Episode 1 : Pilot
🔔 : The Fate just posted an update!
👄 The Fate
Remember when I said that this year will be different?
You'll never guess who just came back from the doors of the underworld after her mysterious absence. I know you all have questions waiting to be answered but here are some of my own.
Does 'lil Ro knows her bestie is back? Does L know she's dating the Golden Boy? How about J? Now that the real Queen Bee is back, what will happen in Olympus High? We all know one nation can't have two queens. More so, three.
Will the deafening peace in our beloved academy be disrupted again? Now that chaos herself came back, who knows?
"Oh my G! Lisa's back!" Sana exclaimed as her eyes were glued on the screen of her hand phone. Dahyun and Mina's eyes widened as they read the update as well. Nayeon gasped as she showed her phone to Momo--who gasped too as soon as she saw.
"Unlike you, we're not retarded, Sana. No need to point out the obvious," Jennie--more known as J, rolled her eyes as she shut her phone. She looked genuinely pissed but was great at hiding it.
"But J, Lisa's back. That means--"
Jennie glared at Momo. "It means nothing. She left for a year so she's out of the circle. She's nothing now."
"Is she really, J? The mere mention of Lisa in The Fate's homepage made the school buzz again. Unlike someone I know."
With gritted teeth, Jennie tried to compose herself as she calmly faced the familiar female who rudely butted in.
"Oh hey there, Ro. Yeah, I heard," she casually said. "Are you ready to give her boyfriend back?"
"Are you ready to give the crown that wasn't even yours in the first place?"
Sana's eyes moved back and forth as the two ladies started to throw shade at each other. Neither one showing any sign of anger which confused the group of girls watching their exchange.
"I should be asking you the same question. Ever since Lisa left, you willingly stepped in her place. In the school council, the cheerleading squad, even her place in Jimin's bed..."
Rose shrugged. "It's a comfy place, you know. Seeing as you desperately clawed your way up the social ladder just so you can grab her place in the circle—with the help of dear mommy of course."
"At least I didn't sleep my way in the circle."
"Oh! I saw your The Fate stint by the way. That was a great shot! Did you send that picture in yourself?"
"Oh Rosie, Rosie." Jennie laughed. "There's nothing to be jealous about me dating Kai. Well, other than us totally being the power couple of this school—being children of the main gods, there's really nothing to worry about. Hermes is a main god too. Even if he's just a messenger."
Rose scoffed in an amused manner. "Power couple? Really, J? Can't you be little more original--"
"You two talking like this is totally my kink." Heads snapped towards the direction of the familiar heart trembling voice. Leaning on a brick wall while typing on her phone was Lisa--the main topic of the girls' conversation. She closed her phone and faced the girls with a wide grin plastered on her face. "I know you're concerned about me J, but I'm fine with Ro dating Jimin as long as she's fine with seconds."
Jennie couldn't contain her chuckle as Rose's mouth flew wide open on that insult. So much for defending her.
"I'm not greedy. I know how to share too y'know. Also," Lisa walked closer to Jennie. "Kai, huh? Football captain. Son of Ares. Great choice..."
Jennie's ribbon caught her attention making her admire the intricate details as she touched the fine stitching on it.
"Too bad he called almost immediately after the news of me coming back hit The Fate." Jennie's head snapped almost immediately. "A dinner date for two ain't that bad, right?"
Lisa smirked as she looked over the amused group of girls behind a furious Jennie.
"Hi girls. I'm thinking of having some coffee before class. Wanna come with?" The girls instantly agreed like they were hupnotized by a sale poster in Gucci. She looked back at Jennie and Rose. "You're welcome to join too. The more the merrier, right?"
"No. Thanks. I have an appointment," Jennie replied suppressing her irritation.
"Council Meeting."
"Great! Enjoy your dates, girls. " Lisa said before turning around to leave with her friends. Then she stopped midway. "Oh, and J? It's good to know you're still friends with Jaebum. He takes excellent pictures as always."
