Episode 13: What Fate Thrives For
🔔 : The Fate just posted an update!
👄 The Fate
It's been quite a long time since I dropped a bomb like that. And as usual, you guys bombed me back with questions. And I myself am itching to give you all answers. But I'm me and you're you. Give me something worth it and I'll give you something in return. Xoxo...
"She fell asleep. She haven't read it yet," Namjoon said as he sat beside a sleeping Jennie.
"Good," Jungkook said as he crossed his arms. "That photo will just stress her out. Make sure to delete that notification from her phone. We wouldn't want something bad to happen to her."
Namjoon smiled. "You're the person I least expected to react this way."
That earned a scoff from him. "She's still my sister. Even if she's a royal pain in the a$s 90% of the time."
"Do they know? The others?"
"I'm not sure," he answered. "But if they do, I trust they'd keep their mouths shut."
"And Yoongi?"
"He just got back with Ro. I don't think he'll be spilling the beans just yet."
"So what's the plan?"
"Does she even have a plan?"
"She's not telling me anything. I only found out when I figured her belly was slightly getting bigger."
"We have to hide her pregnancy. Her mom... Hera... she'd throw a fit of she finds out about this. Especially if she finds out it's Yoongi's—"
Namjoon and Jungkook immediately looked at the person who just came inside the room.
"Jennie's pregnant and Yoongi's the fathe—"
Jungkook immediately grabbed her and pulled her inside the bathroom. Namjoon followed them but locked the guest room's door first to avoid another slip up.
"How the hell did this happen?! My brother?! Oh my goodness!" Lisa's hand was up on her forehead as she paced back and forth. Yes she was hysterical but her voice sounded more of a whisper because they did not want to alert the others. "When? He's loyal! And faithful to Ro... oh my gods, Ro! They just finally got back together. Holy shtballs this is too much to take."
"The Fate also posted her pregnancy test result," Namjoon said as he handed a glass of water to Lisa. "If Zeus finds out, your brother will be in a lot of trouble."
"Dude, he's the God of Gods. He's bound to find out." She crossed her arms. "When did she even open her legs to my brother? Even if he's that drunk—oh my effin' gods! Yoongi got drunk during my halloween party! Ro... I swear I'm losing my sht with all of this."
"Chill, doll. We'll find a way to get them both out of this thing. We just have to get rid of—ya! Why the fvck did you just slap me?!"
"We're not getting rid of an innocent soul, you heartless dck!"
"I meant the picture, genius. The fvcking picture!"
"Whatever, Jeon. This is a nightmare! This is... ugh! Why don't people use condoms these days?!"
"We like it real and raw, doll," Jungkook explained grinning. "You know we can—"
"Guys, let's focus here," Namjoon said in all seriousness. "I know you two just chased Tzuyu away but I need your Bonnie and Clyde tandem again for this."
Lisa's eyebrows furrowed. "Why? Aren't you the genius or something?"
"Uhh, no?" He answered. "But we have to think of something to fix this mess. Your brother and his sister is involved so I think this situation is more your concern that anyone else."
"I'm in," Jungkook immediately said taking Lisa bu surprise. "What? She's still family."
This made Lisa sigh. "Fine. I love my brother so I'm doing this for him. If ever this blows, I will take your souls, got it?"
Namjoon nodded. "Jennie... she's confused right now. I saw her phone history and discovered she's trying to get rid of the child—"
"She what?!" Lisa blurted out causeing Namjoon to cover her mouth.
"Gods, woman. Let me finish!" This made Lisa roll her eyes before he could continue. "But I can see she's still considering to keep the baby. She's just scared of what her mom's gonna do."
Her eyebrows furrowed causing him to let go.
"I swear to the gods, if I see my future niece's soul in the underworld, I'll bury her with my own hands. I may not like her but that baby is still flesh and blood—what are so amused about Jeon?"
"Nothing. It's just that you look so sexy when you're threatening someone."
"Seriously? That's all you got? Good gods, Jeon. Your comebacks are getting boring by the minute." She then turned towards Namjoon. "Anyways back to the problem at hand, what exactly do you want us to do?"
"We have to divert the attention," Namjoon said. "If ever The Fate drops a bomb, we should have a ready countermeasure."
Lisa's finger trailed her chin. "What does The Fate thrive for the most?"
