Cole Jackson ( Percabeth) (Solangelo)
Authors note: First I have to say that some of this is in italics that's not suppose to be. Only the flashbacks are suppose to be but that didn't happen. Just know whatever wasn't a flashback shouldn't be in italics. We good?
Also this is now the longest oneshot Iv ever written so I'm very proud of myself. And I really think this is good.
Not many people write Percabeth in this light and I'm glad I gave writing this a chance.
If you want to request something I'm always taking request.
Please vote and comment I really want to know what you think of this.
Word Count: Over 3,000 words.
Today is the day I will come out to my parents.
You see the only people who know is my best friend Abigail and the Solace-Diangelo family and that's only because I'm secretly dating their son and I go to them for pretty much everything.
The reason that is because in my household I'm not really special because I don't have my mothers smarts and I don't have my dads waters powers.
The only thing I got from my mom is I look just like her with curly blonde hair and tan skin and I got the horrible dyslexia from my dad.
My older brother who is 17 just started dating my best friend Abigail Grace but that's not super important to the story.
My boyfriends name is Daniel Solace-Di Angelo. He's tall and when I say tall I mean he's tall. He's about 6"3 like his dad (Will). He has short hair. It's black and his eyes are practically black like his other dad (Nico). He has a tan. He has muscle but not the weird looking bulky ones but the I work out ones. And he is 18 years old.
So here's how I got here wrapped in my boyfriends arms on his couch and my uncles looking curious. (We call them uncles but technically we aren't related by blood but on with the flashback)
I walk down the stairs super nervous. I'm about to do one of the things I really don't want to do.
I'm about to tell my parents I'm as straight as a circle and that Iv been dating someone for a little over a year.
I see them sitting on the couch my brothers and sisters are swimming.
"Mom? Dad? Can I speak with you?"
My mom says yes. She moves over on the couch closer to my dad so I can look at both of them when I'm talking.
"I have something to tell you that's really important"
Dad says "ok what do you need to tell us that's got you looking super nervous"
I look down at my lap and fiddle with my fingers. "I'm just gonna come out and say it... I'm---"
My oldest sister comes in screaming " MOM!!!!!DAD!!!! Cole stole my book cause I can't find it anywhere!!!!!!!!"
They looked at me at the same time. Lilli my oldest sister smirking at me behind their backs.
I told her " I didn't take your stupid book can you leave I'm trying to talk to them and stop whining!"
When it comes to books my mother doesn't play.
She always blames me for stuff and it gets really annoying.
I got up slowly and looked at my mother is the eyes the same eyes I inherited and said calmly " I'm done with you always blaming me for stuff I didn't do just because all of my other siblings are smart or can talk with animals or swim from the moment they were out of the womb. Im done and I'm leaving."
Dad said" don't talk to your mother that way and where do you think your going!!!!"
I was already out the door.
They came outside I was hidden behind a bush so they didn't see where i was going.
My uncles house is a few doors down so I took the key they gave me and unlocked the door.
I ran in the living room to find my boyfriend shirtless looking at tv.
He turned around when he heard footsteps.
He came over and wiped my eyes. I didn't even know I was crying. He took my hand and guided me over to the couch. I went to sit next to him but he pulled me down on his lap. I. Crawled into a ball with my arms around his waist and cried.
Thank goodness his siblings were at aunt Hazels and uncle Frank's house.
Uncle Nico and Uncle Will came in and that's where we are now. Them looking super confused and Daniel holding me.
~~~~~~~~~end flashback~~~~~~~
Uncle Nico came and sat on the coffee table with Uncle Will following behind him.
Uncle Nico asked " What's wrong with Cole."
Daniel said " I don't know he came and was crying and me being the amazing boyfriend I am is comforting him."
I chuckle a little at that.
He looked down at me and said "What? I am"
Uncle Will then asked me " what happened?"
I told them the whole story I didnt leave anything out.
I then said the them " I didn't get to tell them about me and I didn't get to tell them about me and Daniel it's been a year and they still don't know. Not that they'd care considering they never ask how I am."
I sign defeated " this sucks"
Uncle Nico told Daniel "take him to your room he staying here as long as he needs to. We're almost done fixing up his room here anyway and in the meantime I'm gonna call Percy and Annabeth and sort all this out"
I hug both my uncles really tight " I love you guys!!!!!" They say we love you too and Daniel leads me to his room which Iv been in more than Iv been in my own room at home. This is where we got together.
~~~~1 year ago flashback again~~~~
Daniel and I are sitting on his floor in his room playing Mythomagic a game is dad Nico used to play when he was a kid.
I'm in love with Daniel most people would say I'm to young , no 15 year old kid could be in love with someone but I am.
The only thing is I know he's gay. He doesn't care what you think he's amazing.
I want to tell him about me but what if he thinks I'm telling him cause I like him. Which I do but he doesn't like me back obviously.
