Episode 15: Bonnie and Clyde
🔔 : The Fate just posted an update!
👄 The Fate
I really had a blast reading all those juicy gossips submitted. But sadly, they're not as explosive as what I have. Social suicide? More like murder. And I have the knife to prove it. Heads up, ladies. Xoxo
"Where are we going, Lisa? And where's Kook? I thought he's as much of a part of this?"
Namjoon trailed behind Lisa as they walked towards the school lobby. School's about to end so students are making their way out of their respective rooms.
But even if there were tons of students in the hallway, they would all step aside at the sight of her. The real Queen of Olympus High.
"Chill your balls, Joonie," she whispered. "Jeon's on his—what the hell?!"
His head snapped towards Jungkook's direction. Lips locked with Kim Yerim who's leaning on the locker came into full view.
Lisa charged towards the two—specifically to the girl and pulled her hair violently.
"Lisa!" Jungkook acknowledged the hirl's presence but was too late.
"Ya! What do you think you're doing?!" The girl yelled in pain. "Ya!"
She pulled her so hard her body was thrown towards the lockers opposite to where they were standing.
"You crazy btch!" The girl cried out as her back hit the lockers. "What is wrong with you?!"
"You're asking me that, huh?!" Lisa barked back as she almost slapped her—good thing Jungkook grabbed her. "You slut! If I ever see you filthy mouth on my man I'll send your soul to Tartarus!"
"Stop making a scene," Jungkook pulled her away so I managed to help Yeri stand up. "Let's go."
"Don't you fvcking touch me!" Lisa pushed Jungkook forcibly towards us. "We're over, Jeon. And don't you fvcking dare call me again."
The people gathered behind Lisa suddenly made way as she sashayed out of the scene.
Jungkook who looked pissed walked towards the opposite direction. Yeri ran after him and clung onto his arm. Namjoon knew very well that if Jungkook's pissed, he did not want anyone around him.
And just as he thought, Jungkook brushed her away making her fall on the floor with all the contents of her bag scattering on the hallway. Loud gasps were heard as a familiar piece of "evidence" lay flat on the floor.
"Oh my gosh! She's the pregnant girl!"
"Gods! It's true!"
"Send it to The Fate!"
The sound of camera clicks resounded as one after another the students took out their phones to take a picture.
"I'm not pregnant!" Yeri yelled. "I don't even own that thing!"
"Yeri!" Namjoon gasped as he saw red fluid come stream down her legs.
"Wha—no!" Yeri panicked but the students kept filming. "This is a mistake! I'm not preg—"
Suddenly, the ground started to shake. The clouds outside turned dark and the lights suddenly flickered. This can only mean one thing.
The goddess of War, Bellona appeared. And she did not look pleased.
"You disgrace me, Yerim," she said in a stern and authoritative tone.
"But mom I'm not—"
"Enough! We're leaving now!"
And with that, Yerim and the goddess disappeared. The students mumbled and tapped on their phones like there's no tomorrow.
Not far from where he stood he saw Lisa with a smirk before she disappeared. And Jeon Jungkook on the other end with the same devilish grin plastered on his face. His hand went straight to his head.
Bonnie and Clyde strikes again.
Jennie's brows furrowed as she turned towards Lisa. On her hand was a bottle with green liquid in it.
"What's that? Poison?"
"I wish," she sassed. "But we don't want anything happening to my future niece or nephew now, do we?"
Lisa rolled her eyes and sat beside the shocked girl. "I know. Jungkook knows and Namjoon knows. You should be careful with evidences though. It's a good thing we were here to help."
Her brows furrowed making Lisa point to her phone.
"Check the school site."
She did. And here eyes widened as she saw a video clip of Lisa and Kim Yerim in an all out brawl. But what the comments said made her breathing hitch.
"What's this?"
"Exactly what it looks like," Lisa answered. "You're off the hook now but that pregnancy of yours can still be revealed in the next days. So you should at least have a plan."
She sighed and placed her phone inside her bag. "Why did you help me? We're not exactly besties, Min."
"No, we're not. But I do fight for family. And that kid inside you is a part of my family. Surprised? I know Yoongi's the father, Jen."
"Oh..." Jennie looked away.
"But you were once my friend, J," Lisa continued making Jennie look up to her. "So here. Drink this tea I made from my grandma's best herbs. She says it'll make the baby hang in there stronger."
"Thanks," Jennie took the canister. As Lisa was about to leave, Jennie caught her wrist. "I'm leaving town after the gala, Lis."
"For good?"
"No. Just until I deliver the baby," she explained. "I... I already asked my biological father's help. I'll be staying with him for the time being."
"And the baby?"
She sighed. "I can't take care of it alone, Lis. So my father will. He and his human wife will."
"Oh..." The excitement of having a niece or a nephew suddenly faded away. But Lisa understood.
"But you can visit her when they visit me," she said smiling. "Thank you, Lis. I owe you."
"You don't," she replied. "Just take care of yourself, okay? And call once in a while. Video call if possible."
She nodded. The two girls went in for a hug after years of being hostile with each other.
Another war just ended.
"Guys guys guys!" Hoseok ran towards Jisoo, Rosé, Jin and Yoongi who were sitting peacefully on the bleachers. "Have you seen the latest news?! Lisa and Jungkook were a thing!"
