What's chain mail?
BeckyD says: Guys I'm panicking I've just gotten a message from some dude named Steven and he says that if I don't reply to his message and forward it to five people then I'm going to lose all my money D:
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Belle: You literally live in a lake, you don't have any money
Clary: You could say she has a money bank though
Belle: I'm laughing. SO. Much. I'm like, proper rolling on the floor dying. Ahaha. Hilarious. Joke of the century. Beautiful.
Clary: Ouch.
BeckyD: Can we, um, get back to the case in question?
Belle: Ye it's just chain mail don't bother.
BeckyD: Isn't chain mail that stuff that knights wore? Is Steven stealing all my money to buy that? Oooh, he might be using it to do re-enactments! I'm gonna go to him right now and ask if I can join. I can offer him some from our armoury!
Clary: I ain't explaining this to her. Imma go now. Peace out.
Claire: I clearly didn't just wake up.....
Claire: My phone screen is blinding me like a freakin gods' godly aura
Claire: The pain is real
Claire: Anyhoooo
BeckyD: Hi Claire!!
Claire: Wassup.
Claire: Were you injured in an accident that wasn't your fault? Come to Claire, she'll fix your problems!
Claire: On second thoughts, I need my waffles.
Claire: Back in a sec.
BeckyD: But...
Belle: I'm not sure what's more entertaining, watching this unfold or actually being involved.
Belle: Becky, okay, so, chain mail is something written by spammers that baits-
BeckyD: Hang on, what's a spanner got to do with all this?
Belle: Oh boy
Belle: Here we go
Belle: Do you have a notebook and pen?
Belle: We takin notes all night
Claire: Good luck bro. When you're done, I'll get you both hot chocs or something...
BeckyD: I got a notebook and pen!
Belle: I.... was... being sarcastic.... Never mind.... Just be sure to take a few notes if you can
BeckyD: Miss Brooks, will there be a test?
Belle: I..
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