Expanding the squad?
Jon says: you know how we're @dademigodsquad on Wattpad? Claire should make a website!
2 likes, 3 dislikes.
BeckyD: Isn't that a bit too much?
Jon: Nope
Claire: I mean, I've thought of getting the squad a Tumblr so I can't really talk...
Claire: Obviously I'd have to talk to Chiron about it. The monster technology experiment is still ongoing and we don't want to push our luck.
Clary: We should get a Pinterest account! I could make a board for everyone in the squad!
BeckyD: I think Wattpad is enough stress for Claire already children
Jon: Nope
Jon: There is a vast world to explore
BeckyD: Yeah, a world full of monsters.
Claire: For now, I agree with Becky. Sorry Jon.
Claire: Until we get enough culti- I mean followers, I think we should stick to Wattpad
BeckyD: XD
Claire: Our cult- I mean cause, is growing every day.
Claire: Just let it get big enough
Jon: ooh we could join fan fiction.net as well to get more followers!
Claire: We're not doing this for followers!
BeckyD: And we're not fan fiction
BeckyD: Besides, I feel like fan fiction .net is less of a community
Claire: If you want community then Tumblr is definitely the right place
Jon: since when do you listen to Becky D anyway Claire
Claire: Since she became my internet advisor and personal common sense
Jon: :/
BeckyD: I don't get paid though
Jon: But on fan fiction .net there are wayyyy more readers
BeckyD: They read
Claire: Thank you for that statement. I had no idea.
BeckyD: :/
BeckyD: Like I was saying, they read. But it's not a community.
BeckyD: That's why you chose Wattpad in the first place Claire. Because it's like a big messed up family.
Claire: That's true.
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