Lisa winked at her before turning around again. Jennie scowled as Rosé's eyebrows furrowed.
"Nice catching up with you girls. Let's do this again some time."
"Have you seen the newest The Fate post?" Taehyung said as he was holding his tablet while lounging in Namjoon's pad. "Lisa's back!"
A loud crash echoed from where Jimin was sitting. "Lisa? Min Lalisa?"
"Yup!" Taehyung sat up and showed the update. "Didn't she text you? You're her boyfriend, right?"
"They broke up when she left, Tae," Namjoon butted in. He was actually busy reading a book. "He's with Rosé now."
"Who? Rosé? Lisa's best friend?" A bewildered Taehyung ran up to Jimin. "Hyung! How come I don't know this?! I thought I'm your best friend!"
Namjoon rolled his eyes and resumed his reading. Jimin, on the other hand chose to divert the topic. "Where's Jungkook, by the way?"
"He's been inside Joon's room since this morning--"
"He's been there since last night," Namjoon corrected. "He came in last night with some nymphs. Haven't left the room since then."
"Nymphs?" Jimin looked at Taehyung who just shrugged. He stood up and walked straight towards Namjoon's room only to discover the youngest in bed with two nymphs 'enjoying' each other's company. Correction. They were three. "Jeon Jungkook! What the hell?!"
A sleepy Jungkook looked over at him. "Hyung! I didn't know you were there. Wanna join us?"
The nymphs giggled as Jimin came in. But instead of 'joining in' on the fun, he dragged Jungkook out of bed.
"What the--Ya! What the fvck is wrong with you?!"
"I ask you the same question, Kook!" He answered back. "Banging nymphs, really?"
"You're banging your ex-girlfriend's best friend and I ain't complaining," Jungkook hissed. But that hit a spot. Jimin let him go.
"So you're going there, huh?" He gave him a sarcastic smirk. "Fine. Do what you want. But if you catch a disease whatsoever, don't come crying to me. Also, don't bother me ever again."
Jimin left Jungkook who combed his hair using his fingers. "Tch. Rosé's rubbing off on him. Sensitive little b!tch."
As he was about to go back to his new playmates, Jungkook checked his notifications. The first one made him scoff.
"So that's why he's acting like a pissed b!tch." He grabbed his white shirt from the front door. "Party's over girls. Let's do this again some other time, yea? I'll give y'all a phone or two. Okay?"
The nymphs gathered their clothes and each gave Jungkook a kiss on his lips.
"I see you're enjoying yourself," Namjoon said as the nymphs walk past him by the door. "Jimin just left. Cut the guy some slack, Kook. I know you still loathe him for hurting Lisa but don't you think this is a great opportunity for you to finally make your move?"
"What the fvck are you blabbering about?" He hissed. "I don't loathe him. I don't even care about that bi—"
The older guy smiled. "Oh Kook. Everyone knows you're in love with Lisa. You should stop denying it."
Jungkook looked away. "I'm not, Joon. You may be the son of the Goddess of wisdom but you're dumb by blabbing words with no evidence."
"The way your eyes light up whenever she calls you 'Kookie'—oh scratch that. The mere fact that she's the only person who calls you that without getting murdered is evidence enough that you've been in love with her since forever."
He glared at his hyung. "I said I don't like her. Fvck off."
Namjoon smirked as he entered his room and made his way towards his walk-in closet.
"I wonder if Jimin would contact her," Joon said making Jungkook clench his fist. "We all know he wants to patch things up again with her."
"He has Rosé. What else dows he want from Lisa?" It was too late for him to take it back. Namjoon smiled inside the closet as he put on his uniform. "I'm just concerned he'll be branded as a player by The Fate—"
"Jimin just went out with Rosé to spite Lisa from dropping him. If that's not obvious enough."
As he walked out the closet, he threw Jungkook a school vest. "Freshen up. We'll leave in 15. She's back and I'm sure you'd want to go back in school."
