Cuddle With Me? (Frazel)
I'm sad.
Frank is out being a praetor and I'm so proud of him.
I just miss him at times.
It sucks being at home alone and no Frank.
He doesn't come home till 12 at night and when I get up to go to work he's still asleep. His day ends at 12 and starts at 9.
I just want to cuddle with my Frank.
I know I sound childish but I rarely ever get to have a conversation with him unless I see him when I'm walking around New Rome.
What I would give to just spend one hour with him.
So as of now I'm in my bed snuggled into the blanket, watching tv it's about 10 o clock and I'm waiting till he comes home so I can spend time with him.
I hear the door open downstairs and I get a little frightened but not to much considering Iv been getting better at fighting and Iv learned how to shadow travel (Thanks Nico).
I hear footsteps head for my room. Which I'm in and I look at the door expecting a robber but instead I get Frank.
I smile so widely and launch myself at him.
He stumbles back but regains his posture and hugs me back.
He kisses my head the puts me down on the bed and gets his stuff and changes in the bathroom.
He comes out in flannel pajama pants and a black tank top. He gets under the covers then brings me under with him.
He then says "Cuddle with me?"
I say "yes goodness Iv missed you"
He said "i missed you too, I love you"
I tell him "I love you too." Then snuggle deep into his chest and we watch a movie together.
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