New peeps arrive!
Claire says: I've added all the new people!
7 likes, 0 dislikes
BeckyD: Yes! I have interesting conversation for an hour!
Belle: So who's on here?
Lorelai: Me!
Alyx: I'm online too and Tori will be on in a sec, she's just waiting for her phone to finish charging.
Claire: Cool ;)
October: test
Alyx: ...
BeckyD: Test to you too.
October: it works.
Claire: ...yeah...
October: sorry. i'm not very good at phones. i'm used to writing, not typing.
Lorelai: October can be a little... old fashioned.
Belle: I can give you lessons if you think that it would help?
Claire: ...
Claire: ...
Claire: I was about to say that.
Claire: I'm the computer rep.
Belle: Um... sorry?
BeckyD: Whoaaaaa stay calm
Belle: I'm not going to apologise for offering to help somebody!
BeckyD: I know, but-
Claire: You just did ^
BeckyD: Plz dont fall out :(
Belle: That was sarcasm
Claire: ...
BeckyD: ...
Alyx: ...
Lorelai: ...
Belle: ...
October: . . .
BeckyD: Thank you so much Tori
Tori: Im so confused rn
Tori: Alyx, is Clary coming on for a few minutes?
Alyx: um, I'll go find her
Alyx: she's not in the Hermes cabin
BeckyD: why would she be in the Hermes cabin?
Tori: ...
Belle: *facepalms*
Claire: Becky... Clary is a daughter of Hermes
BeckyD: ohhhhhhhhhhhh...
Alyx: I found her, but apparently her siblings stole her phone.
Tori: again.
Belle: You'd think it would become kind of expected, though, when you live in a cabin full of thieves and tricksters.
October: that is true.
Angie: oh ,hey , everyone! sorry I'm late!
Belle: Hi Angela!
BeckyD: *rejected* :(
Angie: BeckyD? Are you a naiad! I love naiads!
BeckyD: oh, great! I love humans! We're going to be the best of friends!
Alyx: ...
Tori: omg who taught you to sarcasm like that?
Angela: hey, did you know goldfish are lucky?
Lorelai: *blinks*
October: the time for this is almost at an end.
Alex: oh yeah we have 54 secs left
BeckyD: nuuuuuuuu
Lorelai: 51...
Tori: it's ok we can stay for a bit after right guys?
Claire: no because Chiron made me code it to sever all of your connections after time's up
Alyx: ...
October: what is there to stop you from changing said code?
Claire: He encrypted it.
Claire: And didn't tell me the password.
BeckyD: ... Belle?
Belle: I've tried to get in but it'll take a few days, and
Claire: ...
Claire: And?
Claire: And what?
Claire: Guys?
Claire: Arghhhhhhhhhhh
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