He glared at the leaving figure of his hyung. Maybe going to school won't be such a bore now. The entertainment just came back.
A welcome present for Lisa.
📎 Attached Video
Let's see if you two will ever get back together again.
"She's back," Hoseok said as Jisoo placed the books on her trolley back into their respective shelves.
"I guess so," the masked girl replied.
"At least now Jennie will finally leave you alone." He took one book and placed it on a higher shelf she couldn't reach.
"Thanks to your help, she's giving me the protection I need," she stated with a heavy sigh.
"Lisa's a good girl, Jisoo. She protects you from Jennie because she geniunely cares," Hoseok explained. "Yeah she might be b!tchy at times but she's only like that to people who does her dirty. Have you ever seen her bully other kids?"
She stopped to think for a second. "No. But that doesn't justify the way she treats other people."
"Lisa's not not a saint, Chichu. She knows how to fight back." His hand found its way to her shoulder. "You should learn how to protect yourself too."
"By being rude and acting like a total b!tch? No thanks." She placed the last book on its rightful place before slightly pushing the cart. Hoseok blocked her way.
"I get that you're friends with her, Hobi. But don't force me to like her too. I'm fine being alone," she said before dodging him and pushing the cart back towards the librarian's desk.
"Thanks for the help, Jisoo!" Miss Dasom, the school librarian, said. "You can continue with the other books tomorrow."
She nodded and proceeded to get her things.
"Jisoo, I just want you to get to know her better," Hoseok insisted whom she didn't realize was behind her. "She's cynical like you, if that's what you want to hear."
"Cynical?" She raised an eyebrow at her so-called friend. "Am I really, Jung Hoseok? Because the last time I checked, being cynical and a total b!tch are two different things."
"You're friends with Yoongi." It was Hoseok's last card. But it was a risky one. "Why can't you be friends with Lisa?"
"Really? Then why didn't he even called me in that one year he was away the real reason they left?" She countered. That made Hoseok silent. He knew. "He only trusted you. He didn't trust me. So what makes you think we're even friends?"
"Because he plays for you."
Jisoo and Hoseok turned to face the familiar figure who was just the topic of their conversation.
"Wow. I just came back and people are still talking trash about me."
"Didn't your dad tell you it's eude to eavesdrop on someone else's conversation?"
"Not when you're talking sh!t against my brother." She raised an eyebrow. "Didn't your dad tell you it's worse to talk behind people's backs?"
"Since when were you here, Lis?" Hoseok cut them off.
"Long enough to hear her throw shade at my brother." Lisa did not spare him any glance but answered nonetheless.
"Lisa, she didn't mean it like that—"
"Listen here, metal face." Lisa walked closer to Jisoo as she slightly pushed her using her finger. "I don't give a damn if you talk sh!t about me. I don't even fvcking care if you like me or not. But don't you dare talk like that about my brother who showed you nothing but mercy in that hell hole you got yourself into. 'Coz right now, hun, you're starting to dig up your own grave."
Hoseok immediately pulled Lisa away from a now trembling Jisoo.
"Lisa, she's just hurt that's why she said that," he explained. Still, Lisa did not spare her any glance. It was a good thing there were no students in the particular section they were at. "Yoongi didn't contact her after the accident."
"Accident? What accident?" Jisoo held Hoseok's arm. "What happened to Yoongi, Hobi? Tell me or I'll freakin' shoot you with one of my father's guns!"
Lisa smirked as she crossed her arm. "I guess she does have spunk. Come. Yoongi's been waiting for you."
She turned and started to walk away making Jisoo look at Hoseok confusedly.
"Let's go. Before she changes her mind."
🔔 : The Fate just posted an update!
Spotted. Lisa and Hoseok walking out of the academy. And look at who just got in the limo with them. The faceless angel. What are they up to? Where are they going? Will it finally bring us to the answer we've been waiting for?
Better sit back and relax my darling demigods. This is gonna be a long ride.
You know you love me.
X's and O's, The Fate
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