Claire: You know that thing????
BeckyD: No?...
Claire: I forgot what it's called.
Alyx: What thing?
Claire: two letters
Claire: together
Claire: the same???????
Lorelai: ...
Claire: yah that thing
Alyx: Alliteration?
Claire: Oh yah
Claire: Brain did a not work
Claire: Brain did a die
BeckyD: That's nice
Claire: UwU
Claire: Thinking? What's that?
Alyx: *nods knowingly*
Claire: Rationality? All I see is my fictional crushes swimming around my vision like one of those ko birds in cartoons
Leo: fIcTiOnAl CrUsHeS????????
Alyx: Welp I gotta go
BeckyD: Me too
Claire: No you don't
Lorelai: I'm doing an experiment and the microorganisms need me
Claire: and I need you
Lorelai: Well they need me more so bye
Claire: nO
Claire: Banned
Claire: You must stay forever
Claire: Be my friend
Claire: Leo?
Claire: Just Claire
Claire: Just Claire
Claire: Just Claire
Claire: You can't leave!
Claire: We'll have so much fun :)
Jon: Mmh fun~
Claire: oH
Claire: hELL
Claire: nAW
Lorelai: Silence yourselves peasants I'm trying to write about decay and moisture ratios and other lovely things
Jon: ~moisture
Claire: Decay is awesome yo just snarky
Claire: Decay loves hot, moist places
Claire: Decay is great
Lorelai: *warm
Claire: I meant to say hot
Lorelai: But decay likes warm places, not hot.
Jon: hOt
Jon: XD
BeckyD: No
BeckyD: Stop it
Claire: nO
Claire: ti pots
Claire: ti potS
Jon: mOiSt
Jon: Mmh
Belle: I just took my phone off silent and what. Is. Going. On.
Jon: mOiSt
Claire: no no no moistness here
Jon: Nope
Jon: mOiSt
Claire: nO
Claire has removed Jon
Claire: Moist is banned
Claire has added Jon
Claire: Y KNAHT
BeckyD: OOT MA
Jon: Bruh wat
BeckyD: XD
Claire: taw hurb
BeckyD: erialc yeh
Claire: sey?
BeckyD: tey galf eht erutpac desinagro uoy?
Claire: han
BeckyD: ho
BeckyD: smaet eht wonk ot detnaw I
Claire: gninnalp llits
BeckyD: dnim reven
Claire: yrros
Claire: (:
Claire: ;-;
BeckyD: thginot ti tnsi tub?!
Claire: wonk i
Claire: wonk i
Claire: that sounds really funny for some reason XD
Claire: wonk i
BeckyD: hguoht tahc siht
BeckyD: the whole thing looks ridiculous
Claire: dreiw stiey
Claire: dreiw s'ti ey*
BeckyD: oh, that makes more sense.
Claire: etirima hsams draobyek ekil skool
BeckyD: ofed ho
Claire: DX
BeckyD: foo
Claire: siht ekil yaw emas eht ebiv t'nseod DX on ho
BeckyD: das skool ti (:
Claire: OMGs look out the window guys
Jon: Um wat
Jon: I'm so confused
Claire: Alice and Julia
Claire: they tipped slime on the Hecate cabin and it exploded
Jon: no the stuff before that
Claire: you really don't understand?
Jon: it looks confusing and I'm running on 6 hours of sleep when I normally get 11
Jon: My brain ain't working
Claire: oof same
BeckyD: emas foo
Jon: wat?!?!
Claire: DX
Claire: !?!?taw
Jon: ohhhhh I get it nowwww
Jon: Olleh
BeckyD: XD
Claire: hgoune gnol uoy koot
BeckyD: hgoune gnol uoy koot
Jon: You literally just did that at the same time
Claire: sGMO
Jon: Creepy
BeckyD: XD
Claire: ykaerf
BeckyD: yracs
Claire: cihcysp ma I
BeckyD: egnarts
Claire: egnarts ton
Claire: cihcysp
Claire: cigam ma
Jon: epon
Claire: ??????YAKO CIGAM MA I
BeckyD: gniht erus
Jon: Do you want me to use the M word
Claire: ???
Jon: Moooooooo...
Claire: ...ooooooooM
Jon: You know the word
Claire: esooM
Jon: I was removed for it...
Claire: Oh that one...
Jon: Yes
Claire: dennab tsiom
Jon: Awww
Claire: wwwa
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