He looks at me and ask me what's wrong and I blurted it out " I'm gay"
He said " Who else have you told?"
I said " your the first "
He nods understanding and hugs me.
I blush madly and hug him back avoiding his gaze.
Anytime we hug this happens gosh I really have to control that.
He lets go and he says he has to tell me something.
He told me to close my eyes. I look at him weirdly but i comply.
Then I feel something cool and smooth touch my lips for a second.
I open my eyes to see his face super close to mine. I close my eyes a he pulls back. I leave them closed for a second or two longer before opening them.
I look and he has a smile on his face. I smile back. He then says something I wasn't expecting at all.
" I love you"
Now I'm not proud to admit I passed out. What a way to respond to the guy you love when they say I love you.
I woke up about an hour later with Uncle Wills eyes staring down on me.
I asked what happened and
He said " you passed out after my son said he loved you"
I blushed great now they know to. I looked away from him my eyes suddenly finding the ceiling very interesting. I then say to him " can you not tell my mom and dad they don't know and for now I want to keep it that way."
He nodded and told me that Uncle Nico knows to and so does Michelle, Michael and Josi. If you didn't figure out Michelle and Michael are twins.
I told him as long as they don't tell anyone else I don't care.
I then tell him thank you and walk back upstairs to Daniels room. I walk into the room and shut his door.
I see him sitting on the bed and I then blurted out
" I love you too"
He smiled his gorgeous smile with all his teeth and he pulled my chin-up so our lips could touch.
He pulled away and kissed my forehead and then layed sideways. He then pulled me down to face him.
He wrapped one arm around my waist and the other he put under my head kinda like a pillow. I kept one arm curled up between us and I wrapped the other around his waist.
He looked me in the eyes and asked " Will you be my boyfriend"
I smiled "yes I would love to"
This is how we fell asleep.
Smiling at each other in each others arms.
I can honestly say before that day I haven't been happier.
Now everyday is happy with him and I together.
~~~~~end flashback again~~~~~~~~
He looks at me and ask " what are you thinking?"
"I'm thinking about when we got together."
He chuckles lightly " that was quite a day."
I nod " yeah it was."
He guides me to his bed and we lay the same way we did the day we got together.
I look him in the eyes and said " I love you"
He leans forward and pecks my cheek and says " I love you too"
We fall asleep me forgetting momentarily what happened and just enjoying my boyfriend arms around me.
Annabeths POV
Oh my gods. What just happened.
Lilli was looking confused. Percy was angry and I hear the kids running downstairs and I feel ashamed.
How could I not have noticed I was doing all of that to my baby. He wanted to tell me something and I completely blew up at him for something he didn't do.
I found out he didn't do it when I see my youngest child at the moment ( I'm pregnant again ) ( and his name is Danny ) with Lillis books. Reading quietly on the couch.
I yell to Percy that we have to go out and find him. So we searched by the time we came in it was dark.
Once I got inside I seen we had a call from Nico. I called him back.
Nico: Cole is over here so you have nothing to worry about.
Iv always been a tad bit jealous that he and Will have a better connection with Cole than I do.
Annabeth: Oh my gods thank you we will be right over to get him we've been looking for him for hours.
Nico: *clears throat* maybe that won't be a good idea at the moment he came here crying and he's asleep right now maybe you should try tomorrow when everything is more settled down.
Annabeth: is this your nice way of saying he might not want to see us right now.
Nico: don't take it personally he just needs to cool down he had something important to tell you and you didn't listen
Annabeth: did he tell you about
You could hear the resentment in my voice but Nico kept on talking either he didn't hear it or he ignored it.
Nico: me and Will found out after an incident a year ago just when he tells you go easy on him don't make him feel bad
Annabeth: Will and I , and why won't you tell me
Nico: it's not my place to tell I have to go it's getting late and Will wants me to come to bed
Is there anything else before I go
Annabeth: no I'm coming over around 10 tomorrow
Nico: ok then goodnight
I have to find out what's going on. I hate being in the dark. I feel horrible about what me and Percy did to Cole without even really realizing.
Tomorrow I have to make him realize I love him even though he doesn't think so.
I walk up the stairs where my children and husband already were most of them already in bed asleep others almost. I go into each of their rooms and kiss there heads.
I go into Percy and I's room he looks at me and sits up. He wraps one of his arms around my waist and guides me to his lap. I wrap my arms around his neck and put my head in the crook of his neck. He rubs my back repeatedly.
I ask him "What did we do wrong? How are we going to fix our relationship with our son? What if he doesn't even want us as parents anymore? Or worse... What if he thinks we don't love him?"
I begin to breath rapidly but calm down when Percy kisses between my eyebrows. He lays us down. Him on his back and half of my body on him the other half off. I grab his hand that's playing in my hair and I rub patterns on it.
