Episode 12: Dare to tell the Truth?
A game of truth or dare is a tradition at sleepovers. Adding a twist of your own can make it better. Anyone up to take the plunge? Come on now, I double dare ya...
"I know everyone here knows how this works so I'm not gonna elaborate it much," Jin began as he held the bottle. "Who asks the questions will be determined by these set of dice."
He showed a numbered dice much to everyone's surprise.
"Altogether we're eleven so if ever the dice rolls a twelve, we'll have to roll again."
"Wow, he's really prepared for this," Namjoon stated.
"You have no idea, big guy," Jin answered with a wink. Then he turned towards Lisa. "Anything else to add, Lis?"
"The person who asked is required to take one shot after the person successfully answers a truth or has done the dare," she said showing a wicked smirk. "But if you refuse to answer or do the dare, you have to take that shot instead."
Yoongi was about to object when Jennie glared at him. She wasn't ready to tell everyone yet. Nor will she ever. She plans on hiding her condition until she finds a way to escape it.
The rest agreed and started to play. Jin spun the bottle first and it pointed at Jimin.
"Jiminie!" he shouted. Lisa and Jennie laughed out loud earning looks from the others.
"What's so funny?" Ro asked Lisa.
"Nothing..." she was still chuckling. "It's just that there's a 'Jimin' then 'mini'."
"Oh!" she chuckled too. The others laughed as well. But Jimin wasn't very pleased.
"Ha-Ha. Very funny,' he bitterly spat. "Let me remind you guys that there's only an inch difference between me and Yoongi."
"Still, I'm 2.54 centimeters taller than you," Yoongi countered then shrugged.
"Whatever. Give me the damned dice."
"You have to choose first," Jin whisk away his arm as Jimin was about to grab the dice. "Truth or Dare?"
"Fine. Dare." Then he rolled the dice.
"Four! That's me!" Jin was overly enthusiastic. "I dare you to kiss the most attractive person in this room. Oh, wait. I know you'll choose Lisa so she's not included in the choices."
"What? That's not fair!" He protested. "There are only three girls here left. One's I'd die first before kissing, the other's quite awkward to do it with, and one's wearing a mask!"
"Then if you're such a p*ssy about it why don't you kiss one of the guys since you act like you have one, B!tch," Jennie hissed. She didn't take the 'I'd die first before kissing' quite well.
"Fine!" Jimin stood up and crouched in front of Rosé. "So... uh... it's just a game. I uh—"
All eyes grew wide as Lisa kicked Jimin making him go straight for the kiss.
"What? He was taking too long. Sheesh!"
Jungkook grinned as he lightly patted her head as she leaned towards him.
"Well done, doll. Well done."
"I said kiss, you guys. Not make out," Jin sassed making Rosé lean away from Jimin. Their gazes locked before he proceeded to spin the bottle again. "Psh. Kids these days."
Jisoo handed the shot glass to Jin.
"Hobi oppa!" Lisa said as the bottle pointed towards him. "Truth or dare?"
"Hmm... Truth!" He picked. "I don't want my innocence to be tainted."
Hoseok took the dice. "Wait a minute. We my number is one, right? Having a double dice can't produce a one! This is so unfair!"
"Then you get twelve instead," Jin replied. "Roll the dice I'm waiting!"
"Four aga—"
"No questioning the dice," He cut Hoseok off. "Your truth is, how'd did you lose your virginity? And pf course that question includes who where when and how."
"Someone stop him, he's like a truth or dare machine!" Namjoon piped.
"Whoever tries, I pity." That was Jisoo.
"Uh..." Hoseok suddenly felt embarassed and scratched his nape. "It was last year. She came over to do some homework. It was more of an experimental thing—"
"She? Don't leave us with questions, Jung Hoseok!"
"It was Yoonji!" He blurted out. "But sadly she transfered this year. She's in the Roman Academy now."
"Yoonji? Mi Yoonji?" Lisa sat straight and turned to her brother. "Isn't Yoonji that short-haired girl that looks like oppa?"
Yoongi looked at his sister with his eyebrows furrowed. "Take your meds, Lis. You're starting to hallucinate again."
"But it's true—"
"Next!" Hoseok spun the bottle and it pointed towards Lisa.
"Nice one. Truth or Dare?"
"Dare. As always."
He then rolled the dice. For some type of miracle, it was a seven.
"Jimin!" Jin exclaimed but immediately scrunched his face when he realized something. "Ya. Don't pull that 'I dare you to love me again' stunt or I'll effin' end you."
"I'm not like that!" He defended himself before turning towards Lisa. "I... I dare you to kiss the person you love the most in this group."
"Is that all?" Lisa asked making Jimin nod. "Psh. Piece of cake."
She stood up and went to her brother and gave him a kiss on his cheek. Earning scowls from everyone.
"What? He didn't say what kind of love or where to kiss," she defended making Jungkook smirk.
"Touché, doll. Touché."
Lisa grinned like she just fooled everyone. Then the bottle pointed at Jungkook.
"Truth or Dare, Kookie." Her tone was a lot more sultry than usual.
The dice rolled another four.
"Seriously guys, I think the dices are rigged," Namjoon chimed. But he was ignored as Jin enthusiastically gave out the dare.
"Seven minutes of heaven with..." Lisa eyed Jin who was about to point at her. So he turned towards someone else. "Taehyung?"
Everyone was laughing at how clueless Taehyung was when his name was called. He was busy stacking up chips in the bowl.
