Party Planning
Angela says: G-guys? I think its over!
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BeckyD: Well aren't you lucky?
Claire: Don't do this to me. I'm going to get out of bed to find my feet have been tied together
Tori: Or my socks have got glitter in them
Jon: Or my Pepsis have been replaced with coke
Alyx: Or the pegasi have neon hair - again.
Angela: Seriously guys. I think they're done.
Claire: Really?
Lorelai: I've not seen anything either.
Tori: ive seen the naiads playing catch with clarys phone but thats normal right
Alyx: So it's true? After a whole terrible week of heart-wrenching pranks- it's over? It's finally over?
Lorelai: I think so
Tori: We need to celebrate!
Alyx: Yes! We should have a sleepover!
Leo: Great idea!
Claire: Sorry leo, girls only
Leo: Awwwwww, but Claire...
Jon: But you have to invite me! My middle name is party!
Claire: Sorry Jon, girls only
Leo: how come he gets a capital letter?
Jon: No srsly, my middle name is actually party
Belle: So your whole name is literally Jonathan party party-party?
Jon: What? No! It's Johnny Boi Party Pars-Komma
Belle: Yes, but pars is party in latin, and κόμμα in greek is party too.
Jon: Oh.
Belle: How did you not know that?
Jon: How do you?
Claire: Google translate.
Jon: HEY GUYS! My name is Jonathan Party Party-Party! Try saying that five times fast!
Tori: Lol. So is the party tonight?
Alyx: Yea, we can have it in my cabin seeing as it's just me.
Claire: Great! I'll go ask Chiron for permission!
Jon: I'll go get my sleeping bag!
Claire: I don't care if you're middle name is party
Jon: Don't forget the last two!
Claire: You're still not invited!
Jon: Awwwwwwww *sulking in corner*
Tori: I need to go get ready! See you tonight everyone!
Alyx: Same! Byeeee
Claire: Bye!
BeckyD: Wait, am I invited?
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