(Percy POV)
After that encounter, the pack quickly decided to head back to the big house to try and enjoy the rest of the night away from prying eyes and potential judgment.
The next morning Kate and I are awoken for a day of training by Alex, who was informed by Chiron that the pack needed to be dressed for a day of such activities. Kate and I attempt to get dressed, but we're both a little sluggish from a lack of sleep last night, not that I'm complaining. I end up in sweat pants and a muscle shirt while Kate is wearing some yoga pants, a sports bra, and a muscle shirt. One of my muscle shirts I notice. I narrow my eyes playfully.
"don't smell like me enough huh? Have to go and steal my clothes too", I ask. She sticks her tongue out, smiling slightly, and shrugs.
"As if you don't like seeing me in them anyway", she replies. I go to retort but I'm cut off by Alex who is once again knocking on the door.
"C'mon love birds, we have to do things today", he states. I sigh, disappointed but Kate hugs me from behind, giving my ear a quick nip.
"Later", she whispers, grinning she quickly exits the room, following after her brother. I smile, thanking whatever in the universe that gave me the luck to meet the true love of my life, before quickly catching up to her.
The pack walks to the training arena where most of the camp seems to be sitting, waiting for us. Clarisse greets us and informs us that everyone would like to see our fighting style, and rather politely asks Alex if it would be alright if some (most I mentally correct her), of the campers could watch our pack while we spar against one another. Alex seems to deem her mannerisms acceptable and agrees.
"Alright guys", he says, turning to us, "I'm going to pair you guys off and you're going to spar alright?" We all nod, excited to see who we'll be fighting against. "Hannah and Chloe," both grin and claim a spot in the arena. "Kayden and Percy, Henry and Jackie, and Ollie and Kate". He waits till all the pairs have found places to spar and nods. Grinning he looks at Clarisse. "Begin", he barks. And we're off, I go at Kayden, hoping to catch him off guard at the start since he is so much bigger than me. This backfires. I find myself on my back on the ground with the air knocked out of my lungs. I roll to dodge his punch and use my legs to hook his ankles, bringing him to the ground with me. I quickly get on top of him and attempt to put him in an armbar, but he's fast and we end up grappling for a while, neither of us able to hold the high ground long enough to end the fight. I finally manage to get him in a headlock, arms tightening around his neck until he taps out. I grin, releasing him, and roll to my feet, helping Kayden find his.
"Good fight man", I praise, Kayden nods his head in agreement, smiling. I look over to Kate just in time to see her pin Ollie to the ground, the blade of her arm against his throat, legs squeezing his sides to keep him from bucking her off. Which he does attempt a few more times, Kate applying more and more pressure with each buck, which has him tapping out. Kate quickly releases him, hopping to her feet with Ollie following.
"Good", Alex says, as they were the last to finish. He turns to turns to Clarisse, "thoughts?"
"They're good, very good really", she replies, "who taught them to grapple?"
"Kate and I", Alex admits, looking rather proud, "we trained the entire pack how to fight, with and without weapons".
"So they do know how to use traditional weaponry", Clarisse asks.
"Yes they do", Alex retorts.
"Good, less teaching that I have to do, though others might ask for duels or such later, I think its rather obvious that you all know what you are doing". Alex nods, looking pleased, but Annabeth who'd been standing behind Clarisse huffs.
"Please", she says, "I bet I could take any one of them on and win". Clarisse raises her brows at this but sighs and looks at Alex.
"Any chance that she can go against one of your pack members," she asks. Alex nods, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Kate, come spar Annabeth would you", he calls out.
"Of course", Kate replies. Oh boy, Annabeth should have kept her mouth shut, Kate has been dying to show Annabeth her place ever since she disrespected the pack and came too close to me for Kates's comfort. Its instinct to us really, disrespect doesn't go well and we tend to be both protective and a bit possessive. Kate and ALex ecspecially, considering they in what would be considered and Alpha bloodline and have been Wolves much longer than the rest of us.
"No permanent damage", I say. Kate looks at me, sticking her tongue out.
"Fine", she replies. She and Annabeth go to the middle of the arena, Annabeth draws a sword, and looks at Kate questioningly.
"Where's your weapon", she asks and Kate smiles.
"Oh, I won't need one for this", she grins. Annabeth scowls but stays silent.
"Start", Clarisse shouts. Annabeth goes at Kate, thrusting her sword forward but Kate sees this coming and quickly side steps, getting half behind Annabeth before grabbing her wrist. Kate begins squeezing, what I'm assuming is a pressure point really hard. Annabeth drops the sword. Kate quickly sweeps Annabeth's legs out from under her. Annabeth falls flat on her back and Kates on her before she can even think about getting up and pins her the same way she did Ollie, only Kate doesn't give Annabeth a chance to buck like she did Ollie before she's pushing down on her throat. All of this had to take place in less than a minute.
"Yield", I hear Kate growl lowly. Annabeth struggles a moment longer before tapping out. Annabeth's pissed as they both quietly walk back to us.
"That wasn't the fight I was expecting, we're supposed to use weapons", Annabeth claims and goes to explain even though Clarisse is shaking her head to stop.
"Enough", Kate growls. "There are no excuses, you lost even though you had a weapon and I didn't. Not knowing how to grapple was your fatal mistake, no one else's, and I exposed that. Now, are you going to leave with what little pride you have left, or do I have to teach you another lesson?" Annabeth splutters in the silence that follows, apparently having forgotten how many people were watching and storms off. Kate snorts a huff before turning to me, murmuring, "I need a run".
"Ok", I say taking her by the hand. I give Alex a quick nod before leading Kate to the edge of the woods. Once we're there I give her a quick kiss before we shift and with that, I follow Kate as she runs out some of her anger.
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