Make-up Fiasco
BeckyD: Oh my- Claire WhAt HaVe YoU dOnE tO mE
Tori: ...?
Claire: I guess you found a mirror...
BeckyD: i can't believe you let me walk around like this in public!
Claire: Oh come on it wasn't that bad.
Tori: wot wasnt that bad?
Claire: Long story.
BeckyD: You promised it wouldn't show up! I am going to-
Jon: Hey Becky D where you at? I need a hand. :P
BeckyD: Sorry I can't I'm in hiding.
BeckyD: The naiads have rejected me.
Claire: Go away JohnnyBoi this is a girl conversation
Jon: Wha- Oh. Ohhhhhhhh. Ye bye.
Tori: srsly guys whats going on?
BeckyD: I'm hideous is what's going on!
Tori: And why is that only a problem now?
Jon: oooooh burned.
BeckyD: JON!
Claire: Jon.
Tori: jon
Jon: Sorry oops imma go now lol
Jon: bye
Tori: So what happened?
BeckyD: Claire made me-
Claire: Hold on, I made you? You asked me to!
BeckyD: But it looked good on you!
Claire: That's because I only used a little bit, not the whole thing!
Tori: ...?
BeckyD: Well nobody told me to so-
Claire: yea because that's just common sense!
Tori: Ok girls geesh stop plz
Claire: But-
Tori: no.
Tori: Explain what happened calmly without bickering like squirrels
Claire: Why squirrels?
Claire: Ye but-
Tori: jUsT GeT On WiTh It!
BeckyD: Basically Claire took me to the mall as a treat for my birthday
Tori: yeah...
BeckyD: And we went into this massive drugstore
Tori: yeah...
BeckyD: And i saw this really nice eyeshadow palette
Tori: yeah...
BeckyD: And Claire was trying a different one and it looked really good and she said I should try the one I saw
Tori: yeah...
BeckyD: but i didn't want to so Claire did it for me and it felt really weird but she said it looked fine
Tori: yeah...
BeckyD: And then we carried on and loads of people saw me and now we're back I see it looks hideous
Claire: hideous is a tad harsh
Tori: iF u want Becks ill borrow some makeup remover from my sisters and fix it for you
BeckyD: yes please
Tori: Where r u?
BeckyD: In the woods, near Zeus's fist
Tori: im on my way honey
Tori: Anyway, im sure it cant look too bad- OMGs it can. Oh honey...
BeckyD: *starts sobbing*
Tori: HOw dare you do that to her claire that colour is a sin beside her complexion and you used far too much and did you even try to blend?!
Claire: I was just trying to be nice...
BeckyD: Can you get rid of it Tori?
Tori: Ye don't worry hon i'll fix this for you
Tori: But we're going to need more remover
Tori: Claire to attone for your sins you must go to my cabin and ask Valentina to bring me that crate of heavy duty make-up remover we got this morning.
Tori: And possibly some concealer too.
Claire: *sigh* Your cabin reeks of perfume but I guess.. fine.
*fifty mins later*
Tori: OK hon you're good
EntireFreakingAphroditeCabin: *collapse from exhaustion*
BeckyD: Claire? Never go shopping with me again.
Claire: Deal.
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