Belle: Dammit, here we go again
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356824: What is it?
356824: Oh.
356824: NOT AGAIN!
Belle: Claire?
356824: Yup.
356824: What happened this time? I thought we'd patched it well enough
783265: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
783265: I personally didn't do anything...
356824: Jon, if you know anything, you'd better tell us right NOW
783265: It may or not be Nate.
Belle: We've got a memory corruption error
365824: Oh for gods' sakes.
783265: Welp, I didn't think he'd actually do it,,, I thought he'd give up
111000111: Good evening.
365824: 0-0
365824: NO
111000111: I- What?
11100111: I don't know of what you speak, and this concerns me :P
783265: Good job. You made her cry, bro.
11100111: Oh no. Is the madam alright?
783265: Stop with the gentleman act. It's prime cringe content.
111000111: Well, of course you're the expert on cringe, you pathetic shrimp.
783265: Takes one to know one!
540209: You two lovebirds done arguing?
111000111: uHm
540209: Have you finally gotten all those unexpressed feelings out of your system?
111000111: It's really not like that...
540209: Please. You're bickering like an old married couple
111000111: Jonathan, please make the dame stop. It displeases me, what she is implying.
783265: Hey, hang on. I'm curious as to where this is going. Clary, why don't you continue?
540209: How do you know that's me?
783265: Well, Claire has a different number and nobody besides you and her would talk like that.
540209: Fair enough. I shall now gladly continue.
111000111: Hey hey hey, no need :P
111000111: I promise you it's not like that. The only romance we share is a bromance.
783265: Cringe culture just gained a new follower
111000111: Jonathan, please, don't insult my intelligence.
783265: Go step on a LEGO
111000111: I would, but the only ones I have are yours, and they're Duplo, and you know how well that went last time.
783265: Okay, moving on... What happened to the Facebook?
356824: Error 707
Belle: An internal memory corruption
540209: Hang on, how come Belle gets a name?
Belle: I have my own back up servers
540209: And Claire doesn't?
356824: I do, but they went down with the Facebook. Jon, what did you do?
783265: It wasn't me! Blame Nate!
111000111: Hey! You're the one that bet on me failing!
783265: And I think this counts as failure, so Clary, you owe me 20 drachmas
783265: Clary?
783265: ...
356824: Clary is no longer on the server.
783265: Dammit
356824: Nate, what happened?
111000111: I'm assuming you're Claire?
356824: Yep.
111000111: Welp I kinda tried to hack your Facebook as a dare. But it worked! I'm on!
356824: About that... I kinda added the attacking force to the chat so I could see who they were before you did too much damage.
111000111: ... oh. sorry about that. Can you fix it?
356824: Already on it. Almost there.... And done!
Claire: We're back baby!
Belle: Yay!
111000111: again, really sorry
Jon: Stop apologising
111000111: sorry
Jon: You did it again
111000111: sorry
111000111: Oh! dammit. Sorry
Jon: uhhhhhh
Claire: If you want Nate, I can permanently add you?
111000111: Thanks, but I'm good. I'm already in enough trouble at camp
111000111: Speaking of, I gtg
111000111: bye!
Claire: byeeeeee
Claire: See ya!
Jon: Claire, people read this right?
Claire: eventually, yeah...
Jon: In which case, head over and check out the Blog of Two Fabulous Boys (me and Nate) for the full details on the hack challenge, and the... unfortunate duplo incident
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