Don't ignore a lady
Claire says:
I'm so ashamed of you Becky D
2 likes, 3 dislikes
Tori: u were never a lady 2 begin with
Leo: That was the fanciest I've ever seen you Claire
Alyx: ~sHiP~
Claire: Alyx no
Alyx: Alyx yes
BeckyD: I have no regrets
Tori: OK how come Claire gets an iPhone? Mine isn't that fancy!
Claire: I had to make do with adapting the ones I could find. If it makes you feel better, mine's the only Apple one and I need it to admin
Alyx: Surrrrrrrrre
BeckyD: -_-
Claire: *runs*
Hey all, Claire here. As you may have noticed, we've been publishing every day because of coronavirus. However, we're going to run out of stuff. That's not a problem, we're always making more, but we don't want to stress about it if nobody is reading. If one person - just one - appreciates the daily updates and wants them to continue, let us know and we'll carry on. Otherwise they might become more infrequent.
Thanks, and bye! Hope you're enjoying reading about our messed up lives!
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