Claire buys a table
Claire says: I'm waiting for a table to come in the mail.
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Claire: 49 minutes left. I hope they find Camp okay.
Jon: A table?
Claire: Yes a table
Jon: Like an actual table
Claire: can a girl not order a table in the mail?
Claire: Yes a table.
BeckyD: Jon, a word of advice:
BeckyD: Don't
BeckyD: Ask
Jon: Just wouldn't think one would order a table.
Jon: so....
BeckyD: He's just going to ignore my advice isn't he
Jon: Why did you order a table?
BeckyD: Yup. He is.
Claire: I promise there's an actual explanation this time.
Claire: so I spend loads of time on my laptop (being internet rep and all) and sometimes I can't be bothered to go sit at my desk so I just stay in bed. But now my back hurts from holding my laptop on my lap and sitting in a weird position so I'm getting a table
Claire: I've tried pillows and it helps a little but
Claire: I
Claire: Need
Claire: a
Claire: table
Jon: Do you need to build the table?
Jon: Or is it prebuilt
Virginia: Who's building a table?
BeckyD: Just read the conversation
Virginia: K
Claire: I don't think I have to build it. I hope not, anyway.
Jon: You didn't check?
Claire: well it depends on whether it can fit in the mailbox or not right??
BeckyD: XD
Jon: How can a table fit in the postbox
Claire: Think of one of those breakfast tray tables so you can eat in bed
Claire: But for laptops
Jon: Oh
Claire: It's still a table
Jon: Nah not a table
Claire: I was wondering how long it would take until I confused someone.
Jon: Not a man's table
Claire: yes a table
Claire: what about a person's table??
Virginia: What about a woman's table, huh?
BeckyD: Uh oh.
Claire: Jon, you have succeeded in angering Virginia's inner feminist. Any last words?
Jon: A woman has a small table
Virginia: UHM
BeckyD: Jon I highly advise you stop talking.
Jon: Man= big table
BeckyD: ...aaaaand he's just going to ignore my good advice again.
Virginia: Why can't a woman have a big table?
Claire: Becky D at least this'll probably be the last time.
Jon: Not strong enough to lift the big table
BeckyD: It'll probably be his last time doing anything other than sitting paralysed in a hospital bed, anyway.
Claire: Yeah. He's wrong as well as stupid. Virginia has more muscles than any boy our age.
BeckyD: I bet Jon couldn't lift a big table anyway
Virginia: What if a big woman and a small man want tables?
Jon: Medium table. And I SAW THAT BECKY
Belle: We don't want anyone getting hurt, do we?
Virginia: Don't we?
Jon: I wouldn't want to hurt anyone
Belle: Oh I wasn't talking about you.
Belle: So Claire is your table that isn't a table here yet?
Belle: I believe it's called a lap desk
Claire: no ;-;
Claire: I'm losing hope
Claire: 25 minutes
Claire: *sobs*
Claire: I've just received a notification saying my table was delayed and I feel like a light has died out in my life.
Claire: I feel so empty
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