"Uh... scandals?" Jeon—who in some way, managed to get a bottle of alcohol. They were in a freakin' bathroom! "What?"
"We can't use someone's dirt to our advantage!" Namjoon said. "That's just wrong."
That made Lisa roll her ayes at him. "Whatever you say, St. Namjoon. That would've been the easiest way. Slip some pregnancy test into someone's bag and stage a bag raid. Easy peasy—"
"We're not involving anyone else in this, Lisa."
"News flash, Jooniebear, there will always be someone innocent tangled in every mess," she countered. "And if ever the news breaks out, she can always deny it. If she's not really pregnant, wouldn't it be easier since she's not actually guilty? This can be a counter attack towards The Fate, you know."
"Devious as ever," Jungkook commented with a smirk. "Think of it this way, Namjoon. If the victim is not really pregnant that will ruin The Fate's credibility since she started a baseless rumor."
This made Namjoon think. They both have a point but...
"Fine," he said. "So how do we start this?"
"Leave it to me."
"Seriously, The Fate's acting like a total btch right now—not that she wasn't before," Jin said as they read the latest post on the website. "Whoever the owner of that test, I pity her. It's like the whole world just found out she got knocked up at eighteen and branded as the school slu—"
Jisoo glared at her boyfriend who immediately retracted his words.
"Not that its true. It's not anyone's business actually. Like, let the poor girl live in peace... he...he?"
"Sorry Ro. This guy here seems to have no mute button. I'll beat him up for you later," Jisoo apologized.
"It's okay, Chichu." Rosé smiled then shielded her eyes from the harsh rays of sun. "I pity whoever it is too. It's like The Fate is feeding on her private life. What if it's not actually hers? Gosh. The Fate seriously needs to stop."
"Hey guys," Hoseok said and sat on the grass with them. "Did you see the post? Now everyone's digging dirt around just to find out whose pregnancy test kit it was. So pathetic."
"I know right?" Rosé agreed. "It's like a deal with the devil or something. It's a given fact that we can't trust whoever he or she is."
"Huh? Where's Lisa, by the way? And Jungkook?" Hoseok asked.
"Probably inside the janitor's closet making out 'til their eyeballs pop," Jisoo joked.
"Oh look who we have here," Yeri—Bellona's daughter, taunted as she passes by the group with her minions following suit. "The circle of losers. I guess being a slut gets you a downgrade, huh, Rosie? Say, was that your pregnancy test in The Fate's update? I mean, you're the only person I know in this school who readily opens her legs to almost anyone."
Her minions laughed at what they thought was a joke.
"Guess having the goddess of war as your mother makes you an angry ass huh, Yeri?" Jin said as he smiled at her. "I'd be a royal pain too if I have that horrible face like yours. Evaporate, small bean. Before I stab you with this pen."
Yeri just raised her eyebrow at him. "And who are you? A sad excuse for Rupaul's Drag Race?"
Jisoo was ready to claw her but Hoseok stopped her.
"Ya, can you just leave us alone, Yeri? We're not doing anything to you so please stop bothering us," Hoseok pleaded.
"And why would I even listen to you—"
"Are you done, noob?" All heads turned towards Jennie who just arrived. Momo, Sana, Jihyo and Nayeon behind her. "Hearing your awful voice is torture enough but your comebacks are as unoriginal as that fake gucci bag hanging on your arm."
Yeri's mouth flew wide open.
"What? You think I wouldn't notice?" Jennie laughed. "Anyways, you're the daughter of Bellona, right? A minor goddess?"
"She's the goddess of war—"
Jennie held her hand up. "Irrelevant much? Still, she's not at the same level as the 12 major gods. And these losers you're pertaining to thumps you off hierarchy."
"Hierarchy?" Yeri scoffs. "Haven't you heard, Jennie? The circle is over. Since your sad excuse for a leader went MIA, that group of yours had already been forgotten. And with these outcasts joining in, I don't think any of you could even rise up from the ashes. So I suggest you place your loyalty elsewhere."
Jennie looked at the group before looking back at Yeri. "I'd rather hang out with them than a sad excuse for a social climbing btch. Come back when your mom's a major God and then we'll talk."
Pissed and humiliated, Yeri walked out of the scene with her nobody minions. Jennie then rolled her eyes before looking back towards the group.