Jungkook stood up and carried Lisa like a sack of rice over his shoulder.
"Sorry doll. I make the rules here." Then he glared at Jin who was about to protest.
"Oppa! Help your baby sister out!" Yoongi just shrugged then chuckled. "Traitor! Put me the fvck down or I'll cut you, Jeon!"
"Ooooh. Kinky. Just how I like it." Jungkook slapped her butt as she was wriggling. "Come now, doll. This playing hard to get is really turning me on."
Rosé and Jisoo squealed as Jennie rolled her eyes. The guys were just laughing with the exception of Jimin.
"So they'll be in there for a full seven minutes. Shall we spin again?" Namjoon suggested.
"Way ahead of you." Jin spun the bottle and it pointed towards Yoongi.
"Truth or Dare?"
"I uh..."
Yoongi closed his mouth at the same time Rose did. His hand found its way towards the back of his neck. Rose blushed as she looked away.
They're in this situation. Since Jungkook and Lisa were such a good sport, the seven minutes in heaven thing made Jin overly excited. Though Jk's and Lis' seven minutes might've been unnecessarily extended, they on the other hand were on a strict time table. It has been already a good four minutes since they went in.
Yoongi was about to open his mouth but ultimately shut it when she started to speak.
"I'll cut to the chase..." she softly said. "I still love you, Yoongi--"
"I still love you too--"
"--but we can't be together yet," she continued which made his mouth flew open. "I love you Min Yoongi. With every trembling bone inside my body. But I know it's not right to love someone knowing that I can't even love myself."
She tooke a deep breath.
"Every time I look in the mirror, I don't see anyone anymore. All I see is the person I hated the most. The person who betrayed her best friend. The person who hurt the love of my life. I even killed my own child! This horrid—vial person. This... this... monster..."
She almost broke but stopped herself. She needs to be strong. She had to take control of her life that crashed. And it starts with this. It should start with this.
"I wanted to kill it, Yoongi. I tried many times. But every time I'd close my eyes, I would see your face..." She was about to touch him but held back. "That gummy smile I loved so much... I still wanted to see it."
Rosé silently thanked the gods for letting her say that without crying—scratch that. She started to cry when Yoongi suddenly pulled her inside his arms.
"That gummy smile you loved exists because of you," he said. "It still does."
Her soft sobs became more audible as she felt his arms tighten around her.
"I don't care if you don't love yourself anymore, Ro. I'll love you twice as much so you'd see how easy it is to love a Roseanne Park."
Rosé held on to Yoongi as he gently planted a soft kiss on her forehead. She wants to do the right thing and let him go. She wants what's best for him and it doesn't involve someone like her. She wants to let him go. She wanted a lot of things. But one prevailed. She wants him.
Their lips touched and just like their first, the magic is still there.
"Let's give this another try, shall we?" Yoongi said with a genuine smile on his face. But before she could answer, the closet door opened.
"Seven minutes is over and she says 'yes'." Hoseok said as he opened the door. He had this proud father smile as he sat back on the floor.
"Damn it Lisa! Clean your apartment! It's so dusty in here!" Jin said as he sniffed and wiped the corner of his eyes. He followed Hoseok.
Jisoo was standing behind who immediately wrapped her arms around the two.
"You do know that this closet isn't soundproof, right?"
That earned a shy chuckle from the two as they went back into the group. Hands entwined.
Jennie sighed.
"I'm tired," she said and looked over at Namjoon. "Tell those two horny rabbits I'm taking dibs on the guest room. Enjoy the rest of the night, losers."
Their gazes followed Jennie's leaving figure with the exception on Yoongi. Namjoon sighed before standing up.
"I'll... I'll make sure she's okay." That was all he said before jogging after her.
"There you go, Jin," Lisa, who just got out of wherever Jungkook took her, suddenly said. "The drama you've been asking for."
"You guys never fail to disappoint," he replied with a grin. "I'm already looking forward to the next sleepover."
Then their phones buzzed.
🔔 : The Fate just posted an update!
👄 The Fate
Before the night ends I have a little secret to share. But since I'm me, I won't be telling whose it is. Are you ready, my darlings?
📎 Attached Picture
Xoxo darlings. I hope you guys get a good night's sleep.
Taehyung's eyes widened. Rosé's hand flew automatically on her mouth. Jin's eyebrows furrowed. Jisoo's as well. Lisa rolled her eyes.
As she was about to turn around, she bumped into Jungkook's bare chest. He grabbed her phone and saw the picture.
"What the fvck?!"
That earned judgmental looks from everyone inside the room.
"Jungkook, is that... did you and Lisa?!" Hoseok's cheery expression suddenly became a furious one. "I swear Jeon I'll—"
"It's not mine, Hobi oppa," Lisa said then looked back at Jungkook. "If this is from one of your wh*res, get ready to say goodbye to your future kids."
Jungkook didn't say a word as he looked around. Then he turned to Yoongi.
"Where is she?"
Yoongi, who was unnecessarily silent, pointed towards the guest room.
He smiled as he saw the picture The Fate posted. He just came back to town and another scandal just exploded. Olympus never really disappoints.
He took his phone out.
"You were right, Tzuyu. It's still messy as ever. Don't worry. I'll keep your seat warm until you come back... if."
A smirk formed on his lips as the limo stopped in front of a familiar hotel. He stepped out and was greeted by the doorman.
"Mr. Kim. It's good to see you again. Shall I inform Miss about your arrival?"
"Don't. I want to surprise my fiancée."
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