Camp Half-Blood
(Percy pov)
After explaining to Kate what happened we walk down to the main platform where the pack is waiting nervously with the Hunters. We've barely stepped onto the platform when Max crashes into Kate, hugging her tightly.
"You're okay", he sighs relieved. Kate smiles down at him.
"I'm alright", she assures him," did you really think one little arrow was gonna do me in?" Max grins and shakes his head. The three of us sit next to Alex who also looks relieved at seeing Kate up and walking around. Alex stands up and walks to the middle of the platform where everyone can see him.
"we will help the Hunters", he starts and the hunters relax their stances, letting out a breath, "some of us will accompany them to Camp Half-Blood", the pack shifts warily, "and Artemis has agreed that I pick those I find most capable to go. So Kayden, Ollie, Hannah, Henry, Chloe, Jackie, Percy, and Kate will come with me and the Hunters. Lizzie, Adam, Chris, Phil, Logan, Emily, and Max will stay here and guard the territory."
"But Kate I wanna go with you and Alex", Max whines. Kate glances at him, chuckling.
"μικρός αδερφός, we need you here, to protect our home and Emily and Logan. Besides I'll look forward to you welcoming us back. Plus I'll need you to look after Wolf and Daddy", she tells him.
"How do you know you're gonna come back", he asks quietly. Kate pauses, no longer smiling.
"Well, I certainly don't want to stay at the camp. But I know that's not what you're talking about," she hesitates," I can't tell you for sure that I'll be alive at the end of this, as I can't control death or fate. But I can promise you that I will try with all my ability to come back home and bring the rest of the pack with me too."
"Alright," Max accepts, nodding his head," I trust you on that". Then Artemis stands up.
"We will be leaving in half an hour, so be ready", she orders. I see Alex narrow his eyes, but he says nothing. Those of us who are going, leave the platform to get the things we need. Max follows Kate and me to our treehouse and I notice that Thalia is trailing behind us. So when we get there I wait, holding open the door open for her. She looks surprised but she steps in and follows me to Kate and I's bedroom. Kate is already packing both of our bags while Max is sitting on our bed playing with Wolf. Kate looks up as we enter and looks at Thalia curiously, but I can also see the caution in her eyes.
"Kate this is Thalia, she's my cousin", I tell her. Kate nods and waves before going back to packing. As I start to help, making sure to grab the knife Kate gave me for Christmas, I notice Thalia sit down to Max and start talking to him, playing with Wolf as well, and I can't help but smile, maybe Hunters and Werewolves can get along after all.
Once the half-hour is up we begin the long run back to Camp Half-Blood. I have t say I'm a little wary myself. The gods did try to kill all of us. They are after all the reason Logan lost his arm and why Emily has a limp. What's stopping them from killing us when they don't need us anymore? Or from attacking the rest of our pack at home? Thalia nudges me, bringing me out of my thoughts, but not making me forget them.
"You know the gods told us all that you were killed on the quest, we didn't know that you were alive and an uh"
"A werewolf", I say bitterly, cutting her off. "Did you know that they tried to kill me", I ask, and not being able to stop I keep going," That everyone in the pack was betrayed by the gods? Simply because of what happened to them? That we live in fear of the gods and their children? People who used to be our friends? Knowing that if they found us, they would kill us? No hesitation? Kind of like the way your hunter friend shot Kate?" Thalia looks down and the rest of the run is silent between the two of us. I know its not her fault, but I don't feel like apologizing. What I said is true. She had her bow pointed at me too.
When we finally arrive at camp, the pack and I slow. The packs nervous and I can't blame them. We cross the border as Chiron and the campers are greeting the Hunters. Annabeth is greeting Thalia, and she glances at me. I release a low growl in my throat, and Kate grabs my hand glaring at Annabeth. The campers end their greetings when the rest of them see us, Chiron walks over to me.
"Percy, it's good to see you again", he greets sincerely.
"It's nice to see you too"
"Thank you for leading your pack to fight with us." I shake my head.
"I'm not leading, he's the Alpha of this pack", I say, nodding towards Alex. Chiron walks over to Alex, who's watching warily.
"I'm Chiron, the activities director of this camp. Thank you for fighting with us", he greets.
"I'm Alex and this is my pack. You need to understand that I won't allow them to be mistreated here", he replies sternly. Chiron nods in understanding.
"That is perfectly understandable and I will see to it that the campers treat you fairly". Alex nods his thanks.
"Now", Chiron announces," I believe it is time for dinner". We follow Chiron and the campers to the dining pavilion. We eat at Chiron's table, we don't speak much, but the pavilion is full of whispers and glances in our direction. I hear "aren't they dangerous", "are we safe", "how did the monsters pass the border". Dinner seems to drag on for hours and the pack and I practically jump for joy when it's over.
Chiron showed us to the big house, explaining that this is where we would temporarily sleeping. I curl up with Kate in the bed in our room, breathing in her scent, trying to relax. She plays with my hair.
"You hate it here", she whispers. It's not a question.
"It's not that I hate it, it, it just", I sigh, trying to find a way to explain," it just doesn't feel the same. It's not home anymore."
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