment," she lied.
"Nice try, doll. Try again."
She heaved a heavy sigh. "What do you want, Jeon? I really have to go."
"No you don't," he said sternly. "Why did you lie?"
She looked away. "What do you mean?"
"You lied to them."
"I didn't."
"Yes you did." He crossed his arms. "You didn't come to my place to get your stuff, doll."
Lisa's head was a mess. She didn't know what to do and where exactly to go. She originally thought of going back to her place and sleep. But she's a hundred percent sure Rosé and Jisoo would go there as soon as they find out I skipped the gala.
It's a good thing her make up was waterproof. Or she would've looked like a hot mess on the outside just like how she currently is on the inside.
"Good evening, ma'am," the receptionist greeted. "To Mr. Jeon's suite?"
She nodded and went straight to Jeon's own personal elevator. But before she forgets, she motioned for her to not tell anyone that she's here.
She locked herself inside Jungkook's walk-in closet. There she saw his collection of suits and ties which he casually wears whenever he's not in his uniform. She can't help but smile a little. A little boy struggling to make it seem he's already a man.
What was she even doing here? He might come home or something. But knowing Jeon Jungkook, he'd rather stay back in the hotel and bang a nymph or two.
She took a navy blue suit—her favorite one, the one he wore that night she let herself go, and wore it.
Hugging her legs, she started to cry once again. Yes, she's broken on the inside. But if she shows it to the people around her, they'll take that opportunity to strike and take everything she worked hard for.
She was betrayed. By her best friend and the man she let inside her heart. But she had to accept them back to show everyone she's unaffected. Because being queen means you should always be strong and unbothered. Because they are beneath you and you are not a sore loser.
To be a Queen you must be fearless. You must remain unbothered. And more importantly, you must be strong.
It was so easy then. But now... why was it so hard?
Lisa jolted upright at the sound of glass shattering. Who—
She ran towards the door—slightly opening it. A muffled gasp escaped her lips as she saw Jungkook strangling someone. But he let her go seconds after and she started telling him her apparent connection with the Norse demigod.
So she was wrong. It wasn't Jungkook who said those hurtful words.
"Kill me, if you want to," the nymph challenged Jungkook. "But that won't do anything. I'm already dead."
"You've been tricked."
Both were startled to see her.
Jungkook's features softened at the sight of her—swollen eyes with puffy cheeks. His hand immediately caressed her cheeks. A sharp stab went straight to his chest.
But she ignored him and explained the ownership of souls by the gods to Ji Eun instead. She was furious. She's been tricked.
She spilled everything she knows about Mingyu and Tzuyu's plans to them. She called Yoongi to accompany the Nymph to their father to reclaim her lost soul.
As the elevator to the pent closed, Jungkook finally spoke.
"Lisa? What are you doing here?"
"I'm... I'm leaving..."
"You can't."
"And why is that?"
"You have something that's mine."
She rolled her eyes and took off the suit. "Sorry. About that."
But instead of taking his suit, he took her. And trapped her inside his arms.
"You. You're mine so you can't leave just like that."
The most important thing a Queen should do is to fight for what is hers.
"I didn't lie," Lisa said looking straight at Jubgkook. "You're mine too, right? So I came here to get what was mine."
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