chop chop
Claire says: Becky D I swear you will be headless if you keep this up
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BeckyD: Excellent
Claire: *eyebrow raise*
Belle: Keep what up?
BeckyD: Maybe that would cure the pain of my brain
Claire: Shut up smart
Claire: Belle is the smart
Claire: Lorelai is the smart
Claire: Becky is the child of smart
Claire: I am the incurable stupid
Belle: What did we say about untrue and self deprecating comments?
Claire: I don't know, I was too busy hating how I look in photos
Belle: :|
BeckyD: It hurts
BeckyD: My head hurt
Claire: Silence smart
BeckyD: Brain hurty
Claire: No
BeckyD: Yes
Claire: Stop
BeckyD: Ouchy brain
Claire: Smart cannot pretend brain hurty
Claire: Only incurably stupid
Belle: :\
Belle: Becky, drink water, sleep, open a window and don't forget to breathe.
Claire: Or stupid remove head??
Claire: :3
Claire: Chop chop :3
BeckyD: That sounds much easier than remembering to breathe all the time.
Belle: And also illegal?
Claire: Chop chop it is then
Claire: Not if not caught ^
Claire: Sneaky sneaky chop chop :3
BeckyD: I will take chocolate to dull pain whilst I wait for the great chopper to arrive
Claire: :3
BeckyD: Nom nom
( a sketch of Claire in a box labelled 'Murder in a BOX' holding an axe)
Belle: XD
BeckyD: If I use my Amazon Prime 3 month free trial will it get here faster?
Claire: Yes :3
BeckyD: K
BeckyD: Excuse me whilst I go sign up
Claire: 666 years in first class amazon prime
Claire: it takes a while for the paperwork to come through
Claire: We've been a bit busy lately
BeckyD: Noooooooooo
Claire: It's okay
Claire: I'll get there eventually :3
BeckyD: *sobs* it's notttttt
BeckyD: What if I come to you?
Claire: Are you sure?
Claire: You'll have to dig 666 metres into the ground
Claire: that is where you will find me, the express delivery murder demon
BeckyD: that's okay
BeckyD: Spade is friend
Claire: Awwwww :3
Belle: Sometimes I'm concerned about you guys
Claire: Only sometimes?
Claire: I am the demon that comes in a box and murders you
Belle: Then, I remember I'm just the same and go back to ignoring it
BeckyD: Fair
Claire: Did you know I also work for the cuddle-in-a-box company?
Belle: Sounds like a good company
Claire: :3
BeckyD: ooh if I order murder in a box do I get a buy one get one half price deal on the cuddles?
Claire: Yes!!!
Claire: AND a free toaster
Claire: Only Cuddle/murder employees can give out that discount
BeckyD: Yayyy!!!!!!!!
BeckyD: I'll take 13
Claire: :3 excellent!
BeckyD: Actually make it 666
Claire: aha, that's a special order number. For that amount of murder and cuddles, you get a limited edition poster and plate set!!!!!!!!
Belle: Sounds like a fantastic bargain
BeckyD: Whoop whoop!
Claire: :3
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