Hula hoops
Leo says: Have I ever told you how I am banned from Denmark?
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Leo: love you guys too :'(
Alyx: Leo you literally tell this story at every opportunity
Leo: That's because the ladies love a bad boy ;)
Claire: *ahem*
Leo: That is to say... never mind.
Leo: So, many years ago,
Lorelai: Stop.
Clary: Please.
Alyx: :O Clary can say please?
Clary: >:( Only in emergencies, so don't get used to it.
Leo: Surely one of you lovely ladies wants to hear the story?
Claire: Nope.
Belle: I'm good.
October: id rather not
Clary: Nah
BeckyD: No thank you
Lorelai: No
Leo: but-
Clary: nO
Leo: :/ but why not...
Clary: Leo, every single one of us has heard your story about a million times.
Leo: ....
Jon: ...
Belle: Jonathan Party Pars-Komma, don't even think about it.
October: I would strongly advise you to deeply consider your actions and their potential future consequences before speaking
Jon: ...I haven't?...
Leo: Yes! My fine man!
Leo: ... usually I reserve this one for the ladies, but hey...
Leo: *ahem*
Clary: Here we go...
Leo: Jonathan, have you ever been banned from anywhere or anything?
Alyx: Oh no, he's going to do the whole performance
Leo: I'd imagine that a pretty lady - ermh, I mean fine gentleman- like you would never be denied access to anything.
Jon: Actually, in my old school I was banned from the toy shed.
Leo: :|
Leo: You're not supposed to interrupt.
Belle: Wow, really? Tell us allllll about it, Jon.
Claire: Yeah, the toy shed? Why?
Lorelai: What happened?
Leo: Meanies.
Jon: Well if you insist... then with pleasure, madams.
Jon: You see, in the toy shed were kept... the hula hoops.
Clary: Now this I'd like to hear.
Jon: And you see, in my second year at the school, one ordinary day at break time, my classmates rioted.
Jon: They made such a fuss that the headteacher allowed a representative to meet with the school council and discuss the issue.
Jon: Eventually an assembly was held to put in place the new rule.
Jon: They said I wasn't allowed to touch a hula hoop on school property ever again.
Clary: Harsh.
Lorelai: But why?
Jon: Well I'm not really sure. I mean, I only broke four windows, two chairs and a table that time.
Claire: Wait wHaT
Belle: that time?!?!
Jon: Not to forget the three arms, multiple legs and one neck.
Clary: eXcUsE mE
Jon: I tried my best!
Claire: Wait... tables and chairs? Why were you hula-hooping inside?
Alyx: I'm more concerned as to hOw He BrOkE sOmEoNe'S nEcK wItH a HuLa HoOp
Jon: Well that's a very long story
Jon: Which I am more than happy to share.
Jon: It all started when-
BeckyD: Sorry, I actually have somewhere to be
Claire: Same... I think I dropped my sertyguhjikml,mk hfgnd
Belle: Is that the lunch horn I hear?
Clary: Gotta scram, catch you later.
Lorelai: Got books to finish... sorry.
October: I too have prior preoccupations
Alyx: Um... Bye.
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