Rosé and Jisoo looked at each other before feigning shock. "Oh wow, really?—wait, were?"
"Yeah!" He said and sat beside Jisoo. "Someone posted a live a while ago. They fought because Lisa caught Jeon kissing Yeri."
"That fxxker—" Yoongi was about to stand up but Jin stopped him.
"Sit down, Yoongi," he said. "Jungkook will squish you if you fight him. Our girl Lisa can handle him just fine."
"I..." he sighed before sitting beside Rosé again. "I'm just gonna write him a diss track."
"But get this," Hoseok continued. "It seems that Yeri's the pregnant girl in The Fate's post. Her mom even showed up to pick her up!"
Yoongi's forehead creased. How?
Then their phones all buzzed.
🔔 : The Fate just posted an update!
You might think I lost this round, hun, but don't be so sure. Remember there are four aces in a deck and this is just one. So if I were you, I'll be more careful. I have eyes everywhere. Xoxo The Fate 💋
"Holy shiteu!" Hoseok blurted out. "What does this mean?"
Jin smirked. "Looks like a new war just begun."
"My man? Why do I like hearing that so much?"
Lisa rolled her eyes as the annoying Keon Jungkook entered her pent. She just came home and decided to lounge at the living room and watch some tv drama. Until this one showed up.
"Don't be so cocky about it, Jeon. It was all an act," she cleared earning a soft chuckle from the guy.
"That was a very convincing acting, doll," he teased. "You almost ripped her eyeball out."
"What? I don't like sharing," she said. "Plus, it seemed like you enjoy having her tongue down your throat."
"Don't worry doll," he said as his lips landed on to her for a chaste kiss. "I like yours better. I spent a good hour brushing and using mouthwash. Man was she such an amateur. She doesn't compare to a pro like you."
That made Lisa's eyebrow raise. "Excuse me?"
"What? Being a good kisser doesn't mean you're a bad person," he explained naturally. "And besides, pros like is can share techniques..."
Jungkook leaned closer to Lisa and was about to kiss her when suddenly, Jin's diva voice came blasting in.
"Greetings, ugly people—oh, there's no one here yet," he said, clearly not seeing the two on top of each other by the couch. "Where are they? They said to be here at six—"
"Found them!" Namjoon chuckled as the two bolted up straight. "My, my. You horndogs are insatiable, aren't you? So why'd you want us here?"
Lisa's hand went straight to her hip. "Well, seeing as noobs like yourselves were able to pull off a scheme made me think you both deserve a little congratulatory party."
On the table was a bottle of champagne and three glasses. Jungkook was already filling his with the liquor.
"I swear, I have no idea how you get hold of alcohol that quickly. Are you sure you're Zeus' son, not Dionysus'?"
"That would've been better, doll," he stated before sipping. "Way better."
"Wait," Namjoon turned to Jin. "You were in on the plan?"
"Who do you think put that pregnancy kit inside Yeri's bag?" Jin sassily said and took one glass. "It was about time you let me in on a scheme. It was getting pretty boring around here."
"Well, I do see some potential in you after all," Lisa sipped from her glass and winked at him.
"Please stop doing that," Jin said in all seriousness making her burst out laughing.
"But... how did you manage to do all this?" Namjoon suddenly asked. "I mean, how were you able to come up with a scheme like this?"
"Well..." Lisa grinned. "It was actually easy when I remembered Jin here telling me that Yeri 'accidentally' poured smoothie on Jisoo's uniform weeks ago. How she would call out Rosé on public and how she'd make fun of the circle. So I dug up information about her. Seems like the kid have mommy issues that led to an attention deficit. I found out that every Thursdays she'd pick up her medication from the local pharma. That was when I tipped Jaebum. He took a picture of her leaving the place and posted it on the school site."
"Then next we had to put the kit inside her things," she continued. "I thought it would put a huge dent on your innocence so I asked Jin to slip it in while you play all hero on her."
"Easy peasy," Jin said.
"And so for the grand reveal, Jeon here did what he's best at."
"Being overly attractive?"
"Hah. Nice try," she scoffed. "Being a man-whore. Then I'd fake catch him and I'll go all war freak. How and when the bag falls, it doesn't matter. As long as the thing gets seen by the bystanders. Bellona's special appearance was just a bonus."
Namjoon was at awe. If his mother knew how good Lisa was, she'd surely be her favorite.
"But you do know The Fate's pissed right?" Jin said as he leaned on the backrest of his seat.
"That's why you're here," Lisa said with a smirk. "Now that I'm back, maybe it's about time I continue where I left off."
Jungkook's brow furrowed. "And that is?"
"Taking down that btch once and for all."
Namjoon turned to Jin whose lips suddenly formed a devious smirk as he sip on his glass. Same with Jungkook.
"Let the games begin."
"Are you sure about this, Mingyu?" She asked the guy. She wore a black cap with a matching black mask. "I... I don't think he'd be happy to see me here."
"Trust me, noona. He'll be ecstatic."
He turned towards the familiar building. She followed his gaze before sighing again.
"I did miss Jungkook..."
"He did too, Ji Eun noona."
🔔 : The Fate just posted an update!
👄 The Fate
They say the enemy of your enemy is your friend. If that's the case, then I think I just found myself a battalion.
Xoxo, The Fate 💋
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