Episode 18: The Trickster
🔔 : The Fate just posted an update!
Run fast Little J. Or mommy dearest will catch you. As for Queen L, better luck next time, your majesty. You're still no match for me.
xoxo The Fate 💋
"Here." Rosé gave the key to her car to Namjoon. Jennie, who looked exhausted looked at her confused.
"Why are you doing this?" She asked. "Shouldn't you be angry at me? I'm carrying your boyfriend's baby."
"I'm not exactly a saint, Jen," she said. "I did things I'm not proud of as well but trust me when I tell you I've been through the same situation."
Jennie pulled Rosé and hugged her. "I'm sorry. I'm really for being a b!tch to you. I... I'm such an idiot—"
"You were never a b!tch to me, Jen," she cleared. "Yeah, you might've verbally attacked me more than once but, you defended me against others. You once said that you're the only one allowed to hurt me. But not once did you do that. You might've thought nobody saw you but I did."
Jennie sighed. "Yoongi loves you. If you get hurt, he'll get hurt too. I'm not a good person so don't be mistaken."
"Whatever makes you sleep at night," she surrendered smiling before turning towards Namjoon. "Please be careful. And always be there by her side."
He nodded before opening the car's door for Jennie.
"Wait!" Lisa stopped the two from entering the car. "Jimin said that every entrance and exit of the hotel is in close surveillance."
"Then what do you suggest we do?"
Lisa fell silent for a few seconds before snapping her hand. She turned towards Jungkook and grabbed him by his tie.
"Start stripping."
Jennie held on to Namjoon's hand as their car passed by a guard near the exit. Jimin was right. Getting out was close to impossible with all the guards on high alert.
"Where do you think you're going?" The guard asked. "All guests are ordered to remain in the premise."
"We're not guests, sir," he answered. We just got in by mistake. My wife and I were just checking some tourist spots around and happen to enter mistaking the place for a museum."
The guards forehead knotted so he peaked inside the car to check.
The two weren't dressed for the occasion. The girl was wearing an oversized cream colored button down with white pants and the guy was in a casual white button down shirt and blue pants.
"May I have your ID sir?"
"My what?"
"ID," he repeated. "It's standard protocol."
"Oh! Identification card. Sure—"
"We found them!" Another guard called signaling the one with us to come with him. "They're on the east gate."
The guard with us turned back at us. "If you could wait for—"
"What?!" That was Jennie. Leaning herself forward towards the driver seat to be visible to the guard she wasn't having any of it. "Listen here officer. We don't have all the fvcking time in this world. I'm already pissed that we used a whole fvcking day doing nothing and now we have to wait because you're leaving your post?! Can you not be a fvcking inconvenience and just let us go? I'm tired and I want to have my fvcking beauty sleep!"
Startled—and a tad bit scared, the officer took a step back and motioned the car to move forward. Namjoon bobbed his head down as a form of apology. He looked at her immediately after passing the gate.
"What? He's taking too long." She leaned back and closed her eyes. "I hope they don't get in trouble because of me... I owe them."
Namjoon used his free hand to gently squeeze Jennie's. "Let's just hope for the best, Jen. Let's just hope for the best."
She did. For the first time in a long while, she hoped again.
"This was not the cardio I was hoping for."
Jungkook leaned against the wall as he took a quick rest after all the running Lisa forced him into.
Wearing Namjoon's black turtleneck sweater and maroon suit, he would be mistaken as the guy from afar. It also helped that his built was close to his.
"Stop whining, Jeon," Lisa said as she turned towards his. "Do it for your sister."
Lisa was now wearing Jennie's black dress. It looked good on her, honestly. But the hair was a major let down. It's a good thing Jennie had that tube top underneath her gown that she used as a hair wrap hiding her hair. She also traded her stilettos off since she had legs that go on for days.
She wanted Jisoo to do it but couldn't because of the mask. Rosé wasn't really a runner so they only have one option left. And that involves her doing her own scheme.
"I think we threw off the guards long enough for those two to escape, don't you think?" He said as he grabbed the hair wrap—letting her now red hair fall to her shoulders. "Red hair suits you well, doll. And they have this saying that redheads are the best in bed."
Lisa rolled her eyes.
"Typical Jeon Jungkook," she said turning away from him. "Can't go through a few minutes without thinking about sex."
"I don't hear a no so does that mean?"
Lisa turned to face him again—but meters away, and showed him a familiar looking card. That made him chuckle and run after her.
"I knew I liked you for a reason."
"Rosie..." Jisoo squeezed Rosé hand gently as they sat on the bed.
They were already inside the room Taehyung rented. The Egyptian girls were excluded since their parents ordered their immediate departure from the party after the fiasco. Jin, Jisoo, Rosé, and Hoseok—after throwing off the guards, went straight to the room number Taehyung texted and met them there. Now the five demigods all wondered if Jennie and Namjoon made it out safe.
But they trusted Lisa and Jungkook. Those two are master manipulators. Tricksters. Once they set their minds on one thing, they're bound to succeed.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
Rosé gave her a faint smile. "I would be a hypocrite if I say I'm mad at Jennie for sleeping with my boyfriend—who wasn't necessarily my boyfriend at the time."
"But what you did... you really are an angel," she blurted out.
"I'm far from being an angel, unnie. I... I just know the feeling. Being in a complicated situation like that."
"Your secrets broadcasted out in the open?"
Rosé contemplated on whether she should tell them or not. She decided on the latter.
"More or less," she answered then sighed. "Plus, she's the one that'll suffer more. I hate it when girls get called names just because they get knocked out. It's not just her fault. It's both theirs. But do you hear anyone calling the guys a slut? No! Because there's always that double standard that girls should be virgins while guys should at least bang a hundred girls before getting married."
