Chapter 81
Questioning why Annabeth asked you to read for her, you glanced at Percy and Nico.
You found Annabeth's request of you reading to be odd. From the looks of the book, the page she wanted you to read was about in the middle, so why would she suddenly require help to read the book? If she did need someone to read to her, then why would she go to you? Wouldn't she go to someone she's more familiar with?
You glanced at Percy and Nico. They watched you as if waiting for you to begin reading. But you didn't think they cared to hear what the book was about.
You: They look literate.
You gestured to Percy and Nico.
You: Why not have one of them read?
Annabeth: It's funny, isn't it? Each of us has dyslexia, so when we have to read something, we ask ourselves why we don't have a friend that can read easier.
Percy: One time, when we went to a restaurant, it took us an hour to order food because we couldn't read the menu.
Annabeth: That's because the menu was in French. We just thought we were having a particularly bad day and couldn't concentrate enough to read.
You smiled, growing comfortable with the crew. They all seemed so cool and understanding, you felt like they were better at making friends than you were.
You: Okay, I'll give it a shot. Where do I start?
Annabeth: Thanks. There's a section that is titled "Egyptian Gods's Influence on Pharohs", can you read that for me?
You: Uh...okay.
Scanning the pages in front of you, you couldn't find the sub-header, so you began to turn the page.
Annabeth placed her hand on the page before you could turn it.
Annabeth: No, no, it's on this page.
She pointed to the section for you.
You: Thanks. Um:
Egyptian Gods' Influence on Pharaohs
From the de--beginning of the bay--day--the Pharaoh's efforts go into...
You paused and put your hands on the book, having a small space between them where the words would be shown through.
You: ...into overlooking his empire. He wore clothes mabe--made out of extensive material...
You looked up to Annabeth.
You: That's all you wanted me to read, right?
Annabeth: (nods) It's fine...if you don't mind, can I ask you some questions.
You looked her in the eyes, beckoning the questions.
Annabeth: Are there people looking for you? If I turn on the TV, will I find the news talking about (Y/N) who disappeared without a single trace? I need to know these things so I can prepare.
You lowered your eyes, implying discomfort, and told her what Hunter had said.
You: It won't seem weird to anyone...I've always had a bad relationship with Helen since she never tells be anything, so people would probably think I ran away.
Annabeth: Helen?
You: Yeah, she's my grandmother, but she doesn't act like one, so I just call her by her first name. She hates it, and I hate. But, please, don't return me. I'll run away again if I have to face that woman again.
Percy: You're one of us. We're a family. We protect each other. If you never want to see Helen again, we can make that happen.
Annabeth: That's right, but we don't mean we'll kill her. But, I'm curious, where are your parents?
You: Helen said they died in a car crash when I was a baby. She said they were out getting stuff for me, like diapers and formula. But, when I looked up car crash reports, I couldn't find any evidence. When I confronted Helen about it, she went crazy and yelled at me.
Annabeth: Do you have any guardians that aren't crazy? I know someone that didn't have anyone, but they had a teacher they were really close with and the teacher adopted them.
You: Teachers? I don't want to talk about teachers...
Annabeth: Okay, I understand. Just know we are all up for helping you.
Before you could express your thanks, the door swung open. In entered Leo, who balanced a large stack of pancakes on one hand and hugged three different syrup bottles to his body with the other.
Leo: Now, for another amazing amazing breakfast served by the ship's chef.
Leo set the breakfast on the table.
Leo: I wasn't sure what kind of syrup you liked, (Y/N), so I brought all the kinds we have.
Percy: You never did that for me.
Leo: Well, if you had asked.
You: Thank you, Leo, for the um...
You rubbed your eyes and looked at the pancakes again. Sure enough, you weren't hallucinating.
You: Um, are those blueberry pancakes?
Leo: They're blue pancakes.
You: So, they're blue-flavored just put food dye into pancakes just cause?
Annabeth: Oh, Leo! You remembered our anniversary?
Percy: Thanks, man. These pancakes are awesome.
Bits of pancake fell out of his mouth as he spoke. He quickly scooped up the partly-chewed bits and put them into his mouth. Everyone else seemed to have not noticed even though everyone saw.
Leo: No problem. So, should we just leave you two to your anniversary stuff or...
Annabeth: Well, I thought...wait, this is going to sound odd, but why did I invite you guys? I remember my original plan was go have us Greek couples have a get away together, guys are single? If you guys didn't have a date, then why did I invite you guys?
Leo: Sounds like you found a real-life plot hole.
Annabeth: I don't think you guys understand. I remember making invitations. I remember writing two, one to each of you, and I wrote the name of your dates, but if you guys never had any girlfriends...
Nico: or boyfriends
Annabeth: What?
Nico: I didn't say anything.
Annabeth: Okay, but my point is, there is something going on. You know how Jason's and Percy's memories were wiped by Hera? Well, I think something like that is...
You watched Annabeth, enraptured by her conclusion. She had a focus around her that made her look like she was about to crack a code.
She seemed frozen in place. You waited a few more seconds, but she didn't move. Her mouth was still partially open as though she were still speaking.
Glancing to the other members, you observed their reactions. They stared at Annabeth, unblinking.
Voice: Sorry about that.
You jerked your head up to see Hunter.
Panicked by Hunter's presence in front of the crew, you glanced at everyone's expression.
You: Is he another passenger?
Hunter: (chuckles) Don't worry. I froze time, so it's just us.
Hunter walked around the table to behind Annabeth. He took out an otoscope and shone a light in her ear and peeked through the equipment.
Hunter: It seems Leader was correct to require my constant supervision over the crew members. Ms. Chase certainly meets her reputation seeing how quick she was to find a fault.
You: So, Leo and Nico have girlfriends. And something was done to their memory to make them forget that.
Hunter put a finger on Annabeth's eyelid and lifted it. Shining the light in of the otoscope in her eye, Hunter continued his examination.
Hunter: We don't mess with people's memories. Well, we don't remove or add memories. We consider that wrong, plus it takes too much effort. Instead, we "darken" certain memories within the brain so certain memories are just harder to recall.
Choice Time:
Chapter 95: I get you want to change the world and all, but messing with their that even moral?
Chapter 96: Why don't you just alter their memories so they join our side?
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