"Don't act so smug. I didn't do it for any of you. She was just too loud she's getting on my nerves."
With that, Jennie left them making Jisoo, Jin, Rosé and Hoseok look at each other cluelessly.
"Say, if Rosé owns that pregnancy kit, why is her waist so small?" Momo suddenly said. She was 100% clueless. "Shouldn't have a big belly right now?"
"A pregnancy belly won't show on the first month, Momo," Nayeon countered. "Gosh how did you even pass Biology?!"
"I didn't. I'm still taking it actually."
Jennie rolled her eyes at Momo's innocence and walked away. Nayeon and Sana followed almost immediately while Jihyo had to drag a curious Momo with them.
"What just happened?" Jisoo asked as her gaze followed the leaving figures. "I'm still alive aren't I? I'm not bleeding anywhere?"
"Did Jennie just defend us? Should I call Yoongi or Lisa to check if Hell just freezed?" Jin also asked.
"I don't know you guys but I think we should just be thankful to Jennie. We all know Yeri's like the second drama queen in the campus," Rosé suggested. Then the three looked at Hoseok. "Hobi oppa? Are you okay?"
Jisoo shook him a bit before he finally noticed them.
"Momo's really cute, isn't she?"
"If you wanted to fool around, doll, we could have just used the school clinic," Jungkook said as he followed Lisa into her house—not the pent but their family house. "I'm not very comfortable hooking up knowing your parents could pop out any minute—"
Lisa rolled her eyes as she placed her bag on the couch. She reached for something underneath the coffee table.
"I just need to pick up something from dad's office. Something we can use for Namjoon's plan."
"So why are we here in your living room instead of his study?"
Lisa grinned as she clicked something then immediately stood up. The land shook like there was an earthquake then the floor suddenly collapsed—chunk by chuck from its center, forming secret passage. Jungkook gulped.
"After you," he said.
Surprisingly, it wasn't the "engulfed in flames and lava" sort of 'hell' Jungkook had imagined. It was just like an old abandoned building.
"This is it? This is the underworld?" He asked making Lisa roll her eyes.
"This is just a secret passageway, dumbass," she said as she opened another door. "This... is the underworld."
It was really far from the 'torture' chamber they taught at school. It was like a corporate building—scratch that, a high-end corporate building with employees and such.
"Are we in the right place?"
Lisa nodded. "Yup. Surprised?"
"Who knew 'hell' can look as good as this?" The interiors were mainly black, white and gray. There was no screaming in terror whatsoever.
"The 'hell' you're talking about is Tartarus," she explained. "That is around five floors down."
A tall blonde woman handed something to Lisa. Jungkook admired how slender and beautiful that woman was. He whistled.
"Eyes where it belongs, Jeon. She's not who you think she is."
And just like that, the woman grinned and transformed into a cyclopes making Jungkook cringe.
"See?" She said then turned towards the cyclops. "Hey Tina. I'm here to pick up grandma's package."
The cyclopes walked towards the "reception" and took a box. Jungkook's forehead creased.
"What's that?"
She smiled as her fingers tapped the box.
"Something that'll help our mission big time."
"Wow, that answered my question," he said sarcastically, brows still furrowed.
They went back to the door where they got in. "Say, I get why I'm doing this for Jennie but why're you involved? You two are not that close."
"She's still family, doll. I'm not that heartless." Then he grinned. "Besides, I get to spend more time with you."
Lisa just rolled her eyes at him as he opened the door for her. When they went in, they were already in a different place. Particularly in his apartment.
"How the hell?!"
"It's because you opened it. It takes you back home."
"Oh. At least now we can do that suggestion of mine before we went to get that thing." Jungkook wiggled his eyebrow playfully.
"Seriously, Jeon. You're unbelievable!"
He grinned. "I don't hear a 'no' so..."
"You know we still have to—ya!" Jungkook swiftly carried Lisa—bridal style, towards the bed. "Ya! Jeon Jungkook I swear—"
"Jungkook? And...Lisa. What a surprise."
The two instantly turned towards the door. That playful smirk and blonde hair greeted them.
Spotted. Kim Mingyu walking the streets with his signature smirk and blonde do. This dashing debonair surely knows jow to make his presence known. But I don't think he's here for games. What's Loki's favorite son doing on the Greek side of the town?
X's and O's, The Fate 💋
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