"You talk like you've been in her shoes," Jin commented.
"Because I have!" She sighed and rested her head on Hoseok's shoulder. "It sucks, to be honest. After the video being posted on The Fate, I could never go out and walk confidently like I used to. I'd always be cautious and jumpy 'coz some douchebag would either cat-called me or slapped my butt. And..."
"I... I got pregnant just like Jennie did."
"We know," Hoseok said as he gently patted her back. Rosé sat up straight—wide eyed and all asking how. "You pretty much spilled it when you and Yoongi were doing the seven minutes in heaven thing."
"You pretty much said you killed your child or something," Jin said shrugging.
"Plus I talked with Lis about it and we understood that you didn't want that to happen. That it was all an accident," Jisoo calmly said. "We were just shocked that even if Yoongi was the father and it was Jennie who was pregnant, you still sided with her."
"You're pretty much a badass, Rosé," Taehyung said smiling. And it made her smile too.
"Should we call Joonie if they're okay or something?" Jin suddenly said making them all look at him. "What? So you girls can give cute nicknames to us guys and we can't? I thought you said equality?"
"You sometimes make me wonder if you're actually straight or not," Jisoo commented.
"Want me to prove to you I'm not?" He grinned. The perverted kind.
"See what I mean?"
"By the way, guys, did you hear anything from Lisa and Jungkook? Are they still running around the place?" Rosé asked.
"Lis' phone is out of coverage," Hoseok answered her.
"Same with Kook," Taehyung replied as well.
Rosé gasped. "What if they got caught?! Oh my gods we have to help them!"
"Or maybe they hid in one of the rooms... who knows what they're doing now." Jin wiggled his eyebrows insinuating an R-18 idea. Jisoo slapped his thigh harshly. "They rested okay? Maybe they rested onside one of the rooms 'coz they ran around. Seriously Kim Jisoo. If I didn't love you I would've b!tch slapped you."
"Love?!" Hoseok exclaimed with Taehyung. Rosé looked away guiltily.
"She's family, duh," Jin immediately explained.
"But didn't you say you were step siblings?"
"Can step siblings not love each other like family? Geez."
Hoseok wasn't convinced but decided on letting it slide.
Those two are bound to come out soon. But that's another story.
"Lisa! Wait! Doll!"
Lisa didn't even look back. She walked straight towards the door with a messy hair and a broken heart.
"Doll, listen to me!"
She stopped and turned towards him. But instead of listening, she threw her bag at him.
"You don't say 'I love you' like that you fvcking as$hole!"
"It slipped! How was I supposed to know?!"
"Ugh! You just can't say that!" She yelled. She panicked—actually. How was she supposed to act when someone says that out of the blue?
Happy? Shouldn't you be happy?
She's confused. Yeah, she liked him. But her guard's all the way up right now and Jungkook's ruining it. Should she let him?
No. He'll hurt her. Just like what Jimin did when he cheated on her. Just like that guy from summer camp did when he found out she was Hades' daughter. Just like iron man kid from toddler school did after he saw this new girl on the swing.
It's better to have any strings attached between them. At least he couldn't hurt her like that. She won't let anyone hurt her again.
"Let's just forget about it okay doll?" Jungkook walked towards her and tucked the loose strand of her hair behind her ear. "Let's just get back to where we left off—"
"We should stop this," she said removing his hand. "It's been fun while it lasted but... I can't do this anymore, Jeon. I... I don't want to get hurt. This... this thing between us is a huge gamble. I know you too much. You even know me better than anyone. So before this gets in deeper, we should just stop. Let's just go back to haring each other."
Lisa did not give Jungkook the chance to reply. She immediately went out of the room and ran towards the elevator. But before she could even enter, someone grabbed her arm.
"You're right," Jungkook said as she was forced to look at him. "This thing between us is a huge gamble. And it has to stop."
Her heart dropped. She wanted this right? Why is she feeling down?
"Right. I'm right."
"You're no better than those nymphs anyways."
Her loud slap echoed before the elevator door opened.
"See you in Tartarus, you bastard!" Jungkook gave her a smirk before she entered. "And fvck you, you son of a b!tch!"
As the elevator doors closed, Jungkook's appearance suddenly changed.
Being the son of the greatest trickster does have its perks.
"What are you doing here?!" Jungkook exclaimed. He was still inside the hotel room and was about to follow Lisa.
"Kook..." Ji Eun took a step forward. He took a step back. Now he regrets putting on a shirt. He should've stormed out the room with only his boxers on. "I'm sorry. I came back for you. Don't you miss me?"
She tried to touch his face but he flinched. "Why would I miss a gold-digging nymph like you? Why? Did father throw you away and moved on to the next one?"
"I had no choice! He seduced me!"
"You always have a choice, Ji Eun. But you chose him because he can give you more."
He walked pass her and ran towards the elevator.
"Jungkook? What's up? And where did your clothes go?"
"I have no time for you, Mingyu. I need to catch Lisa."
"Lisa? I just bumped into her a while ago and she's wearing a different dress. They rode the elevator down, I think."
"Yeah. Them. Jimin and Lisa."
His brows furrowed. "The dwarf?"
"Yup," he said nonchalantly. "There's no big deal, right? 'Coz you two ain't together or something."
Jungkook did not say a word and walked away, riding the elevator.
Mingyu smirked as he took his phone out. At the same time, Ji Eun walked towards him.
"Hello, Tzuyu? Yeah. They took the bait just like you said. It's just a matter of time before they turn against each other."
"Great! I can't wait to come back home."
xoxo Bitches.
Let's see who wins this round.
Lots of love, The Fate 💋
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