He sighed then said "we made some mistakes that I wish we wouldn't have made. But we will not give up on fixing our relationship with our son. All of our kids need to know we love them. He needs to know just cause he doesn't have your smarts or my water gift doesn't mean he's some horrible excuse for a son."
I nod I lean up and press my lips to his.
He pulls back and pulls the cover up and I snuggle closed to him.
I hope he knows we love him.
Cole POV
I wake up to a body next to mine and feeling so warm.
I open my eyes to Daniels staring into mine.
He grinned and I couldn't help it I grinned back.
I move back a little, his arms not letting me go but so far away not that I minded.
I asked him "what time is it?"
He replied with "it's about 7 in the morning"
I groan this is way to early.
I sigh and snuggle back into his chest. He kisses my forehead and I drift back into a love filled sleep.
Annabeths POV
I get up bright and early cause I'm so worried about today.
I hope he forgives us. He's our baby.
After I finished getting ready it's 8 o'clock I still have 2 hours before I go to the Solace-Di Angelo house hold.
It took an hour to cook breakfast for the family and call them downstairs.
They run downstairs and sits at the dining table.
Danny walks downstairs slowly rubbing his eyes and stares at me with big doe eyes and ask " Where's Cole?"
I pick him up so he can sit on the big dining room chair and say "he stayed at Uncle Nico and Uncle Wills house you'll see him later today."
Cole and Danny has always had a connection.
He nods sleepily and starts eating his food.
I run up the stairs to see Percy still under the covers.
I walk over to his side of the bed and shake his shoulder. He starts to wake up.
I tell him " Come on get up Seaweed Brain, take a shower and join us for breakfast we are going to see Cole today. And Lilli will watch the kids."
He mumbles something like ok Wisegirl and kisses my cheek before stumbling into our bathroom,
45 minutes later he stumbles downstairs and grabs his food and eats.
5 minutes later he's done and it still surprises me after all these years how quickly he eats food.
When we get everyone settled and Lilli knows what to do for the time we will be gone ( a few house at most) we leave.
We walk to the Solace-Di Angelo house hold and I knock on the door.
Nico opens the door with a hello.
I mumble a hello back and quickly start asking questions " where is he? Is he ok? I'm gonna go find him."
With that I stomp up the stairs.
Nico hurriedly cuts me off at the top of the stairs.
He looks me in the eye and says calmly " this is my house and I will not have you waking up my family"
I sigh and apologize " look I'm sorry it's just I feel super guilty I just want to apologize to him."
He nods and guides me to a room. He knocks on the door and when he doesn't hear anything he turns the knob.
He raises his hand them slips in the room. He goes to shut the door but the door stays cracked which I can tell is something he didn't mean to do.
I push open the door to find my son asleep with their son Daniel. I gasp rather loudly and Nico turns around and Percy stands beside me with his eyes wide open.
Cole POV
I feel someone shaking me but I just cuddle into Daniel more breathing in his scent of mint and lemon.
I feel someone shake harder and then I hear a loud gasp and I shoot up.
Daniels face is snuggled into my side.
I stand up straight and Daniel looks at me confused then he looked towards the door with his eyes wide open and his jaw hanging open.
I look at him He's still shirtless. Oh gosh.
My mom sputtered out " What's going on here?"
Uncle Nico spoke up " I tried to wake you up"
And Daniel came up next to me and put his arm around my waist.
My dad is just standing there blubbering like a fish and Uncle Will comes out of nowhere and says "this is just like what happened with you Neeks."
My mom and Uncle Nico chuckled s bit.
She repeated her question from earlier " What is going on here?"
I look her in the eye and say " I tried to tell you yesterday that I was in fact not straight and I am gay and I'm dating Daniel but you blew up at me for something i didn't do."
My dad spoke up " why didn't you tell us this? We love you we wouldn't think anything bad of you?"
I then said " I didn't tell you cause you wouldn't have listened and how am I suppose to know you would think bad when you never talk to me in the first place."
They look down guiltily. Daniel kisses the side of my head.
My dad speaks up "can you forgive us. Even if we didn't pay as much attention to you as we should've we still love you. And we're glad that you have someone you love whether male or female. And we're happy you had someone to love you when we weren't paying attention."
My mom says "Wow that's the smartest and sweetest thing you've ever said."
They hold there arms out and Daniel pushes me towards them then I run to them and hug them which is something that hasn't happened in a while.
After the hug I go back over to Daniel and cuddle into his side.
They all aww and I blush hiding my face in his chest and they aww some more.
I stay that way till they leave.
Daniel whispered in my ear "they're gone you can show that beautiful face of yours now."
I lift my head up a blush still evident on my face. And a big smile.
"I'm so happy everything is great even if it is just for a moment."
He nods and says "I love you"
"I love you too"
He leans down and presses his lips to mine.
I could stay like this forever. With his arms around me and knowing that maybe just maybe my relationship with my parents will be better.
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