Ice juice
Clary: Anybody else have a love/hate relationship with ice juice?
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Belle: Not really?
Clary: I get you, but I did not choose to require fish air to live.
Claire: Like, mighty ocean, I thank you for this gift of thine sauce, but like, do I want it?
Clary: @ Claire exactly!
Clary: Why is it that I collapse and die if I do not have beach liquid?
Claire: ^ PrOmEtHeUs dId a ShOdDy jOb aNd hE nEeDs tO cOmE BaCk AnD fIx Us
Clary: Requiring 'beans without the beans' to survive is such a waste of time.
Claire: Indeed, let me just waste my time gulping down the godsdamn ClOuD tEaRs
Clary: This tasteless RiVeR fIlLeR
Claire: This AbUnDaNt sWiM fUeL
Belle: XD how long can you keep going?
Claire: Oh wow, is that really something you want to ask me?
Claire: Anyway, it's your turn
Clary: Yeah Belle, you must express your hatred for our dependence upon this PoNd OxYgEn
Belle: Um... off the top of my head I can only think of Earth Sweat
Claire: ReSeRvOiR bLoOd
Clary: sKy SnOt
Claire: lIqUiD gLaSs
Clary: tRaNsPaReNt MiLk
Belle: How about Storm Residue?
Claire: fRoZeN sTeAm
Clary: nAiAd EsSeNcE
Claire: fIlTeReD rAiN
Alyx: Guys STOP
Clary: *whispers* squashless squash
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